
Chapter 8: Pending Danger

Saturday 8:40 PM 'Gotham City:

As the days slowly went by arias gained a reputation for himself, he didn't care much for reputation but rather income. These past days he went on bounty spree taking jobs both small and large, never failing to get his target. He never took jobs where they wanted someone alive, when he took a job blood will spill.

His style of getting rid of his targets gained him many names in the underworld. He himself didn't really have a designation as his profile on the hiring site was completely blank. The only thing that stood out was his kill count and success ratio.

Despite being only active for a few days he took out some major bounties and even a few elusive minor ones, clearing nearly all available bounties in that region. This feat alone was enough to grab the attention of a organizations looking to hire Arias him but he would turn them all down.

He had earned enough money and was about to put his short run as a hitman behind him and begin work on his much larger plans. But just as he was about to delete his profile he saw a new interesting bounty pop up.

'$450 million....Harley Quin... $90 million bonus if alive'.

Arias walked over to the balcony of his luxurious hotel room while looking at the bounty a neutral expression.

'Tempting...I suppose I'll come to a decision once I have a word with her...'

Arias accepted the bounty and put his phone away before thick black smoke enveloped him. After it dissipated, he was dressed in his usual all black attire in addition to a mask.

Arias was not a fan of over the top costumes so for his attire he had gone with regular black formal clothing with only a mask looking out of place. The same applied to his weapons, he had none. He preferred to fight barehanded.

'I have to hand to Àpeiro, her advice was very helpful in honing my skills this past week.'

As Arias thought this, a lovely voice responded back.

'You flatter me, your ability to learn itself is praiseworthy Ari. I cannot advice you properly as even I do not know how best to use the power I've given you in a physical body. But will is usually the key. Will it and you shall have it'

Arias shook his head slightly as she said this.

'Perhaps it will be that way for you. Using my Will is rather complicated. Flight, strength and speed were easy to get used to, my abysmal smoke is harder to control however. It like an extension of my body. An extra limb if you will. It's only recently that I've made it able to materialize into weapons as well instead of just clothing.'

'I didn't have to do a thing about defending my body, If I concentrate hard enough, I can sense a strange energy always active around me. I'm trying to bring forth more abilities but copying the abilities of others seems like it'll be faster'.

Most days Àpeiro would give her opinion on certain actions Arias performed giving her input on the matter. Most things she did say where far beyond Arias's level of comprehension. She made creating millions of races sound ever so simple, whereas Arias currently couldn't even make any form of life. His abysmal smoke was closest as it had intelligence.

Once dressed arias leapt off the balcony and flew directly to where he had last seen Harley.

'There you are'.

Meanwhile in Mansion at the eastern side of the city.

"Boss Boss! Bad news the unnamed took the job"

A man shouted as he rushed into a neat looking office. The man he was speaking to had his chair facing a window only his back visible to the panic stricken man.

"And where is the problem in that, I want that Bitch to tell me where the joker is, That madman has files on every major families crime dating back to 1900s but after he stole them, he vanished. No demands no nothing. The other families and myself have grown impatient, it's a small price to pay since the cops and your men both failed to catch a single loon!!"

The man reporting to the figure sitting in the chair gritted his teeth but continued to speak.

"Sir the unnamed always kills his targets no matter the bonus offer..."

The unknown Boss's attention was now caught.

"What ?! We need that bitch alive, no one else can know where joker is aside from her, if I wanted her dead I'd have hired assassins !..Make this unnamed guy ineligible for the contract and compensate him a million before he pulls the job off! I told the other families to list her as wanted alive but they're too pissed to think straight!"

As arias got ready to leap to the building Harley was in, his phone received a message. When he looked at it though he felt great irritation.

"Dear Contractee, the terms of the contract have changed. Under the new terms, you've been deemed Ineligible. A fair compensation for wasting your time has been provided...signed Contractor".

"*sigh* So that's how it's gonna be huh. Well then let's see who they deem capable."

He showed a small smile before sitting on the edge of building waiting....

It didn't take long until a group of masked figures approached the building where Harley was hiding from all sides. After some time passed, white smoke could be seen coming out of the top floor. When Arias focused his vision he could see Harley laying on floor.

'Hoh, so they just knocked her huh...well I better make my entrance then.'

Arias directly flew into the second floor and used the stairs to reach the last floor to avoid being seen. As he approached the room where the voices came from he stopped by the door to easdrop on the group.

"hahaha easiest money I've ever made"

Inside the room, one of the masked figures was already laughing victoriously.

"heh I gotta give it to you boss, you where right about taking this job, but I still don't get why that other guy gave it up"

Another masked figure colt assessed before turning to the man he addressed as Boss.

"Hah lemme tell you right now that unnamed guy is just a phony. When a real job came he quickly quit like some sissy am sure he had help or got lucky on those other jobs. hahaha how else can anyone have a perfect record especially as a newbie"

The others nodded in agreement as their boss continued to laugh. One of the more excited among them, looked at Harley he who had just regained consciousness.

"Hey boss think we can have fun with the girl before those guys get here to pick her up? they'll probably kill her afterwards so it would be a waste"

Despite her situation, Harley showed a bright smile before licking her lips and speaking.

"I dares ya to come try ya luck shorty I'll stuff my baseball bat so far up your asshole you won't sit for weeks!"

A wide grin came on her face when she saw the initially eager guy put off. The Boss came forward and held the eager guy by the shoulder while shaking his head.

"Don't stick your dick in crazy kid"

The once eager guy gulped loudly then a worried looking member spoke up.

"Hey boss what if the unnamed guy takes this personal,it was his job after all, those that have seen him say he's psycho killer. You know it's an unspoken rule to never take contracts that belonged to top tier guys..."

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