
GoT: Edward Stark [Hiatus]

Edward Stark youngest of Eddard Stark. Come and see what changes brought when Jon was in Edward care as his son. Author's note: well excuse it if it taste wishfullment story. To be honest I didn't understand what wishfullment is. Enjoy

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19 Chs

Chapter 14: Eddard 2.

Looking through all the ledger Ned found no faulty in it. 'Seem like Petyr was really talented uh, there must be some mistake somewhere. Brother used to say that people made mistake'

Checking through it closely his eyes caught of forge. He found that there seem some recent loan dated at 298 but the 8 was a previous 7 converted to an 8. Closing the book Ned look at Petyr.

"Everything to your liking, Lord Hand?" Petyr ask with a furrowed eyebrows when he saw Ned traced the date that he forge.

"Mmm, everything all good. Jon was right picking you" nodding in confirmation Ned reply, "but, from now on you have to consult me whenever the King want to host a tourney or a party. As Lord Hand, it my responsibility to know everything in the King's absent and dismissal"

"Lord Hand why don't you leave it to me? As I see lately you are too busy for developing the King's Kingdom" Petyr smile slyly.

"It comes with a job" not giving a shat Ned answered.

"It best if you stick with your job Lord Hand" gritting his teeth Petyr reply. All his planned cannot be stopped here. If the sources of his coins stopped Petyr can't hire or bribe some to his side or funded his expedition to rule.

"Aye, as second under the King I will try my best in helping the King rule to stability and peace. But to achieve those I will need to trust the funds first"

"Yes, Lord Hand"


"Owlet, shadow Petyr and if you can, mayhaps steal all of his coins and donate it to the construction sites" talking to the wall Ned return to his paperwork.

At the secret tunnel a shadow figure move discreetly then emerge from the other side of the hidden doors acting like he had known the place. The figure was wearing a servants attire with a curly black hair and slim figure. He walks out and skillfully blend with the servant doing their jobs.

Night came Ned walks back toward his chamber at the Red Keep where the lords Hands live at. Walking in the dark with Jory beside him they silently walked with great cautious and at the ready whenever if there's any sudden attack.

"M'lord, it done all the gold coins have move to the construction treasury without anyone noticing" a shadow suddenly emerge from the post shadow reporting then retreat back.

"Jory, you haven't knighted yet have you?" Ned ask suddenly out of the blue.

"Nay, m'lord. I haven't"

"How's your skill?"

"Good, m'lord. After Lord Edward trained me I think I can contend against his Omega guards"

"Omega" thinking deeply about the Omega which was the wild card of Edward which compromise of lowest but also the best of guards amounted to 12 Guards Ned smile.

The guards of his brother was compose of three teams, The Alpha, the top ones who were trained by Edward himself only taking those who survived or able to last till the end of the training, compromise of 5 members called the Alphas. The second group called the Beta, those who survived against the Alphas in combat without showing weakness infront of the Alphas compromise of 7. The last were the Omegas, the the fail products but can climb rank by defeating the Alphas or the Betas, they also on the same level of the Vale knights.

"Good, during the tourney I want you to join the melee combat and strive to first place but second also good. If you can, I may Knight you or impress one of the Kings guards to knight you but no pressure" Ned said looking forward with furrowed eyebrows. Ned really didn't care but he didn't want Jory to mock by frail and decorated Knights.

"Aye, m'lord. I will try my best"

"Good!" Getting inside his chamber he change then have a bath and get to bed.

Jory walks back to his quarter thinking about his lord request about joining the melee. He stage his target against, Jaime or Renly to impress them for knighting him. He didn't care about anything he only wanted to fulfill his lord request and also tries his best in the melee or he will be humiliating the North and his trainer.


Construction was in full swing and for two months the flea bottom was nowhere to be found. What was a rag-tag street was now a clean street and also harmony street for orphans with heavy security.

Inside the castle:

King Robert sit behind his table listening to his best friend about the changes he brought in just two months and his smile spread on his face almost ripping his jaw apart.

"Ahahahaha, Ned I didn't know you had it in you to be a businessman. Ahahaha" roaring in laughter Robert shouted while looking at Ned proudly.

"This must need a celebration" pouring grape wine he pass it to Ned. "I didn't know what to say, Petyr told me that we have partially clear a huge portion of debt now we currently have 90,000 gold dragon in debt but, my friend you need to rest and after the tourney end you can resume your work"

"Aye, Robert. I agree with you on that. This tourney will be in swing we don't want to scare our guest back to their home" drinking from his cup Ned continue, "We may start by the morrow, every lord from all over Westeros have already settled down"

"That's the spirit. Tell Renly that we will start by the morrow after we break our fast with all the participate and lords"

Continuing their talk, Robert inquire more about the huge changes around Kings Landing while probing about the forge.

"What about the forge of that man from Qohor. Is it moved?"

"Nay, but the subject beside him was safe in my brother's arms"

"Ah!" Surprise Robert look at Ned then smile.

Ned not wanting any slips change the subjects, "about the upcoming income during the tourney I mayhaps use some servants of the castle"

"Do what you need with them"

They drank for the entire afternoon until King Robert fell asleep. Ned was shoulder carried by Jory and Big Jon to his quarters.



I'm having a headache deciding and writing the tourney fights so it could be long b4bi upload again.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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