
Chapter 2: Lynx's power

The taxi finally stopped, at a place not too far from the most populated area of the city.

"Thank you for your patronage dear customer!!!"

Lynx came out of the taxi, looked around, then sat on a public chair nearby, as if he was waiting for someone. He was being cautious but he acted as normal as possible.

The city was indeed peaceful, but there were always dark areas, lurking in the shadow of each peaceful city.

Looking at this place crowded with huge looking men, Lynx was on his guard and asked "They went inside of one of these buildings, what should I do?"

He talked casually with a low voice and without opening his mouth too much. He just muttered.

"The signal with Bee bot was lost...These buildings are too suspicious... There must be a backdoor somewhere right?"

The man who communicated with Lynx referred to the huge buildings, on the other side of the road. Lynx was sitting on the other side.

Like usual, people were passing by at that time.

However, entering from that backdoor was more difficult than it sounded.

The men who stood around these buildings would surely find Lynx suspicious if he approached them directly.

Thus, to not attract their attention, Lynx continued to look down and pretend to play with his phone.

"Send me the detailed map of the canals below this area for now..."

Lynx was always confident because he had always a backup plan and an escape route in mind. So, that time too he was preparing for the worst.

The satellite that Lynx hacked was an over-geared machine with many useful functions. One of them is the Xray scanner.

"Roger..." The man answered to Lynx's request.

Soon after, a file arrived.

Lynx looked carefully at the map sent inside of his phone. He marked all of the wide areas, mostly those who were big enough for a person to go through.

"I got this...So now tell me, why do I need to do this?"

Lynx asked with a serious voice, considering that he did all the things that this person asked him to do until now.

"Her name is Liza..."


"That girl... And she came from the 'Outside'. She lost her parents soon after they came here, and the AFO industry promised to take care of her and many other girls... You should know what I mean now... right?"

Cruelty, that's how humans described the fact of pleasuring oneself by inflicting suffering.

Of course, mankind was the cruelest being on earth before, and it continued to remain that way.

However, in this world, superpower was the new way to dominate others.

"There's no mistake, it came directly from our trusted source...." The man affirmed.

Quietly, Lynx stood up with a pale face then he murmured "So that's how it is...", with a determined voice.

That marked Lynx's first step into the dark side of the world and later will pull him right in the middle of a storm.

However, Lynx wasn't even aware of his true role nor did he had clear motives. He just went with the flow of his emotions, because he couldn't bear to not do anything anymore.

Thirty minutes had passed since Lynx arrived. Then he walked away normally without raising any suspicion.

Psyched, Lynx distanced himself from the buildings by walking in the opposite direction.

It took him a while before finding a public toilet because these facilities were more or less useless.

There was a reason behind all of that, and surely it wasn't because he wanted to pee.

"Why did you come here Lynx?"

Even the person who talked to him was curious.

"I cannot use my power outside..."

"Yeah, I know that but why a public toilet?"

"This is the only place that I could think of~ More importantly, what about the target?"

"Still not moving... It's a shame that the Bee bots couldn't enter the buildings... A powerful magnetic field was installed around these two buildings... They are way too cautious... It blocks any hacking attempts from the outside and detects anyone who enters the area... I really wonder what are they doing inside..."

"Don't worry, we are going to find it soon..."


Lynx landed on the floor below the toilet room.

"Guaaaaahhh, disgusting what are doing in such place Lynx..."

"Don't worry, I changed to the suit that you gave me... This nanotechnology is very convenient, it's light and easy to carry around..."

Lynx was amazed by the suit.

"I never thought that the first usage of this suit will be like this...gueeeee..."

Lynx began to move with great speed, sometimes crouched, sometimes crawled inside the canal in form of cylinders. That was a really unpleasant experience, Lynx thought.

He had already memorized the track that he needed to follow. Then he just literally took down every wall in front of him.

"So you used your power to make holes on the wall huh... Certainly, this way, they cannot track your presence... Your power is really convenient, in many ways than one..."

Lynx's power granted him the ability to literally erase everything, even space and time. He was like a black hole, wandering around. When he activated his power, everything he touched disappeared instantly.

It was like he can create a void space at will, and inside of that void space there was nothing, so of course, it was invisible.

The more important about Lynx's power was the timing. He needed to deactivate the power before it gets too big. His power is invisible to the human eyes and only practices helped him to get his power under control, and use it freely.

Lynx was a genius, not anyone could do that.

If he reached his hand and activate his power, he can erase everything in front of him. He could erase a whole city in a blink of an eye.

It took him a while to control his power and fortunately it didn't end up in the hand of an evil person. If misused, his power could destroy everything after all.

