16 Crystal Rains



The reunion of father and son makes me smile. And I keep staring at them as they frown and laugh like bestfriends.

In my life I have never seen Als this happy like today. As I leave for our Attic bedroom . He pulls me to his lips and says.

"Can i find my little bunny ready for me?"Als whispers in my ears.

I wink back at him and tàke my leave. On the way to the Attic, I feel a strange wolfish scent around and trace it to the balcony.

There I find a huge black silver tailed wolf with golden eyes. The more I look into his eyes , the more he seems familiar.

When I try getting close to him, he vanishes like a memory in thin air. After that astonishing moment I take a glass of water once I return to my attic bedroom.

Alex appears from thin air and pins me to the wall asking me why am not prepared. Good enough all our clothes from the urban world were brought here by Jonah.


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