
You're in Africa.

On top of a snowy mountain, a giant stone castle stood tall overlooking the snowy region and the frost valley surrounding the mountain. Inside the castle, a hall was filled with several demons, clad in regal armors.

A giant stone table was situated in the middle of the room and eight stone thrones, each different in design than the others, were situated around the table. 

Three old demons were sitting on three of the thrones, wearing red robes with their eyes covered by golden tiaras, these were the archpriests. And for the five archdemons however, four of them only had their dark silhouettes, present on their respective thrones. As they were in their own castles right now.

And only one Archdemon was present in the room, sitting on this throne. He had grey scales all over his body. His arms were slightly shorter than normal but with long six claws as fingers. His legs, however, had an unusually muscular build.

A silver-blue scaled armor, adorning his chest and legs, lightning bolt shaped ears, deep blue eyes, two twisted horns on his head and he was currently resting both of his legs on the table and had a toothy grin on his face, showing his sharp white teeth.

"We're gathered here for a serious discussion, Mephisto. Behave yourself." One of the smaller sized archdemon voiced their displeasure.

"Oh, look the brat's here too. Sorry, I didn't notice you before." Mephisto replied in a mocking voice.

"Did you forget what happened the last time you called me that? Huh?" The smaller silhouette spoke with a chuckle.

"No, I didn't forget. I particularly remember your pathetic self, when you couldn't even touch me." He replied with a grin.

"Wanna give it a go again today? Why don't you come down to my castle? I'll show you who the pathetic one is."

"Oh, then why don't you come up the mountains twerp. Scared of being cold." (AN: Nah she just can't climb the Mountain. If you know what I mean… XD)

"Who's scared-"

"Mephisto!! Caldera!! That's enough out of you two." A larger, much bigger silhouette of an archdemon spoke. While Caldera became quiet without much change in her expression.

Mephisto just frowned but kept his silence. "Archpriest Raruk, tell me why you've called this meeting on such a short notice." the archdemon said in a deep, serious voice.

"L-Lord Argon, f-forgive me but I had no other choice." One of the three archpriests Raruk spoke up but was stammering due to fear.

"First calm down and then explain."

"Yes, lord Argon. As you all know that I purposed an idea, a few months ago." He started explaining but was interrupted by Caldera.

"Oh, wasn't it about using Earth's old radio technology to produce a signal wave, that would help you gather the demons in a large mass and make them work together? Heh…. Don't tell me you are facing some problems with that?

We've already said it wasn't worth our time and don't expect any help from us in that regard, I've got better-"

"Caldera, enough!!!" Argon spoke up in a serious voice. "Will you let the damm priest explain?"

"Tsk, alright, alright. No need to get serious, Raruk continue." She said in a defeated voice.

Raruk nodded and continued "Right, as miss Caldera said, that was my plan. But I was in fact successful in the endeavor." A holographic screen appeared on the table.

While Mephisto just smirked, and Argon had no reaction. Other two who were silent until now, just raised their eyebrows. Caldera was just stammering in her voice "This… This is!!!" 

"Yes, lady Caldera. I was successful in amassing more than a million of low and mid class demons." He said but his voice was still shaky and fearful.

"Then, what seems to be the problem, Raruk? You've succeeded on your task. Why are you wasting your time instead of going to the next phase?"

"That's the problem Lord Argon, as per your orders I mobilized 30,000 high grade demons to observe and lead the million low grades. But they intercepted someone on their march." Raruk spoke and changed the picture in the projection again.

"At first, only the commander of the Night Sentinels was visible on our radar. But someone new, whom we've never noticed before, acted on the battlefield." 

A video then played on the hologram, that showed Gojo's fight against the demons. Or rather Gojo slaughtering the demons. One of the other two archdemons who was silent until now, spoke up as her silhouette became more noticeable.

"Who is he? Or rather, what is he?" She said in an intrigued voice as she looked at the clip of Gojo, conjuring a black whole, that wiped out an entire army of high-grade demons.

"I'm sorry lady B, we've never seen or intercepted, the said individual before. Much less with such power." One of the other archpriests replied.

"But we do have an idea, of what race he might be of." Raruk interjected.

Everyone stared at him for answer, "A siren." He spoke.

