
I Know that Life Sucks!

"Normal Thought"

'Inside Thought'


You can close your eyes to reality but not to memories.

-Stanislaw Jerzy Lec


"My son, promise me, you'll seek for the truth."

I woke up from my sleep, sweat dripping down from my face. Father's words were ringing in my head, then followed by stacks of unpleasant memories of that day.

My father, mother, and other clan members herded like sheep to the slaughterhouse. Their hands bound, their magic core sealed, waiting for their impending demise. Even when the people shouted 'killed those traitors', it did not make their expression changed at all, but more serene. They accepted the fate that was not theirs and gained a vast loss. Even the clan's contributions to the kingdom forgotten just like that and gave my clan a traitor epithet.

I clenched my hands, trying to hold back a headache; the pain I got every time remembering that day.

I stood in front of my clan members, gave them their last respectful bow while letting my tears flowed out. Mother repeatedly said how much she loved me and how father said he was proud of me.

The time I stood straight, someone pulled me out of the execution area, keeping me away from them. The executors tied the fabrics to my clan members' eyes, blocking their vision. Every executor was responsible with one custody, and I remembered the distinctive features of my parents' executors. They both had brown hair and the two eye holes on their mask showed their green eyes, the distinctive features from Bishvajit Clan.

After that, I didn't know what happened anymore. Someone forced me unconscious. When I woke up, I was given jars full of my clan members' cremation ash. In this kingdom, traitors did not get a proper burial, because their body must be destroyed.

However, my father, mother, and clan members were not traitors. We would never be traitors even when all the evidence aimed at us. That day, I vowed myself to clear my clan's name and find the real culprits. By all means, I would make them pay even if I had to dirty my hands with their blood.

'I will avenge them,' vowed me.

I repeated it every time I woke up. It was an encouragement to me before starting my day. In a second, I got a grip on myself, vowing to never succumb to sadness.


It had been weeks since I lived in this orphanage. Nothing unusual happened besides being scorned and glared by the inhabitants of the orphanage. Wherever I went, they would whisper and trash-talk my clan.

I could only stay in silence while at the inside I wanted to burn their filthy mouths. Given that every action I took would reflect on my dead-clan, people would use the opportunity to tarnish my clan's name more.

"That child will be the next traitor. I'm sure of it!"

"His clan deserved it! They killed our Crown Princess and her family!"

"That child didn't deserve to be alive!"

I heard those talks every day, making my ears numbed. However, I would remember all these days and when the truth revealed I wanted to see those ignorant fools' ashen face, and there would be no one who dared to slander Keivel Clan again.

I knew that I had a long way to go before I could reach the ultimate goal of my life. I was only six years old and an eyesore in everyone's eyes. Therefore, I needed to make connections and search for mentors who wanted to make me his or her pupil. In short, I needed people who would be faithful and loyal to me. However, searching for mentors was hard for me when everyone did not want your existence in their lives.

I stopped my walk and arrived at the outer backyard of the orphanage. I chose to sit under an old tree that farthest from the orphanage. The area around this tree was deserted, weeds grew wild, and dried leaves scattered under the tree. The scenery was so different from the area of the central backyard.

This condition was caused by the urban legend in this town. It said that a thousand year-looked like tree located at Anala Orphanage cursed for storing dark magic inside it.

I snorted at the notion. I never believed in the urban legend. For me, it was only a stupid story with groundless fact.

I stopped my inner musing and decided to enjoy my time. I sat under the tree and leaned my body into a comfortable position. When a breeze kissed my face, I started to open my father's diary.

I did not realize how long I spent my time reading father's diary until the sun already high on the horizon. I decided to go back to the orphanage even when I was not welcomed there.

'It's lunchtime already,' thought me. 'Better to finish this book later.'

When I almost reached the central backyard, a bunch of boys consisted of five blocked my way. The group gave me death glare to scare me. However, I deemed them unworthy enough to scare me. I stared at them with a blank face that did not show anything besides my calmness. It seemed my action made them angrier.

'They only bunch of flies,' snorted me inside.

Without their knowledge, I inspected their magic core with my magic. All the member of this group had an undeveloped magic core, meaning they did not attempt to practice nor activate their magic yet.

Knowing from their looks, they must be older than me, yet did not activate their magic. In this kingdom, the average of beginning magic was at the age of six. When you initiated magic at the age of longer than six years old, you would be regarded as unworthy, trash, or untalented. However, those who activated magic before six years old, they would be deemed as a prodigy or genius of their generations. For example, I activated magic at the age of four and hailed as the clan's prodigy.

In fact, they were not worthy enough to taste my magic, because my fists were enough to defeat them. They were only a bunch of fools who did not have training experience. As I knew what would happen to me, it was better to provoke them more and let off my steam to them.

"What do you want from me?" I used my condescending smirk at them.

"Y-you! You still dare to show your face here! Shameless, so shameless."

A boy stepped out from the group indicated that he was the leader. While the members nodded their head in agreement toward their leader previous statement.

"You better come out from this orphanage now if you didn't want me to teach you a lesson!"

'Bunch of trash dared to lecture me,' thought me. 'What a joke?'

The face of the leader and the members became severe when seeing me.

'Oops, I think I talked it out loud,' thought me.

"Trash?! Who're you calling trash?! It's you who are the trash!"

The leader shouted in anger, and his face red from the fury.

"Ungrateful! You're the one who is the trash," shouted the leader's follower then followed by the other members.

"You're only lowly trash not some pompous noble, traitor!"

"I bet all calamity in his clan brought by him! His parents must be a scatterbrain to raise this fool!"

