
GodFather System: All my kids are weird

It has been 800 years since this world was destroyed by a sudden catastrophe. In order to survive in this world, Linc compromised, and he used his GodFather system. As long as you raise your daughter like a normal girl and make her admire yourself. Then you will earn a father point, and become stronger with time. Cute corpse controlling girl: "You are my father, so stay by my side forever!" Queen of tower: "Dad won't leave me will right?" Holy priest: "Sorry father, you forced me to do violence. The holy church will bless our relationship." Seeing the children he had cared for started fighting one after another. Linc raised his hands forward. "Wait a minute, why are you guys stronger than me!? We got the order wrong!" ____ New book.

World_Simulator · Fantasía
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184 Chs

Chapter 145: "The curse of the Magiota family"

Go to zone three, the headquarters of the Neisser Society. Linc, who was sitting at his empty office desk, stared at the air in a daze.

"What's wrong, why are you in a daze so early in the morning like this?" Panita entered Linc's office, and asked in a surprised tone.

Breathing helplessly. linc looked at his office desk sadly.

"I'm thinking about Luna. Irene has returned home. Raina has gone to work and will only be on vacation on Saturdays and Sundays."

"My house suddenly became very empty. I was worried that she would feel lonely." Linc sighed once again.

Looking at the worried Linc. Panita tilted her head in confusion.

"Why not just send her to school?"

"Huh, what's the point of school?"

Panita: "...."

Opened her mouth in astonishment, having managed to find someone who didn't even know what point of "school" was for these days. Panita recalled Linc's origin documents, and she suddenly felt it was all very natural.

Tells Linc that school can make Luna learn to gain knowledge, and make friends according to her age. Linc who heard this more and more, immediately had bright eyes.

"That's it! I decided to send Luna to school tomorrow!"

"..You don't need to get too excited... One week later is the new student registration event. You can try it then."

Nod his head, and thank you. Linc looked Panita with a relaxed smile.

"What's wrong, why did senior come to my office so early?"

"Ah, I almost forgot." Panita held her forehead dizzy, "Follow me."

Stand up, and follow Panita from behind. Linc asked where he was going, and Panita answered him.

Remember yesterday's important patient?

They are now in critical condition.

Their condition was very stable last night. But for some reason, their condition this morning suddenly worsened, and Doctor Servial even had to step in after he got out of bed.

Panita was sent by Doctor Servial to pick up Linc. To ask for help. Servial says only he can help him.

"Yesterday's patient? What's is name?" Linc asked confusedly.

"Her name is Aherana Magiota, the younger sister of Berde Magiota, the boss of a company that manufactures and exports heavy military weapons and energy ammunition in Europe."

"Their visit to the Neisser Society was kept a secret. The reason they gave was the internal upheaval in Magni city, and looking for a place to hide. When the curse of the ice statue on his sister's body suddenly worsened, they just revealed their true intentions."

"Apparently, he intended to cure his sister secretly without his father's knowledge at all."

Linc asked confusedly: "The curse of the ice sculpture?"

Panita nodded her head.

"This is a secret that the Magiota family is keeping secretly. Since you are going to cure a patient, then you have a right to know."

"The descendant of the Magiota family once went on the Aurora expedition together with Doctor Servial. His grandfather was a researcher at the time."

"Due to a secret agreement, the names of the researchers and staff who carried out the Aurora expedition were crossed out, and were not allowed to be recorded in any document files. However, Doctor Servial who led the expedition team, knew very well who the names were involved."

"Twfy Magiota, the researcher who fell into Pandora's pit."

Listen to the Panita's explanation. Linc listened to her carefully, and he began to understand the origin of cause and effect.

After falling into Pandora's pit which is a path to the crystal church. Twfy Magiota felt his body begin to drop to a temperature below the normal range, and he was immediately dismissed, taken home, for treatment after they found the crystal church and set up base camp there.

At first they thought he just got frostbite, and they brought Twfy back home to Magni town to get the best treatment there.

Everything is alright.

Until, the eighteenth day arrived.

Twfy Magiota, turned into an ice statue on his bed with a calm expression, holding his hands together, like praying to a god.

This is where the curse of the ice sculpture begins.

This curse will continue to attack the descendants of Magiota regardless of race or age, whether Transfusions or ordinary humans.

The nature of this curse is also very random regardless of the family tree line. After eighteen days of incubation, that person will freeze to death into an ice sculpture, and will transfer again to another descendant of Magiota regardless of distance.

This made the Magni city, their family base rooted in, into a very chaotic place.

The entire city instantly entered a state of panic. Coupled with some people wanting a chance in the chaos, Magni City had become a forbidden place for those living in the vicinity.

Berde mother, Nalaya Magiota, also died from this curse two years ago. This made the father of the two of them to suddenly become to very crazy.

He, was obsessed with this curse.

He wanted to turn this curse into a weapon, and become a mainstay card for the Magiota family to face outside competitors to get Magni city back into their hands.

Everything was fine when their father, Lucius Arolan, asked all those who knew about this curse to shut up, and keep it a tight secret.

When Berde accidentally enters his father's weapons research and development room. Berde now knew that he had underestimated the word "Crazy" attached to his father's name.

Using the Magiota bloodline as an experiment, and also utilizing the Atlantis technology to create a Magiota bloodline clone. Lucius managed to imprison the curse into a large room, with thousands of ice statues praying, giving a very terrible impact on him at that time.

His father, really very crazy.


Berde only closed to his eyes tightly.

"So, let me guess the next story. The curse escaped, and is now infecting Berde's sister, Aherana."

"Knowing his father's crazy character. Berde who loves his sister hid the news about his sister being cursed by the ice statue, and came to the Neisser Society secretly, asking for help from the Doctor Servial."

Hear what Linc said. Panita rolled her eyes tiredly.

"You're right, but still not quite right."

Walk down the silent hallway, and get to the isolation room. Panita turned around, and told the detailed story.

"When she was found, it was already the nineteenth day. Managed to break the old record of curses ever recorded."

"Because he stole his important research subject. Now, his father is very angry."

"At least the reason to hide and seek refuge in the Neisser Society is true."

Panita immediately opened the door, and entered the isolation room.

Seeing Doctor Servial crossing his arms, and a transfusion man with thick white hair, and a girl, a second generation Transfusion, Felis race, lying on the stiff bed with a frozen expression. Linc noticed that the room temperature here suddenly became very cold.

"Go, they need you."

Panita, push Linc to come forward.

I was trying to think of how to seriously introduce this third daughter. My brain is really break these few days.

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