But then B spoke with an unimpressed voice, "Plausible, but highly likely. I know sirens, they are monsters on their own league. But this, no siren can do this, not without unconventional energy sources." She explained. (AN: A nod to Borderlands fans. If you know what I mean.)

"What's the plan of action then, Argon?" B spoke again while she looked at Argon.

"B, we have the general idea where the Argent and the siren are headed to. You are the nearest to that location, so go ahead and intercept them. If something goes wrong, I know you have the means to escape." Argon explained his plan.

'Huh? Did they even hear my explanation? They're totally calling that person a siren now. I'm more than familiar with the energy that man was using. Something akin to mana.' B thought, back in her castle, as she made a sphere of rotating dark energy on her hands.

"B…. B!!!" Argon called her out, because she seemed spaced out.

"What? Oh! Sorry, I got lost for a second there. Fine I'll go check on the two-"

She was replying but Mephisto interrupted her "No, I'll go. I'm getting way to frosted, up in these peaks. And besides, you guys are getting way too serious about some random insects."

"This is why we don't send you to any missions, you're way too arrogant and brash about everything. If things go wrong, you'd rather fight and die than run away. Which isn't what, we can afford right now." Caldera spoke and Mephisto quickly replied.

"I'm not asking you, twerp!!" 

"I swear, if you call me that one more time, I'll-"

"Ok, you can go, Mephisto." Argon suddenly spoke.

"But lord-" Caldera was interjecting but was stopped by Argon. 

"I said so, didn't I? Mephisto can go there." 

"Heh, now I get to have some fun. And you guys don't need to worry about me. I'm as fast as lightning, anyways. There is no one that can match my speed." He declared and disappeared in a blue flash of electricity.

Caldera pinched her nose bridge and thought to herself. 'This dumbass, he really thinks he's as fast as lightning. Lightning's speed is one third of the speed of light, for devil's sake. That's nearly a hundred thousand kilometers per second. 

And this idiot thinks he's as fast as, that!! If I remember correctly, his top speed should be somewhere around Mach 30 to 35 (12005 m/s or 43218 km/hr.)'

"Archpriest Raruk, once Mephisto deals with the problem. You'll continue your previous work. This meeting is adjourned here." "ZAZAP!!" Argon spoke and his silhouette disappeared from his throne.

The rest of the archdemons also disappeared from their seats. Only the archpriests remained, who were physically there from the start.

Archpriest Raruk thought to himself 'These f****rs, after the Dark Lord died, they each absorbed a part of his soul, gaining unparalleled powers and now they're ordering us around, like they own everything. Just you wait, once my plan gets to phase two, things will go back to how they were. Hehehehe.'


Back with Gojo and Astell.

Gojo and Astell finally reached the tower, the journey there wasn't much interesting. Besides some random encounters with demons. 'And one more thing, maybe because Astell was still recovering before.

So, it looked like she was not much of a fighter. But throughout the whole walk to the tower, I didn't have to fight once. She's one hell of an assault combatant, highly skilled with guns as well as melee weapons. I guess she isn't a commander for nothing, huh.' Gojo thought to himself.

As they approached the tower, he spoke "Yup, this looks exactly like the one that I used as a spear."

"Really, you had to remind me of that?" She gave a deadpanned look.

"Tehe…" He showed his tongue and acted dumb. 

Astell just rolled her eyes and kept quiet. Suddenly they halted their movement and Astell frowned with anger. 'This sheer quantity of demonic energy.' She thought as she looked at the one, sitting atop the corpses of five sentinel soldiers.

It was Mephisto, resting his elbow on his leg and his head on his scaly fist. He then spoke with a smirk "You insects are finally here, I thought I'd take a nap, if you were late for a few seconds more."

"Who are you?" Astell asked.

"Oh! The sentinel commander doesn't recognize me anymore. It hurts my feeling, you know. Though, I guess it'd be difficult for you guys. After all, all of us have changed since, that day."

Confused, Astell started wrecking her brain 'This voice, the lightning bolt shaped ear and that arrogant attitude.' "Mephisto!!!"

"Yaay!! A million points for the noble Night Sentinel." Mephisto clapped his hands in fake excitement.

