
Weapon Draw/IP/Death

Fear crept inside me as I watch the vile zombies walk, crawl closer while their insides are visible some even dragging them behind the main body.

Once again, the urge to puke came instantly but left just as fast as there was nothing to puke. Having gotten some bearing about what's happening I scurried to pick up the broken furniture to block the door and windows. The blockade was extremely crude but it's still better than nothing.

I gathered my stuff and hurried upstairs. I went next to a window looking at the incoming horde.

A few minutes later they were in front of the house some stopped, others kept going. Then one of them began walking towards the house. I tensed while not wanting to make any noise for fear of alerting it or any others. That's when it hit me, if they're like the zombies in movies and games they'll react to blood and what's downstairs, a mutilated corpse.

I was pulled out of my trance by a loud bang. I carefully looked down and noticed there were 7 in total, not just one.

Terror strikes me as I back up and tumble on a piece of broken furniture. The fall must have knocked some sense into me as I picked up pieces of broken furniture and carry, pull whatever worked to the bottom of the stairs.

The blockade got to 4 feet high when the door collapses. I stare in horror as the decomposing corpse moves closer to me.

Quickly coming back to I feel relieved that only 3 of the 7 are headed towards me while the other 4 went for the corpse. I inwardly thank the man for dying since it brought me a higher chance of surviving.

I pull out the rusty kitchen knife and when the first zombie is around 2 feet away from me I stab it in the eye.

While struggling not to barf or let go of the knife I fall onto my bottom and crawl back towards the stairs. While Breathing deeply I get back up to see the remaining 2 no more than a few feet away.

I grab the broomstick and ready myself before thrusting it forward with all my strength into one of the zombie's eyes.

The zombie was killed but the excess noise from it falling along with the broomstick caught the attention of 3 that were eating the corpse and a few of the ones who were coming inside.

Seeing how hopeless it was to try and kill 10 plus zombies with nothing but a rusty kitchen knife I fled upstairs back into the original room. I head to the other side window and decide to try and jump onto the tree by the window.

I throw my makeshift bag onto the tree then back up without having looked down. I place a broken desk I checked for sturdiness to be a step up to the window. I take a deep breath then run at the window step on the desk then the window frame and jump.

I crash into the branches and leaf's causing many small cuts and scrapes on me. Thankfully I landed on a thick branch of the tree.

While catching my breath and calming down my fearful heart I remember the light my tattoo emitted when I killed the first zombie but was too preoccupied to care.

I check the interface and notice a new tab in the shape of a present under the missions tab. I mentally click it and it shows text reading <First Blood> in glowing letters.

I opened it and text displayed reading

<For achieving the first kill in the first map you get a reward. Reward: Weapon draw.>

After which a new tab appeared under the present tab shaped like a deck card. The display changed to show 25 cards with letters up top telling me to pick one.

Selecting the middle one the rest disappeared while the one I picked got bigger and began to rotate. When it stopped a plain looking halbert was on the card. The interface closed and the halbert appeared in front of me. Grabbing it I realize my dream of bulldozing through them ended before it started as it weighs around 60-70 pounds. While pondering on what my next step to be I'm startled by growling, looking up I realize that they're coming around the corner of the house to where I'm at.

While trying to come up with a plan the zombies got to the bottom of the tree and kept hitting it trying to get to me. Looking down on them I had a clear view of their skulls that's when I hit me. I grabbed the halbert which is about 3 meters in length and stabbed down at one of the heads below. It pierced through killing it instantly.

I kept repeating the process and on the 8th one, my tattoo flashed. I checked it and noticed that I had 1 IP, I thought back and realized that for every 10 zombies killed I would get 1 IP. It seems to hard for me but after thinking about it seems rather easy considering we can get stronger while they remain the same.

Coming to that conclusion I continue with their slaughter seeing them as nothing but points but after killing the 15th zombie my hands feel so heavy that I almost lost my grip on the halbert. I struggled to get it onto the branch then I just slumped against the trunk. Barely being able to move I decided to explore the interface and noticed that my Stamina is 1/14 and my HP is 21/35.

Also under equipment, the halbert is there. I select it and the data on it is shown.

Steel Halbert

Rank G

Damage: 10-15

I realized that swinging the halbert that weighs a lot continuously drains my stamina rather quickly and that despite the cuts and scraped being small they did cause significant damage to me.

Pondering over how to recover my stamina and HP my tattoo rang. The text stating <Player IV has died>.

<Current Stats>

Name: Mark Millard

IP (Infinity Points): 1

Gender: M

Race – Human

Bloodline – None

Age: 17

MP: 110

Health Points: 35

Stamina: 14


Strength – 8 (0/80)

Dexterity – 5 (0/50)

Vitality – 7 (0/70)

Intelligence – 11 (0/110)

Spirit – 5 (0/50)

Luck – 7 (0/70)

Skills: None

Equipment: Steel Halbert

Companions: None

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