
Great Academy System

A legendary academy has been established, practicing perfect exercises that make the heavens and the earth tremble. The indomitable dean leads a group of teachers and students unafraid of the sky and earth to create a myth together!

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46 Chs

Martial skills exchange for elixirs

When Zhang Yu came to the classroom, it was completely dark and the students had already left.

Since Wu Mo couldn't use the alchemy furnace for the time being, Zhang Yu naturally didn't need to be polite. He immediately sat cross-legged next to the alchemy furnace and started refining the elixir.

"It seems that there are only medicinal materials for refining first-grade elixirs..." Zhang Yu glanced at the neatly arranged medicinal materials beside him, "It seems that Wu Chen will have to buy some medicinal materials for refining second-grade elixirs for me tomorrow. "

The second-grade elixir is of a higher grade than the first-grade elixir, and presumably the taste should be better.

For Zhang Yu, there is no difference between refining a second-grade elixir and refining a first-grade elixir. He does not care about the grade and effect of the elixir, but only cares about the taste of the elixir. If it tastes good, it is a good elixir. If it tastes bad, It's just a bad elixir. This kind of judgment standard is extremely simple and crude, which suits Zhang Yu just right.

 Perhaps in the eyes of foodies, this is the best criterion for measuring food!

Zhang Yu tinkered in the classroom for a while and refined three different furnaces of elixirs, namely the Kaixuan Pill, the Healing Pill, and the Qi Transformation Pill. The quantity of each pill reached the limit of one furnace, which is ninety-nine. Eighty-one.

 The Qixuan Pill is a first-grade elixir that can be taken by those who are strong in the Qixuan realm. It can improve their cultivation. However, if it is taken by those who are above the Qixuan realm, the effect is minimal.

 A first-grade healing elixir, a first-grade elixir, can be taken by a strong person in the Qixuan realm to treat injuries, but if taken by a strong person above the Xuanxuan realm, the effect is minimal.

 The first-grade Qi Transformation Pill, the first-grade elixir, can be taken by a strong person in the Qixuan Realm to restore his true power, but the effect is minimal if taken by a strong person above the Xuanxuan Realm.

Zhang Yu stretched and then put the Qi Xuan Pill, the First Grade Healing Pill, and the First Grade Qi Transformation Pill into the cloth bag.

Gently patting the bulging cloth bag again, Zhang Yu said with satisfaction: "Not bad, you can take it for a few more days." There are 81 pills in one batch, and 243 pills in three batches. , if you count the dozens of Qixuan Pills left before, the bulging cloth bag in Zhang Yu's hand contains nearly 300 pills.

Nearly three hundred pills serve as snacks for a few days. No one except Zhang Yu would dare to do such a luxury.

After refining the elixir, Zhang Yu extinguished the lights in the classroom and walked slowly to the library. As he walked, he took out a first-grade healing elixir and put it into his mouth. His eyes lit up immediately and he shook his head and said: "Well , Yes, this tastes much better than ordinary jelly beans."

 After entering the library, Zhang Yu calmed down a lot and focused on modifying his martial arts, not even bothering to eat "snacks".

  "Looping Shadow" has been modified. Next, he will modify an attack martial skill!

Zhang Yu pondered for a long time and finally decided to modify a fingering martial skill based on a fingering martial skill.

The reason why I chose to modify a fingering martial skill is not because it is more powerful than other martial arts, but because... the level is high enough!

No matter what martial arts others perform or how powerful they are, Zhang Yu can defeat his opponent with just one finger poke. Isn't that great?

 Zhang Yu is a simple person, so he naturally likes this simple, crude and extremely intimidating method!

"But... fingering martial arts are very rare, and ordinary-level advanced fingering martial arts are even rarer. I don't know if there are enough fingering martial arts in the library." Zhang Yu frowned, fingering martial arts require a lot of real power. It runs rapidly in the body, so the requirements for the toughness of the meridians are extremely high. Few people create fingering-type martial arts, and few people practice fingering-type martial arts, because it requires too high the toughness of the meridians. People with slightly lower cultivation levels , couldn't bear it at all, "Ignore it, take a look first, if it doesn't work, then think of other ways."

Not long after, Zhang Yu collected all the ordinary-level advanced fingering martial arts in the library.

"Only more than 20 fingering martial arts, too few!" Zhang Yu knew without even trying that it was absolutely impossible to modify a single fingering martial arts without any flaws based on more than 20 fingering martial arts.

In fact, there are not many high-level mortal-level martial arts in the library. There are 696 of them snatched back from Chenguang College and Yunshan College alone. In addition to the high-level mortal-level martial arts that Deng Qiuchan sent over a few days ago, There are seven hundred and fifty-eight doors in total.

 However, among the seven hundred and fifty-eight ordinary-level advanced martial arts, there are only about twenty books on fingering martial arts.

"It seems that we can only think of other ways." Zhang Yu is not only able to modify fingering martial arts, but he is really reluctant to do so. In the words of the big guys, it means that his ideas are not clear.

So, what should you do when your thoughts are unclear?

 Of course I will try my best to make my thoughts clear!

Zhang Yu pondered for a moment and suddenly had an idea in his mind. He smiled, with a hint of cunning on his face: "Aren't those guys always asking about the Qixuan Pill? I will give them a chance this time, but I don't know if they are willing to let it go. !"

After making a decision in his mind, Zhang Yu no longer worried about the number of fingering martial arts and focused his attention on modifying the martial arts again.

Among the more than twenty existing martial arts, Zhang Yu carefully selected a martial skill called "Destruction Finger" as a model, and then began to modify it.


 The next day.

 After Zhang Yu finished his lecture, Wu Chen and his son stayed behind.