'But how? This is insane. If he was a demon before, whatever this is. It's a monster of a different caliber. We were bound to fail from the start. And he said all of them had changed, didn't he? That means other archdemons and archpriests too- No, this needs to be reported back to the king.'

She was thinking to herself, but Gojo spoke "Astell, you break my heart. You're forgetting about me right after you meet your Ex." He said, putting one of his hand on his forehead and another hand clutching his chest.

Astell who was too shocked to say anything, just tilted her head. "Huh?" 'Is this guy for real, right now?' She thought in annoyance.

"Oy, you must be one of the archdemons, right? I don't need to wreck my brain to know, why you're here. You said you're bored, right? How about we start this already-" "Huh" Gojo was speaking but Mephisto was already in front of him.

And his fist, already on Gojo's abdomen. "BAAMMM!!!" Gojo flew past the hill, due do the sheer force of the punch and crashed onto another stone hill "Swoooosh!!!" "Booommm!!! Crashhhh!!!"

The entire hill made of nothing but stone and was more than 500 meters tall, crumbled upon itself, shaking the very land, it was standing on. "One down, one more to go." Mephisto said and looked at Astell with a grin.

Astell couldn't even think about anything as Mephisto's sharp claws were stopped, right in front of her face. "Oh!! Color me surprised; I thought you had surely died." Mephisto said, as he looked at the one that had grabbed his wrist, right on time, to stop him from killing Astell. 

"Died? That punch didn't even hurt." Gojo replied with a smirk and released Mephisto's hand, and quickly clasped his own hands, disappearing along with Astell, from Mephisto's sight.

Both of them reappeared, a bit far from the tower. And Gojo spoke "Take cover, he's fast." 'Faster than the current me, but he's lacking in the strength department i.e. If that punch earlier was his serious punch.' He thought.

Astell nodded and positioned herself, away from the area. "You're a siren, right?" Mephisto spoke as he was already behind Gojo. "Let me tell you something about myself." He said and disappeared in a blue flash.

"I'm fast. As fast as lightning." He said and appeared right above Gojo's head with a drop kick as his body was covered in blue zaps of electricity.

As the kick was about to land on Gojo's head he also smirked and replied with an unimpressed expression. "What a surprise? Me too." And his own body was covered in dark-red lightning streaks as he disappeared from his position.

And reappeared behind Mephisto, giving him a spinning kick. "BAMM!!!" Mephisto was flung back in the air. But he quickly did a backflip and gracefully landed on the ground.

"You are so full of surprises, Siren. Consider this an honor. I am Mephistopheles, the demon of speed, tell me your name." He announced pridefully.

{Honor? Speed? Isn't this guy being too cocky.} Auxel voiced her complain.

[I won't judge him, power does that to people. And I too aren't exempt from that. Let's just humour the poor fella, shall we?]

"Call me Doom, John Doom." 

{….. Really John…. Doom.}

"Now that we're done with the introductions, let me show you why? I'm called the demon of speed." Mephisto announced and more violent streams of blue lightning surrounded his body.

He dashed towards Gojo, becoming a blue zap of lightning, leaving a trail of straight molten ground. Gojo also disappeared in a dark-red flash. 

The entire landscape started shaking as several parts started getting destroyed, when two dark-red and blue blurs of lightning collided with each other.

One moment they would collide on the plain field. "BOOMMM!!!!" "BOOMMM!!!" Making sizable craters below their collision points. Next moment they would be on top of several stone hills repeating same actions.

"Good Job keeping up with me, siren. Let's take this up a notch, shall we?" He said as he was running and then he became faster. And more difficult for Gojo to catch up.

Gojo gritted his teeth and increased his own speed. Mephisto was launching several hyper-speed punches and kicks, and Gojo wasn't currently making any efforts on using 'Infinity' nor going offensive.

He was completely focused on matching his speed with Mephisto or even out-speeding him. Each and every second, Gojo could feel himself going faster. He was more than twice as fast as he was before.

"Tsk…" "SCRUNCH!!!" The CE backlash suddenly hit him, making him wince in pain. 

"RCT" White glow covered his body as he was healing body as it was tearing apart.

