

It was when I was Ten Years Of Age that An ancient Star showed Me a revelation. "Child, I've Chosen you to Bring Vengeance To those who Had conspired Against Me When I Was A Mortal, I'll give you a fraction of my power to achieve this goal." Just Like that, I was A Slave to Destiny. The Ancient Star Gave Me Power, but Was it Worth it? Hell no! My life was filled with blood and turmoil, My Brother Dying In my own hands. Losing my Sanity, And Fighting Against Heaven Itself. In the end, I succeeded, But at What Cost? The Ancient Star Had used Me and discarded me, But something unexpected happened... I reincarnated! Given Another Chance at Life, I will use All the Knowledge and experiences I have Accumulated To Take my Revenge against the Ancient Demonic Jester! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I do not own the Cover Photo.

Mrek_Travo · Acción
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4 Chs

predator among predators

Deren's hand felt a tingling sensation as his sword collided with the barrier.

As the wolf held off Deren it made a battle cry, calling for the surrounding wolf packs for aid.

Deren used a very large quantity of Quv to finally Push through the barrier slicing the wolf in half.

Blood spurted out from the wolf and Deren wasted no time.

Deren raised his hand in the air, releasing a blood-curdling aura, this aura was the effect of energy devouring.

A Dark red cloud appeared from his hands, circling in motion and then moving toward each wolf turning them into a mere pile of bones.

The flesh and blood of the wolves were turned into a smoothie before flying toward Deren's palm at rapid speed.

The slushy liquid formed from flesh and blood quickly vanished as soon as it made contact with his body, turning into Quv, now an energy residing inside his Hatja space.

A few moments later, wolves rushed onto the battlefield and surrounded Deren from all sides.

There were many types of wolves, Night wolves, Crimson fur wolves, rabid wolves, and an unexpected enemy made an appearance.

A group of flying beasts heard the commotion and followed the wolves.

Flying beasts are at the top of the predator chain in most food chains.

The flying beasts that appeared were very agile, flying in the air scouting the area.

This type of flying beast was known as a Terror bat, Terror bats mainly hunt during the night. However, the loud commotion had awakened them.

Deren had a complicated expression, He just reincarnated yesterday and now he was facing many strong foes inside a body he was barely getting used to.

Seeing so many opponents was overwhelming, even for a disciple of one of the ancient demonic deities.

Deren was growing impatient, he had to take revenge but was being hindered by beasts that he could pulverize in an instant on his first body. Truly shameful for someone of such high status as him.

Deren's blood was boiling with anger,

"Me, Someone who fought against Heaven is being cornered by these mere insects?"

Deren was fuming, he couldn't contain himself anymore.

He sneered before saying something,

"Death cage"

As soon as those words came out of his mouth; a very ominous aura filled the air, every beast present near the area felt fear they had never experienced before.

The flying beasts quickly tried to fly away but they were the first to find out that the space had been secluded by an invisible barrier, allowing nothing to escape.

If someone looked from the outside they would sense nothing wrong. However, Death Cage was a killer move that Deren himself created.

Death Cage was Deren's territory, everything trapped within it would simply perish if Deren wanted to.

This was the method he used to defeat the Heaven's Council President, Immortal Time Ancestor.

The flying beasts cried in horror as their wings turned to dust, making them fall to their miserable deaths.

The wolves scattered inside the cage, running in all directions searching for an exit.

Deren stood in the middle of the cage, showing a look of indifference.

One could feel a chill run down their spine if they had come face to face with Deren inside his territory.


In the blink of an eye, Every wolf stopped moving, something was preventing them from doing so.

After looking around, Deren flicked his fingers; killing every wolf inside.

Blood was drawn on the soil, painting it red.


Every beast inside the cage was turned to mist-like slushy liquid, not even their bones remained, Even the blood stains on his body joined the slushy liquid as they flew toward Deren.

The slushy liquid circled Deren's body before being converted into Quv which now resides as energy inside his Hatja space.

While the slushy liquid was Being converted, Deren observed the flow of Energy inside his Hatja space.

Swish swish swish

The flow of energy inside his Hatja space was unstable, like waves in the sea crashing toward each other.

After a while, the flow started to calm down, and his Hatja space was now half full. Compared to his Hatja space which was Full before the battle, it was now missing a lot.