   "Wu Mo, continue to practice." Zhang Yu casually ordered Wu Mo, and then said to Wu Chen: "Wu Chen, come with me. I need your help for something."

Wuchen was flattered and hurriedly followed Zhang Yu's footsteps, promising: "If the dean has anything to do, just ask him, Wu Chen will never say anything."

  After he went back yesterday, after thinking about it, he always felt that those dozens of Qixuan pills were too heavy, so it was not appropriate to accept them like this. After eating one, he would feel a little more guilty.

 He was still thinking about whether there was any way to repay Zhang Yu.

Now, Zhang Yu took the initiative to find him and asked for his help, which was exactly what he wanted!

"Don't be nervous, it's just a small matter, I believe you can handle it well." Zhang Yu smiled and patted Wu Chen's shoulder, seeing Wu Chen grinning in pain, he couldn't help asking: "Why, the injury hasn't hurt yet. good?"

Wu Chen smiled bitterly and said: "It's only been one night, how could it be possible to recover so quickly."

   "No, eat it." Zhang Yu took out a first-grade healing pill in the cloth bag, "Don't say that I, the dean, don't care about you, heal the injury as soon as possible, so as not to suffer."

Wuchen hesitated for a moment, and finally took the first-grade healing pill and ate it in front of Zhang Yu.

It's not that he doesn't know how precious Yipin Healing Pill is, but he really can't bear it anymore. It's not that he can't bear the pain, but whenever the pain starts, he can't help but think of the scene where he was beaten by his son, it's too embarrassing !

 This may become a shadow that will never go away in his life!

"This effect..." Once the elixir entered the body, it turned into a stream of pure energy, which flowed to the wounds all over the body, and felt the numbness from the wounds, and the pain eased and disappeared at an alarming speed. Wu Chen couldn't help but open his eyes wide with shock, "It's too strong!"

 According to this speed, his injury may be healed within a quarter of an hour at most.

  Looking at Wu Chen's shocked appearance, Zhang Yu smiled faintly: "Your injuries are just skin injuries. Yipin Healing Pill can even heal internal injuries. Isn't it easy to cure your skin injuries?"

  The most important thing is that each of the first-grade healing pills that he personally refined is a first-grade three-grain healing pill, which is definitely not comparable to those inferior products on the market.

Shaking his head, Zhang Yu didn't continue to talk about the pill, but smiled at Wu Mo and said, "I recently sorted out the exercises and martial arts in Cangshu Pavilion, and found a very interesting question. There are too few fingering martial arts, and there are only a few dozen advanced fingering martial arts at the mortal level. How can this work? Our Sky Academy is destined to become a great academy in the future and will welcome more students. How can it be possible that there are only more than twenty mortal-level advanced fingering martial arts?"

"More than twenty doors, still not enough?" Wu Chen looked at Zhang Yu in shock, feeling the urge to vomit blood.

The dancer has risen for more than ten years. Through various channels, buying or exchanging, and paying a lot of price, he managed to collect dozens of exercises and more than one hundred martial arts, including low-level and low-level martial arts. Medium-level martial arts and martial arts, as for fingering skills, there is only one mortal-level medium-level fingering-type martial skill. He really can't figure it out. Sky Academy already has more than 20 mortal-level advanced fingering skills. Why is Zhang Yu still too few? ?

Looking at Wu Chen's astonished face, Zhang Yu snorted and asked lightly: "Why, do you have any objection?"

   "No, no. The dean is too right. There are only more than 20 mortal-level advanced fingering martial arts, which is really too few!" God knows what kind of condemnation Wu Chen's conscience suffered when he said these words.

Even if he had 10,000 opinions, he would not dare to express them in front of Zhang Yu!

   "That's right, so you think it's too little, right?" Zhang Yu laughed, he likes Wu Chen's way of pretending to agree with it when he clearly disagrees, that's really funny.

  Wu Chen nodded cooperatively on the surface, but at the same time secretly slandered in his heart: "There are more than 20 mortal-level advanced fingering martial arts, I am afraid that you are the only one who would dislike them..."

However, Wu Chen became more and more confused: "Dean, what exactly do you want me to do?"

"It's very simple, I want you to help me collect mortal-level advanced fingering martial arts!" Zhang Yu stared at Wu Chen with a smile, "If possible, I don't mind if you collect all mortal-level advanced fingering martial arts in the entire deserted city! "Huangcheng may not seem big, but there are many families with profound foundations. Around Huangcheng, there are also several extremely powerful sects. These families and sects usually don't show off their appearance, but every one of them is rich. The existence of flowing oil must not be underestimated. If their potential can be squeezed out, it will be absolutely terrifying.

Hearing this, Wu Chen's eyes widened: "This, this..."

Even if all the dancer's properties were sold, he still wouldn't be able to acquire so many ordinary-level advanced fingering martial arts!

 "What, is there a problem?" Zhang Yu looked at Wu Chen doubtfully.

"Dean, it's not that I don't want to, it's just that..." Wu Chen cried and explained anxiously: "With the financial resources of our dancers, we simply can't collect so many mortal-level advanced fingering martial arts!"

 Let him collect all the ordinary-level advanced fingering martial arts in the entire deserted city. This is really too difficult for him.

"Really? What if we add this?" Zhang Yu seemed to have expected what Wu Chen would say. He took out the cloth bag slowly and threw it to Wu Chen, "With this , it should be a lot easier, right?" This is the snack bag he has been using for nearly a month, and it is naturally filled with densely packed pills.

Wu Chen meets Zhang Yu every day, so of course he knows what is in the bag.

He swallowed and asked, "Dean, are you really willing to trade your precious elixirs for those useless ordinary-level advanced fingering martial arts?"

"What do you think of replacing an ordinary-level high-level fingering martial skill with a pill?" Zhang Yu smiled incredulously and asked.