"BAM!!! BAM!!! BAM!!!" "Hahaha... Is that it? Siren, come on, entertain me more." Mephisto shouted in ecstasy, as he was enjoying the attacks, that he was continuously throwing at Gojo.

The continuous onslaught of Mephisto's attacks wasn't doing much but the CE back lash was hitting him harder than anything. 

{The current estimated speed of Mephisto is Mach 27. Notice… Your speed is approaching Mach 20… I highly advice to stop current actions and go on the offensive.}

[Not now Auxel!!!]

'More, More, More, MOOOOOORE!!!!!' "HAAAAAAAAAA!!!" Gojo shouted on top of his lungs as he continuously increased his speed.

'How can some achieve such speed, without using any advanced vehicles? This goes beyond what we had been previously informed about. And you're telling me there are seven more of these monsters. Good thing we have someone like Sir Doom, on our side.' 

Astell thought to herself as she watched, completely baffled at the hypersonic battle, that was levelling the landscape itself.

"But why is sir Doom, not attacking at all? Is Mephisto too fast for him? No, slowly but surely, the dark-red flash is keeping up with the blue flash. Then, what is it?" She asked these questions to herself.

Seeing Gojo bleed from several parts of his body. Mephisto seemed happy, not even realizing that it wasn't his attacks that were doing the damage. He threw a punch at Gojo, and he took it head on, seemingly getting damaged by the punch, more blood flowed out of his mouth. 

Amused, Mephisto spoke as they both were locked in hyper-speed combat, "See this, Siren? This is the difference between an insect such as you and someone like me. This is my top speed, THE SPEED OF LIGHTNING!!!" He declared sounding all proud, as his speed increased a bit more than before.

{Notice: Mephisto's Current Speed: Mach 35.}

[So, he's an idiot.]

{Yup, he really thinks that, at his top speed, he's as fast as lightning.}

{Notice: Your speed is approaching Mach 30.}

[Wait!! How am I still alive? And how is the rate of healing faster than before.?]

{Since you didn't seem to stop or hear my advice, I used three SP's each on RCT and Reverse Healing Technique and activated them both at the same time.} (AN: He now has 1 SP remaining. I'll put the updated stats on the last.)

[You can do that by yourself?]

{Generally? No. But this was an emergency situation. So, I had to take some measures- Watch out!!!}

A fist enhanced with lightning, came hurtling towards his face and he was late to notice it as he was busy conversing with Auxel. The fist collided on his nose and his was sent flying in the sky and then down, towards an old sentinel Mech.

"BAAMM!!!" "CLANG!!!" "CLANG!!!" Gojo smashed onto the rusty Mech, and it crumbled down, evidently stopping his momentum. Gojo now laid on the ground as he was covered by the Mech's iron rubbles.

 But he had a victory smile, on his face. 

{Notice: Your Last top speed was Mach 36. Your body has been completely healed and has adapted to the speed of Mach 36 (12348 m/s or 44452.8 km/h.) You can now handle this speed, without any backlash and problems. !!Congratulations!!}

{Notice: Your Agility has gone up by +40 and Enhanced Speed has corresponded by increasing, +2 levels. Your new top speed will be: Acquired speed+ 10% of the acquired speed. 

By calculations your current speed should be at MACH 40 tops. (13720 m/s or 49392 km/hr.)

Adapting to the Agility, you've gained +20 Endurance and +20 Strength, and corresponding to Strength and Endurance; Enhanced Strength has gone up by, +2 levels.}

Gojo swiped away the metallic rubble, that was piling onto him. He slowly got up and saw that Mephisto was looking at him with surprise.

"I'm truly impressed, siren. To be able to endure such impact, at such speed, nonetheless. But your life forfeits, now-" "Huh?" Mephisto wasn't able to finish speaking as Gojo suddenly appeared in front of him with his hand grabbing Mephisto's face.

"BAMMM!!!" Gojo, face bombed Mephisto's head, onto the ground. "AGHKKKK!!!!" "Spluge!!!" Mephisto wailed in pain and blood started flowing out of his eyes, nose and mouth as the impact was too much for him to handle.

"Man! You really talk too much. You know that, right?" Gojo spoke as he dusted his hands. 'What? How? I… I didn't see him move. He was fast, faster than me. Faster than me?'

