
Group Chat of Misfits

[Welcome to the group chat!] [New Member - Not a Yakuza!] [New Member - Loony Lovegood!] [New Member - Straw Hat!] [New Member - Ms. Royalty!] [New Member - Solo Leveller!] Current Members: 5 A/N: I wanted to create a group chat ff, so I have. I couldn't think of a name so I thought of this one. Tags/Warnings/Etc will be in Chapter's as Author's Notes (A/N)

Rizzler007 · Cómic
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: Members Appearance's

A/N: Anyone know any good, completed Soul land/Douluo Dalu or Tales of Demons and Gods fanfics?

Warning: There will be emojis, since it's a group chat. In other words, get used to it.

In the end, this is gonna be a fun group chat ff, so don't expect next level, out of this world, story writing/plot.

P.S. I've now made Sung Jin Woo 18 (Changed it from last chapter)



[Loony Lovegood: Gacha Used! - Cooking Skill (C) - You're a good cook! Not the best, but definitely better than average!]

[Ms. Royalty: Gacha Used! - Pikachu (BBB) - A cute yet strong pokemon]

[Solo Leveller: Gacha Used! - Clean socks (E) - Atleast they're not dirty and old]

[Not a Yakuza: Gacha Used!]


[Not a Yakuza: Gacha Used! - Spirit Eyes (A) - A strong pair of eyes that have the effects of:

- Improved Time Perception

- Telescopic Sight

- Detailed Vision]

Suddenly, Daisuke felt a sharp pain in his eyes and winced, "AH FUCK!" He screamed quietly (Like when you scream into a pillow or something)

Shortly after, the pain stopped. He opened the photo function of the group chat and used the front camera to take a look at his new eyes.

His previously dead-looking white and black eyes sparkled with hints of light blue in his white eye, and dark blue in his black eye.

"Woah..." He released a small gasp of shock. 'My eyes are GAWGEOUS' He thought, and they were. If someone were to look into his eyes, they'd truly be caught in a trance, the beauty of his eyes were unparalleled.

[Solo Leveller: *IMAGE SENT* They really are clean] Daisuke looked at the photo of clean, fresh, white socks.

[Straw Hat: HeyHeyHey! How'd you do that!?]

[Solo Leveller: Tap the icon on the bottom right of your screen, then press the white circle to take the picture, then press the green arrow to send it]


Daisuke laughed at the boy's immaturity and cluelessness of technology, it was quite wholesome.

Looking at the photo, he could see a boy with black shaggy hair, round black eyes, and a slim muscular build. He's wearing a straw hat, which Daisuke obviously linked to his group chat name, and has a scar with two stitches underneath his left eye.

His face had a big, goofy smile, like that of a child, and had literal stars in his eyes.

[Ms. Royalty: So childish]

[Solo Leveller: Since we're getting to know each other, how about we all send a photo of us? Or is that too soon?]

[Loony Lovegood: I don't mind...]

[Not a Yakuza: Neither]

[Straw Hat: Yeah Yeah! Do it! I wanna see what my new friends look like! 😁]

'Well, looks like we have our emoji person in this group chat' Daisuke thought.

[Ms. Royalty: Hmph! Whatever, just don't be too jealous when you see the beauty of a royalty like me]

'Looks like we have our bitchy person in this group chat as well'

[Not a Yakuza: We doing it at the same time or what?]

[Solo Leveller: Same time, @Straw Hat count us down from 3]

[Straw Hat: OK! 3]

[Straw Hat: Uh... what comes after 3? 🤔]

[Not a Yakuza: 3... 2...]

[Not a Yakuza: 1]

[Straw Hat: Yeah! I knew that! Totally]

[Not a Yakuza/Ms. Royalty/Solo Leveller/Loony Lovegood: *IMAGE SENT*]

'Woah... I ain't gay but Sung Jin Woo is a sexy man. And wow, the girls are quite cute, respectfully and lawfully' Daisuke thought in amazement

Sung is a handsome dude with grey eyes, black hair, and sharp facial features. He sent a selfie of him smiling, which lord have mercy... let's leave it at that.