Something inside me snapped when I heard that sentence.

They could slander my name and clan all they want. However, they dared to step on my landmine. No one could ever slander my parents' names!

In a second, my fists already connected to the boy's abdomen, making him unconscious. While the others still processing what happening, I already started to jump to my next victim.

The boy I targeted seemed realized he was next, making his arrogant attitude vanished instantly.

"Y-you! I'll punch you if you come near me!"


I grabbed the back of his collar and slammed him to the ground in front of me. I could hear some cracking bones from his body. While I wanted to beat the hell out of the leader, a boy scratched my right arm with a pointy rock, making me bled from it. It left a deep gash, but I did not worry about it. It seemed he would be my next victim.

While the leader learned that I was not easily bullied, he started to threaten me.

"I'll tell you to the nannies! And they'll kick you out! Hahaha!"

The leader laughed loudly feeling he was the victor.

"Sure, you do it! I'll make sure you won't see the day anymore!"

The leader's face became so pale as his mouth gaped open in fright. Thus, I had enough of playing with them and knocked the rest unconscious without them resisting.

The leader's face became pale, and his mouth gaped open in fright. As I had enough of playing with them, I knocked the rest of them out cold.

Then, I walked off from the scene as if nothing happened. Leaving the bunch of unconscious fools in the cold backyard.


I stared at the gash on my right arm. It was deep yet not enough to make me bled to death. I walked to the east wing of the orphanage, heading to the medical room.




I knocked on the door repeatedly before entering the room, letting my presence to be known by the medic.

"Welcome! What do you- Oh, my! Let me treat your gash first!"

A young woman pulled me to her side and began treating my gash. I was a bit bewildered by her reaction to me. There was no ounce of disgust on her face, only genuine concern.

'Who is this woman?' asked me inside my heart.

Her golden hair swayed beautifully side to side as she prepared to treat my gash while her grey eyes focused solely on my arm.

Something warm seeped into my heart. It seemed I found someone who treated me justly as there was no judgmental gaze aimed at me. However, I made my face as blank as I could to avoid my feeling visible on my face.

Suddenly, there were knock sounds from the door.

"Enter," said the woman warmly.

The person who knocked immediately entered the room, and I decided to ignore him or her. Minutes later, the woman finished treating my gash, and the result was astounding. If I searched for the gash, I definitely could not find it. The wound was replaced by the unblemished skin.

'This woman's skill was worth to be the capital or military medic. Why she only become a poor medic in here?'

"Child, now you are as good as new." The woman proceeded to pat me on my head, making me flinched. "Don't come here anytime sooner, okay?"

I could only nod my head and politely excused myself. I walked toward the door and stood a girl who looked younger than me. Her curious eyes seemed to examine me. The same as the woman, she did not hold disgust on her eyes.

'Does she not know who I am?' thought me as I saw her smiled at me. 'What a peculiar girl?'

"Move," said me unconsciously with a domineering voice. "You are blocking the door."

'Foolish Surya! Why do you use that tone to her? I hope she won't misunderstand and afraid of me,' thought me sorrowfully yet my face still as blank as before.

The girl immediately moved aside and let me out of the medical room. I walked out without looking back, not wanting to see her expression.


Since that day, I wanted to know more about the kind medic whose name was Miranda Jagger. Once, I broke the staff office at midnight to find the information about Miranda Jagger. I skimmed through her paper and decided to question her identity on my mind.

'Who she really is?'

In her paper, there was so many information that deemed as classified. Classified information could only be accessed by a high-rank governor or military.

'She must hide her true self. But, what is the purpose?'

Aside from that, I also did not see and meet that peculiar girl. Well, it was until I met her at my favorite spot in the outer backyard. She sat under the tree, her eyes focused on the book at her hand seriously.

Seconds passed, the girl still not acknowledged my presence. I cleared my throat to let my presence to be known. It was also dangerous for a little girl like her to be outside all alone.

"Move. You take my spot," said me unconsciously with my domineering tone again.

The girl laid her eyes off the book and stared at me, making me stared at her too.

"Is there your name in this spot? If not, just fuck off! I know that life sucks, but don't be a pain in the ass!"

The girl said it calmly as if she did not say something offensive.

'This girl sure has a potty mouth,' thought me amused. 'However, she speaks clearly for a little girl like her.'

"What are you staring at? Just sat wherever you want except here!"

The girl continued her speech. Once again, I searched for disgust toward me in her eyes, and there was surprisingly none. Her blue eyes only conveyed that she was annoyed with me.

Accidentally, an amused chuckle slipped from my mouth. This girl was interesting. I wondered if I could befriend her.

"Nah, what if I want that spot now?"


Hiya, I'm back!!! Finally, after finishing all of Devil's work - the examinations - for college entrance, I could breathe a fresh air of my little freedom. Thank you to you all who waited for this long, I only could say I love you for being patient and still interested with this story.

So, here's 1 of 16 left behind chapter. After this, I'll regularly update again according to the schedule. I'm sorry for the late update. Today's chapter is from Surya's POV.

Well, it's my ambition and dream to update every day for you. However, I'm not that skilled yet. I also want for once to enter the top 50 ranks *wistful gaze* of original work, and I need your help to realize it.

Okay, I'll stop rambling now. Let me hear your thought about this chapter. You could also join me on Discord now: https://discord.gg/EVqT5aD. It's still new and needs many improvements.

See you in the next update!

Shout out for my very first patron, Soulsmsher. This lowly servant thanking benefactor.


ManawaSasacreators' thoughts