"HAHAHAHA... What a JOKE??" Mephisto quickly stood up, filled with rage. He tapped onto his speed mode. "Don't you dare mock me, SIREN!!!" He growled and dashed towards Gojo.

Gojo, easily got behind Mephisto and grabbed one of his horns. He then smashed Mephisto's face on the ground and dragged him forward. Gojo then ran at his full speed, as he was dragging Mephisto's face along the ground.

"AARGGGHHHHH!!!" Mephisto screamed in pain as his face was already getting roughed up, by the sheer speed his face was ploughing through the ground. 

Gojo then spoke with a smirk "You're really an idiot, Mephisto. First of all, your speed is nowhere near the speed of the lightning." He then lifted Mephisto up as he abruptly came to a stop.

Using just a bit of his strength, Gojo threw Mephisto, up in the skies. Mephisto was ragdolling through the air, as he was in too much pain to try anything.

"And second of all, even if your speed was around, Mach 35. You could have done so much more with it." Gojo suddenly appeared near Mephisto, in the air, with a punch, ready to be thrown at the archdemon.

"BAAMMM!!!" The fist impacted on the demon's spine, and he was sent speeding towards the ground. A few seconds later he crashed onto the plain fields. Yes, these two were so lost in their hyper speed battle, that they were now at the other side of the world.

Mephisto's impact onto the ground, was strong enough to create a crater of 15-meter radius. Gojo landed several kilometers far from Mephisto's position.

[Auxel, I'm about 15 kms away from Mephisto's position. What do you think will happen, if I run at my full speed and throw a CE enhanced punch at him?]

{Taking your body weight, 75 kg as a refrence. The collision velocity would be your top speed which is Mach 40 or 13720 m/s, and the distance being 15000 m. Lastly, taking CE into consideration, it usually enhances your attacks by ten times.

So, the energy released upon the impact at such speed would be around 70 billion Joules. That's equivalent to 10 lightning-bolts hitting at the same place at the same time.} 

(AN: Knowledge trivia; originally a lightning bolt contains about 7 billion joules of energy, but it is all lost during the process of transfer and only about 1 billion joules of energy hits the earth, if a lightning bolt hits the earth, that is. Most of it is always dissipated in the sky.

So, 70 billion Joules is, 10 times the original energy a lightning bolt possesses. The energy here was calculated from google by keeping mass and distance as a refrence. Just wanted to let you guys know.)

Mephisto was in pain, he was disoriented, disheveled. Never in his life, he was defeated like this. In this humiliating way. He groggily got up from the center of the crater. "Hah… Hah… Hah…" His breathings were heavy.

Slowly, he limped outside the crater, confused and in extreme discomfort as every corner of his body, felt like it was stomped on by elephants. "Ugh… Hah… Where- Where is he?" He questioned, but he was too worn out to take any actions.

Gojo on the other side positioned himself for a crouching start. His left leg extended back, right knee almost touching the ground and both of his hands touched the ground.

"Fooooo!!!" He exhaled and took a deep breath. His entire body was then covered with, streams of dark-red lightning. Multiple arcs of red electricity rippled through the air and destroyed the ground around himself. And red plasma of flames emerged from the electricity surrounding his body.

"Swoosh!!!" "ZOOOMMM!!!" Gojo dashed forward at his full speed. In about 1.2 seconds he was right in front of Mephisto's face, and Gojo's fist had already impacted on the archdemon's chest.

The sheer quantity of energy, that was released in a single fraction of a second, onto Mephisto's body; was so much, that his upper body caved in and exploded in pieces. The resulting explosion released a shockwave. "BOOM!!!" "SHAKE!!! SHAKE!!!" "CRUMBLE!!! CRUMBLE!!!"

After all the energy form the shockwave dissipated, a 20 meter deep, 40 meter long and 15 meter wide, V-shaped crater was formed on the ground. And any remnants of Mephisto's body, were seemingly wiped out from existence. 

"That was NASTY!!!" Gojo spoke in full satisfaction. 

{So, the lightning fanatic couldn't survive the energy of ten lightning bolts, huh.} Auxel remarked in a sarcastic voice.

