
Dull day.

Marìon Sales was always the man who calls everyday a dull day after the "drill" of having beer everyday, as a snack and water as a dinner. It drives him crazy to endure the mess of his girlfriend, 'Daisy Lull' who died last year on December 9th 2022 due to a car crash. He saw his best friend, "Robert Azul" who was his best friend forever and it made his days better even on his dull days sometimes. He misses the way; her voice sounded every morning and how her hips swayed back and forth while joking. Marìon sits there at a bar thinking about her, but Robert tells him maybe she didn't die. Marìon says, "Maybe she didn't die, but where would she be?" he grunts and says a low voice, "I feel like someone took her, it breaks my heart how someone could take my precious woman." Robert says, "I know it breaks you, but go to that grave everyday telling that woman how much you love her." Marìon sits back and says, "She is still alive and that isn't gonna work." Robert says, "What do you think is going to work? Talking to a brick wall or appreciating her more." He teases silently. Marìon says in a grunt, "None probably because it won't bring her back in my arms." Robert says, "I thought you were going to appreciate her though." Marìon stretches and gets up. He leaves in a coat that looks like a detective's coat as it's sliky, black and shape brings out how he must feel great to cover his identity.