"No need to make a big deal out of it... More importantly, we are here... The physical enchantment of this suit is really convenient huh... I guess you do good jobs once in while..."

Lynx sincerely gave out a compliment.

"Hahaha... Don't talk to me like that, it's disgusting... hahaha..."

His voice was really annoying, that was how Lynx felt after hearing the weird smirk of this person.

The place was where all of the waste gathers. It was not a pleasant place. Fortunately, Lynx's helmet served as a gas mask too.

"Hmmm, how do I use what was it, spiderman function?" Lynx was searching for a switch somewhere on his suit.

"Huhuhu...Do you know that the spiderman function uses electromagnetism to transform this suit into a moving magnet and fight with the gravity? Awesome right? hahaha..."

"Yeah, you explained that at least a hundred times... I asked how to activate it..."

Lynx went through a 'formation', at least that's how that person called it and learned the functionalities of this suit, so of course, he knew about the spiderman functionality. However, this person just wanted to say the word 'spiderman'.

That personage was one of the famous fictional heroes from the old era, and this person was curious about him and became a fan. That was the reason for this naming sense.

"Umu... Just say spiderman... Go, say spiderman..."

"Ah!... I see so that's why I forgot about it... It was so ridiculous... I thought I asked you to change it..."

"te-hehe I didn't hear about that...."

This guy is doing it intentionally. Of course, Lynx realized that but didn't say anything, because it was more tiresome to do that.

Bitterly, Lynx said the word "Spiderman" because there was no time to waste.

[Mode activated]

The AI butler installed inside of the suit's system confirmed the command.

Some buzzing lights were spotted all around the surface of the suit.

That showed that it was effective.

Lynx jumped, then used his hand to stick himself on the cellar with the help of the suit. Then acrobatically he reached the cellar with his legs by balancing his body forward. It showed how much he trained in order to execute a move like that naturally.

The place was situated right below one of the two buildings. However, Lynx estimated that the precise location above him was the kitchen.

He thought that because of the amount of water coming from the canal right in front of him. It was sometime before noon, and the only place that uses that large amount of water at a time like that was inside of a kitchen.

Considering, that this building is a luxurious hotel, it needed a huge storage room. And often, the storage room is always near the kitchen.

More importantly, the storage room is always locked, so no one inside. A perfect place for Lynx.

A really simple deduction. However, that was only a theory and they didn't have the exact location due to the magnetic field which blocked the Xray scanner.

In consequence, to make sure of it, using his power he made a little hole in the thick wall from below, and then inserted a new Bee bot inside of the hole.

He needed one more information. The exact place of the storage room.

The Bee bot crawled all the way up to the kitchen, and as expected, there were many people inside.

The Bee bot transmitted the image directly inside of the monitor of Lynx's helmet.

A really convenient invention. Lynx was convinced of that but didn't say anything, because that person would brag about it again.

"Hey Lynx why are going through all of this trouble just to infiltrate this building? You could have just entered through the front door right? You are not under-aged anymore you know..."

Of course, he meant something else but made it looks like a joke and Lynx knew that.

After a cough, Lynx replied "...I didn't want more problems, that's all..."

Indeed, these two buildings were reserved for adults and Lynx was already 19 years old.

"In the first place, you were the one who wanted this... So don't complain..."

He sounded like he wanted to justify his actions, then continued by saying "I have a visual of the precise location, let's begin..."

Lynx moved around the cellar like a spider, to the location of the storage room then stopped right below it.

He made a hole with his power and then went up inside discretely.

There was no one inside of the storage and it was almost full.

"Hey, Lynx... There are many other badass entrances you know... Why chose this anticlimactic approach... I don't understand... Are you scared?"

The question that Lynx didn't want to hear. Mostly, because it was the truth.

He was too powerful, but until recently, this power only brought him misfortune. At some point, he didn't want to use that power anymore but with that little moment of indecisiveness, he lost one of the people that he cared about. Of course, he was scared.

He thought about why he had this power, but couldn't find an answer. However, doing nothing was more painful.

While he hesitated, he knew that more people will die and there was no real reason for their death. No one knew about them, and no one cared.

However, he knew and he witnessed the dark side of humanity.

Are there any real reasons for evildoers to do what are they doing? Then there must be no real reason to not eliminate them too right?

These thoughts appeared inside of his head at some point.

Lynx's suit is based on a design that I really liked..."Suisei no gargantia"...You can check this anime if you have time...The nanotechnology reflect the evolution of humanity's technology...

Lynx's power is a little hard to explain hahaha...Because his power hust destroy everything hahaha... It's like a black hole absorbing planets without leaving anything...

NOMENAcreators' thoughts
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