[Well, it was all at once. So, can you really blame the guy?] Gojo replied with a chuckle.

{Satoru, since you killed Mephisto with your own hands, his ability "DRAGON LIGHTNING" is ready for yours to take.}

[Woah, "DRAGON LIGHTNING" sounds so cool. What kind of ability is it?]

{Active Skill:

"Dragon Lightning" (Level: 1)

Dragon Lightning is an extremely high levelled, lightning manipulation technique. It can be used as an effective offensive ability. But it shines best, as a buff support. At the current skill level, enhancing yourself with dragon lightning, will enable the host to increase his speed by two times.}

[Speed by two times? Does that mean-]

{Yes, right now your top speed is Mach 40, but you can push up to Mach 80 without any repercussions. And it will be three times at level fifteen, and it will increase by one, after each five levels.}

"Extra Skill; Absorb Skills." (Level: 1) (Current skill absorption limit; 1 {Will increase with the increase in skill level})

{Confirmed. Initiating Skill Absorption... 3... 2... 1. Absorption complete. Congratulations!! A new skill has been added to your stats.}


'Woah, I can feel it vibrating inside of my body. It's filled with rage and power. It wants to come out, just like a dragon. It wants to be free.' Gojo closed his eyes, took a few deep breaths and tried to feel his new ability.

He could feel his hair rising, he could feel the air itself, vibrating with palpable intensity. He opened his eyes and then he saw, thick streams of purple lightning. Zapping around his body, with visible purple plasma-flares, here and there.

The purple lightning was dancing around his body, enhancing his physical limits to new heights and rushing in, a fresh and explosive power, inside of his body. That was now all at its full glory and at his disposal to use, as he delights.

Gojo marveled at the purple lightning and thought to himself 'My dark-red lightning and its original blue. Heh, so now my color is purple, huh.'

But then he snapped out of his trance and realized "Oh s**t, I totally forgot about Astell. Man, where the hell even am I, right now?" 

{You're in the African plains.}



'How the hell- ... Well, forget it. Let's get back to her.' He thought as he clasped his hands and disappeared from his position.


Back with Astell.

Astell was resting besides the tower. She thought to herself 'How long has it been, several hours? Sir John, hope you're alright-' "Yo, are you alright?" Suddenly Gojo's voice came from her side.

"YEEK!!!" She yelled in surprise. "Oh! Sir John, you're back. Both you and Mephisto were suddenly gone. So, I was worried. Ah Mephisto, what happened to him?" She spoke.

'Huh? John? Oh, she must have heard my conversation with Mephisto. But really? 'YEEK!!!'… That was hilarious.' He thought and spoke "Well, Mephisto's dead. And don't worry, I'm alright." He replied.

"I see- huh DEAD!!!" She was surprised but quickly calmed herself down. 'Well, I shouldn't be too surprised, considering what sir John's capable of.' She contemplated.

"So, now what's the plan?" Gojo asked again.

"I've already contacted my home world and requested for a rescue team. Help should arrive in 3 days. The problem is. How are we supposed to stand ground against that incoming horde." She explained and pointed towards the horde of more than a million demons, that were slowly but surely approaching their position.



Urgent Quest: Kill all the demons and protect the tower from falling. (AN: A good old tower defense, huh.) 

Quest Reward: Saturated soul of a million demons. (It's exactly what it sounds like)

Time limit: 15 minutes.} 


After reading the system prompt, Gojo gave a smirk and cracked his knuckles. And spoke "No need to worry, Astell my dear. I know exactly how to deal with those things."


..... To Be Continued.

{View Status

System Shop (Locked)

Quests (2) (Urgent Quest and Bonus Quest (EX))

Inventory (food and water ration '174', clothes '26', shoes '20'.)

Travel through the Multiverse (Locked) (Temporarily available for Earth-BZ 09000001.)

System Coins (SC): 2000 (0-> 2000)

Skill points (SP): 1 (Six were used in today's chapter.)}



Name: Satoru Gojo.

Vigor: 215

Strength: 140. (+20 from today's chapter.)

Endurance: 170. (+20 from today's chapter.)

Agility: 250. (+40 from today's chapter.) 

Intelligence: 225

Arcane: 250 (Determines your Luck and Charisma.)

