
Helpless Cries

Walking by all alone on an empty street amidst the darkness of the night was pretty direful for John. He walked as fast as he could to reach home as early as possible, but also avoided running as he did not want to tire himself to the point where he needs to rest in the middle of this unlit vacant street. As he took a turn to the next similarly dark and sketchy alley, he noticed a floating object. As he went further into the alley and closer to that object, he started to suspect that it was a human head. Had he encountered a corpse in the middle of the street? But why was it floating? Did someone hang it to something? How gruesome. His heart started beating faster as he approached the object to decipher what it actually was. John was immensely scared, but for some demented impulse, he kept on walking towards that floating, or for what he thought, hanging head.

As he moved closer and closer, and the head became clearer and clearer in his vision, he started to realize the head was truly floating. But how was that possible? John was mortified at this point, but his demented impulse was still perfectly active for him to continue investigating. As he walked even closer, he noticed the head's face moving ever so slightly. Was he hallucinating? The movements of the face were now becoming more obvious, which sent cold shivers down John's spine. He had finally stopped walking but was still watching the head in complete disbelief. Suddenly, the head's eyelids shoot upwards, revealing bright, glowing eyes, which were glaring right into his soul. In an instant, John turned around and started running as fast as he could while the floating head chased him close behind. He was sure he had reached his doom because no one can escape the treacherous trap of the Nekokubi.

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