However, such sacrifices had to be made.

Deren deactivated the cage and his energy consumption was now cut.

Deren snorted as he walked.

"Hmph, I used too much energy which I will have to once again"

"It'll be dark soon, I might encounter a beast that has enough Quv to help me recover my energy"


The air was eerily cold and the atmosphere was very tense.

The Moon shone very brightly in the sky as night beasts searched for food.

A man was casually watching the Moon's reflection in a puddle, The Moon was shining very brightly, showing its blood-colored surface,

Tonight was a full-blood Moon.

Many Beasts made noises as they fought each other.

During a blood moon beasts are very powerful, and also lose their fear.

The man was sitting on a branch as he laid his back on the tree, watching a pack of Night wolves tries to desperately fight off a single crimson-eyed golden fox.

Crimson-eyed golden foxes were a type of beast that rarely made an appearance, only appearing during a blood Moon to hunt prey it deemed worthy.

A Crimson-eyed golden fox is a type of fox that has fur coated in gold, with Crimson colored eyes, It uses its 3 tails as a weapon, acting as its ultimate defense and offense mechanism.

Night Wolves surrounded the Crimson-eyed golden fox as it battled the alpha with minimal effort.

The alpha was being pushed back by a single tail, causing it to growl trying to intimidate the fox.

The wolves started pressuring the fox with their number advantage but the fox was not concerned a bit, its eyes only on the alpha, after a fierce stare-down the fox made its move using 2 tails; pushing itself forward while using the 3 as a spear.

The alpha quickly reacted, using Quv from its Hatja space to launch a sharp piece of bone forward.

Quv exists everywhere, meaning everything alive can use it. However one needs a Hatja space to store energy.

Most of the time only the wolf alpha had a Hatja space in the entire pack.

The Crimson-eyed golden fox was different, each fox had Its own Hatja space.

The bone made contact with the fox's fur but it quickly shattered, falling into the ground as the fox charged towards the alpha.

The alpha pounced its paws into the ground, causing a small tremor to occur as a pair of thick bones rose from the ground, shielding it from the front.

The fox charged its tail toward the thick bones, causing the bones to form cracks. Once again the fox struck but this time using all Its tail. However, as the fox was focused on breaking through the defense the Night wolves charged toward it with all their might.

The Night wolves attacked the fox fiercely but their claws only made a spark of Light Followed by an irritating screech-like sound.

The fox still had its eyes set on the alpha paying no attention to the Mob of wolves surrounding it.

The fox opened its mouth, showing its silver-colored fangs as yellow light seeped from its mouth, forming a spherical ball of light with an area of 2 cm. The yellow light was unstable; shooting toward the bone shield as it vibrated in the air.

The alpha wolf set up another layer of thick bone shield to defend Itself from the yellow light. However, the yellow light broke through the first layer, causing a strong deafening sound to reverb in every ear present.

The second layer of bones quickly followed leaving the alpha wolf defenseless.

The yellow light merely made contact with the alpha's fur when suddenly the yellow light dispersed and released strong electricity throughout the alpha's body, Toasting it and coloring its originally grey-colored fur into a coal-like string.

As of this moment, the Pack of Wolves was now Leaderless, the pack was at the mercy of this majestic fox.

The fox stood on top of the alpha's body before sinking its fangs into its neck, sucking its blood dry.

As the fox released its aura subjugating the remaining wolves a man was sitting on a branch watching from a distance.

"Winner takes all, be it this fox or beasts, the strong tramples over the weak and steal their resources.

The same applies to me"

The man was under the cover of the leaves but he had a sinister smile visible from the dark.

The man jumped from the tree, causing the branches to rustle and the leaves to fall.

The moon shone on the man's face revealing an excited expression as he ran toward the fox.

The man was Deren, using owl breathing art to conceal his presence and shadow steps to silent sounds from his running.

The Fox however had a keen smell, smelling an intense bloodlust directed towards it.

An unexpected foe appeared in front of the fox!


I had so much fun writing about the Fox's battle with the Alpha.

I imagined bones coming from the ground and standing firm like a statue.

Anyways, did you like this chapter?

I spent so much time on this chapter and it came out way better than I had expected, I just hope people would finally find my work.

Mrek_Travocreators' thoughts