HP: 21500 (Changes with Vigor.)

Attack Power: 19760 (+2000 from +20 strength and +30% from +2 enhanced strength.) (Changes with Strength.)

Stamina: 17000 (+2000 from +20 endurance.) Speed: Mach 80 (Top speed, currently achievable) (Notice: Speed has been added as a stat, since you've crossed the threshold of Mach 25.) (Affected by Agility.)

Mana (Cursed Energy): ?????**** Error.


Active Skills:

Cursed Technique Reversal; Red. (Level: 5) 

Cursed Technique Amplification; Blue. (Level: 5)

Cursed Technique Amplification Max; Singularity. (Level: 1) (It's a black hole, but more unstable than the real ones. After a certain threshold of mass consumption, it releases all the mass consumed as pure unfiltered energy. However, its slightly more time consuming to create a singularity than a hollow purple.)

Imaginary Technique Hollow; Purple. (Level: 3) (Warning!! Due to the Stat 'Mana', this technique has become, ??? times more dangerous than its original version, take extreme precaution before using this skill.)

Create Barriers; Anti-Sensory or Personalized. (Level: 6) (The host can create barriers that can be modified to have an effect desired by the host.)

"Dragon Lightning" (Level:1) (Dragon Lightning is an extremely high levelled, lightning manipulation technique. It can be used as an effective offensive ability. But it shines best, as a buff support. At the current skill level, enhancing yourself with dragon lightning, will enable the host to increase his speed by two times.)

Extra Skill; Absorb Skills. (Level: 1) (Current skill absorption limit; 1 {Will increase with the increase in skill level}) (The host can absorb the skills of any being that the host has killed by his own hands. Any indirect method of killing is not viable for this skill. Beings killed by your own skills or your own hands, these are the only factors that will let you absorb the skills of others.)

Reverse Healing Technique. (Level: 7) (+3 levels in today's chapter.) (An application of RCT, that the host can use to heal himself and others.)

Warp. (level: 10) (An application of Lapse; Blue, the host can create negative distance between himself and the desired destination. Since negative distance cannot exist; the void will be filled in by the Blue, successfully warping you or the targets you've chosen to the respective destinations. Fair warning, to be able to successfully teleport you need to have a clear image of the destination you want to warp to.)

Domain Expansion; Infinite Void. (Level: 5) (Caution: Just don't use this shit, unless it's the only option you've been left with. If you don't want to unleash a catastrophic void for petty reasons, that is.)

(Note: the active skills are also affected by the stat 'Intelligence')


Passive Skills:

Reversed Cursed Technique. (Level: 7) (+3 levels in today's chapter.) (Due to the stat 'mana', RCT has now become a passive Skill. The host will always remain healthy, free of any diseases and health complications. As well as having complete resistance to poisons and curses. And any Injuries dealt to hosts body, will be healed in time. The rate of heling will increase with skill level.)

Infinity. (Level: 10) (Despite being a passive skill, the host can use and manipulate infinity, however he wishes. At max level, this skill will ensure that it cannot be bypassed or cancelled in any way possible. So, as long as a maxed levelled infinity is active, the host should be completely invincible.)

Enhanced Strength. (Level: 9) (+1 from +20 strength) (Affected by strength and Endurance.)

Enhanced Speed. (Level: 12) (+2 from +40 agility) (Affected by Agility.) 

Wild Perception. (Level: 12) (Can perceive anything and everything in the radius of 120 Kilometers. Note: You can turn on and off, the effects of perception on will.) (Affected by Intelligence.)

Cold Minded. (Level: 15) (Keeps the host calm, even in most desperate situations. This skill ensures that your focus and concentration on any work you're currently doing, is unbreakable.) (Affected by Intelligence.)}


Authors Note:

Here you go folks, another chaps. I was free, so I thought 'F**K IT, let's do this s**t.' And here I am.

And to those of you who might be thinking, 'why are you giving him way too much power ups?' I hope you've at least read the synopsis. If not, PLEASE DO.

And lastly, drop some reviews, suggestions, comments and power stones if you can. But I wont force you. Hahaha... jokes apart. Do drop some reviews though.

See you next chapter.

... Adios!!!