Noelle is a young woman with pink eyes. She has long, silver-coloured hair. She also sent a selfie, she has a slight blush of embarrassment on her face. In the selfie you can also see a yellow tail.

Luna is also a young woman, with straggly, dirty blonde hair. She has protuberant silvery eyes and faint eyebrows. She had no expression and appeared to be wearing some type of uniform.

And finally, Daisuke's photo: There is no difference with his already-said description, other than the change of his new spirit eyes, enhancing his looks.

[Straw Hat: Woahhhh! You two look so cool!! 🤩🤩] Talking about Sung and Daisuke.

- In the world of One Piece -

In a world full of water and people referring to themselves as 'Pirates' and 'Marines', there is a short, black-haired boy wearing a straw hat on a distinct island known for having only female inhabitants.

A year since Kuma, a Warlord, split him and his crew apart, Luffy had been training intensely thanks to the help of Rayleigh, a friend.

Rayleigh had left the island a few days ago fully, leaving Luffy by himself to train for a year independently.

This morning, after having defeated another big monster, Luffy arrived at his poorly-made shelter and campfire to see a strange, rectangular object on the floor.

He picked it up and basic information on 'How to Type', A.K.A. press the buttons of letters and numbers then press 'send', entered his mind.

Later, after the group chat explained everything, the group decided to send photos of themselves, making Luffy fascinated.

"WOAHHH! Sung-Guy looks so cool! And strong!" He exclaimed with starry eyes.

"And Dai..." Looking at his photo, Luffy got caught in a trance, before shaking his head and getting out of it "His eyes are beautiful! And he's so cool aswell!"

"And Noelle and Luna... well, they're okay I guess" Luffy didn't really care about how the other two looked to be honest, he just liked talking on the group chat.

- In the world of Black Clover -

In a world full of magic and grimoires, a girl could be seen outside a hideout, wearing a black robe with a bull on it.

This was Noelle Silva, the black bull member.

Similarly to Luffy, a phone appeared on the floor, she picked it up, etc.

As for the photos, she also had her own thoughts and opinions about them:

"Woah..." A bit of saliva drooped out of her mouth, looking at Sung's and Daisuke's photo "EHEM!" She fake coughed, getting out of her pervy trance.

'Noelle! You're royalty! And...' The silhouette of a short, loud, obnoxious boy appeared in her head for a split second, before she also got rid of that.

She then looked at Luna's photo and smiled, 'Another girl.. YAY!' She cheered in her mind, excited at the fact she has a new female friend. 'And she's quite cute'.

- In the world of Harry Potter -

"...Wow..." muttered Luna, the blonde girl, holding her phone whilst laying in her bed at the Ravenclaw dorm.

She was a carefree girl, often distracted, and didn't really care for much. In other words, she didn't really care about these photos, but she can't deny that she's certainly happy to have some new friends

- In the world of Solo Levelling -

Having completed his Job Change quest, Sung arrived at home and went to his room.

Much like Daisuke, his phone suddenly turned off when he used it, before eventually turning back on and revealing the Group Chat contents.

Seeing the photos, all he did was smile a little, as he had other things on his mind.

'So everyone's from different worlds?... That means the person who created this group chat must be quite a strong entity to be able to connect multiple worlds to smartphones...'

Yes, much like everybody else he was having fun with the idea of talking to people from other worlds and having some new, odd friends. But unlike the others, Sung was the only person to actually worry about the person that could be behind this.


A/N: Few perspective changes, quite unnecessary, but I just wanted to try POV changes since I've never done them to this level. Next chapter is back to Daisuke and will be a bit of stuff in his world.

Please put suggestions of things to put for the gacha ples (and their grade)

Thanks for reading

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Have a good day

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I do my best, don't be too harsh ples-

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