
GODOPEDIAOLOGY countdown starts

GODOPEDIAOLOGY runs for his life, what started from the porn website investigation has now turned as a nightmare for him. He runs like anything and catches a bus to reach to the railway station but in the middle of this, he sees a traffic jam in the checkpost and now he understands that the cops are searching for him.

He gets down the bus and slowly elopes to the near by tea stall and drinks some water, eats some junk salad and drinks a cup of tea, before he could finish, he sees a police jeep rushing towards the shop. GODO gives the money he had stolen from the lady jailer's pocket and asks the stall owner to keep the change and walks towards the other parallel road. The cops ask the shop keeper whether he has seen the person in the photo, the owner says that he just left his shop and went on the other road.

Meanwhile GODOPEDIOLOGY becomes totally scared, but his internal heart asks him to have courage and asks him to change his dress style and to stay in disguise till the matter gets cool and suggests him to disguise as a old man. GODO checks his pocket there he just has only 5000 rs. He goes to the dressing shop purchases kurtha pyjama(similar to cotton pant and shirt) and to suit that dress, he purchases a old hair man wig and shaves his beards and mustache. He then purchases a zero grade spectacles and wears it.

Then he decides to leave that place, so he walks the other side of the checkpost which is coincidencely the border of that state and the starting of the next state. He catches a local taxi and asks him to drop to the near by railway station but by this time he just has 100 rs in his pocket, he still needs money to survive but the world is no more a good place for him to trust and if the taxi driver knows who is GODO now, he himself would catch and surrender him to police.

GODOPEDIAOLOGY was thinking like anything but he didn't know what to do? The railway station was nearing and he searches his pocket and suddenly sees that by mistake the shopkeeper had given a bottle of spray and GODO read it and understood that it was a spray that was used by the women's to protect themselves from the bad fellows. It was liquid chloroform used to make the opponent unconscious. So before the railway station could arrive GODO sees a isolated place and asks the taxi driver to stop the vehicle and asks the amount. When the taxi driver turns down to see the meter GODO covers his nose with a kerchief and sprays the spray on the driver. The driver becomes unconscious. GODO looks all the sides, no one in the road, he carries the driver's body in the bushes and puts all his disguise materials in a cover and strips the dress of the taxi driver wears his dress and checks the pocket, he has kept some 8000 rs in his pocket, without much time to think he leaves the taxi driver with the underwear and elopes with his car.

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