
God Tier Uchiha- OP Naruto fanfic

Crack-fic, don't expect anything too awesome. It's also wish fulfillment...yeah you already know where this is going. OP Naruto fanfic. The main character will be extremely OP and I will not nerf him no matter what. This has a smart, laidback MC. If you like Weak, stupid MC's this isn't for you. The MC is also a realist, and everything he does will be for a reason, he will be silly and smart at the same time. A perfect mixture of both.

Malxxotic · Cómic
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22 Chs

Zekoru's Raid

"You have been very helpful, Zedith. Thank you for everything. Now then, I guess I must get going."

"Father?" Zedith asked.


"I want to be included in your plans. I don't know how much help I can be, but I would still like to be included."

"Okay, I'll include you in all my plans, I promise." Tokimo said with a smile. Tokimo then gained back his neutral expression and asked, "How will we deal with the Akatsuki? You and I both know I could stomp them, but that would not line up with the end goal of my plans."

"Father, if I may ask, how does one defeat the Akatsuki? They are all very powerful fighters and ninjas, even the weakest member is considered a powerhouse by normal standards. I don't think they would be easy to take down, no matter how well prepared you were."

Tokimo simply smiled. "Have you already forgotten of my prowess, I have defeated Yagura and his army using my own powers." Tokimo was confident in his answer.

"You did have a lot of help with that." Zedith replied.

"Regardless, I am the strongest person in this world, and that is a fact. The so called 'help' you're talking about was my very creation. I created the tailed beast that distracted Yagura's army."

"Father, you don't have to prove yourself to me, I already know that you are stronger than anyone else alive. I was just curious how anyone else could defeat them."

Tokimo smirked. "They'd better pray to God."

Tokimo then got in a thinking position. "Alright, but there is still one thing."

"Well, what is it?" Asked Zedith.

"What should I do once my journey for this world is over? What worlds shall I venture?" Asked Tokimo.

"Father, I think you should just stay here and rule over this world forever."


"Because this world is perfect for you."

"So, you would prefer to see me ruling over this world forever instead of leaving it behind?"

"No, Father. But I wouldn't mind if you stayed here either. There is nothing wrong with staying here, and there are plenty of things left to explore."

Tokimo nodded. "While you do make a valid point, I don't think I can find true peace or happiness in this world specifically. My end goal in the long term is to find a wife and settle down in a modern world. This way, our child can live safely."

Zedith seemed confused. "With all that power, you choose to sit around in the end? Not do anything with it?"

"Yes, I am still human at nature. While other people might want to rule over a territory, I wish to one day have a wife and child and live in comfort while raising said child. I don't want to end the family bloodline."

Zedith grew a complicated expression. "Aren't I your child? You created me, so..."

"I see you as my creation. Although you technically are my child since I created you, I don't see you as such. I will always care for my creations, but I want to have an organic child created from my seed." Answered Tokimo.

"Oh, I understand now." Zedith nodded.

"Now, let us continue our discussion." Said Tokimo. He turned his gaze towards Zedith. "As for dealing with the Akatsuki, I have an idea."


"They really are taking their time." A man commented.

A group of men walked through a forest on their way to a random village within the Land of Water. One man wore a red mask, he looked like a stereotypical villain. His name was Zekoru.

"Hm... They're probably trying to gather information before striking. That's smart actually. We can use that against them." Another man said.

"Yeah! Let's go!" Zekoru yelled out. He ran off ahead of everyone else.

The others followed after him, they made sure to keep an eye on Zekoru. They didn't trust him.

Zekoru quickly reached the edge of the forest and began to walk forward. He knew that the village had to be near because he heard children playing. He kept walking until he finally spotted the entrance of the village. He entered and immediately saw the source of the noise.

There was a small hut with two doors. The first door was closed, and the second opened when Zekor approached it. Inside sat three men. They were looking outside. It appeared to be the only place within the village where they gathered.

One of the men spoke up. "We've got a problem in this house over here. This people in this home don't have any weapons to deal with the bandit raid in the village."

"This one?" Zekoru asked.

"Yeah." The man answered.

"Let me handle it." Zekoru said as he stepped into the house.

He went inside and found a young girl sleeping in bed. She must've been around five years old judging by her size. The man who was standing guard noticed Zekoru.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"Just someone passing through. I'm not here to hurt you or your daughter." Zekoru reassured the man.

"Are you some sort of hero?"

"If you mean a shinobi from a village then no. I am just a simple traveler." Zekoru replied.

"Then why do you have a mask?"

"To protect my identity."

The man nodded. "Okay, I'll leave you alone. Don't do anything bad to my little girl."

"Of course."

Zekoru walked further into the room and looked around. Then, he realized something strange. There weren't any weapons within the room.

"Where are your weapons?" He questioned.

"We don't need any weapons." A man answered, following Zekoru.

Zekoru scoffed. "You're hiding in a tiny house without any weapons. Why wouldn't you need weapons?"

"Because the attacks are over, right?"

"No? We still have low class bandits or rogues trying to take the female population as slaves."

"What! But I thought It ended! Either way, they're just low class. We don't need weapons."

Zekoru sighed at their stupidity. "Wouldn't you want to have weapons on you when you're fighting rogue shinobi? Do you have common sense?"

The two men stared at him blankly.

"Don't worry about it. Just stay alive." Zekoru told them.

"Wait, what did you say your name was?"

"It's Zekoru. Now, I should get going." Zekoru said as he started to walk out of the house. Zekoru got back with his group and started to head towards another unknown village with rogue shinobi standing guard.

When they arrived, Zekoru stood next to a wall.

"So this is the target?" Zekoru muttered.

"Indeed it is. We shall take them down easily." One of the members of his group said.

"Good luck. But remember: if anyone gets caught, I'm the only one who knows where we are."

"Understood." The member responded.

Zekoru looked at the guards. "All right, I'm ready." He whispered.

Suddenly, he vanished from sight. The guards all looked around confused, then noticed that the walls suddenly seemed to move. Two black figures emerged from the shadows and struck the guards.

Zekoru landed silently behind one of the guards, he grabbed onto his arm and pulled him away. Once the guard fell to the ground, Zekoru jumped on top of him and slammed his head against the ground.

The other guard tried to run away, but Zekoru quickly grabbed him and threw him into a nearby tree. He then picked up a rock and bashed the man over the head.

After killing both of the guards, Zekoru walked back to the village. The people there were now terrified.

"What happened!?" A villager yelled out.

Zekoru walked closer and looked down upon the man.

"Nothing happened." Zekoru replied calmly.

The villagers started to panic and began to flee for their lives. Some of the kids even hid underneath tables.

Zekoru chuckled and continued on his way. When he returned to his group, he saw that they had killed all of the guards.

"Did everyone make it out alright?" Zekoru asked.


"Good job."

They made their way towards the center of the village. It was filled with stalls and shops. People were running everywhere trying to escape.

"Halt!" A man shouted out.

"And why would I do that?" Zekoru asked.

"Your group has been attacking the villages since yesterday morning! You've already caused too much chaos for us to let you continue doing so." The man said.

"I see. And how will you stop me?" Zekoru asked.

"You will see. Our orders are to capture you alive, but if you resist, you die." The man said.

"Fair enough. Let's play this game." Zekoru said as he turned to face the man.

The man drew his sword and charged towards Zekoru. Before the man could reach him, however, he disappeared again. The man stopped and looked around confused.

"You can't be serious." He mumbled.

A/N: In this chapter, Im adding a character. He wont cause any problems for the Mc is all I can say.

This is another one of the 12 chapters. For this chapter I decided to add extra lore to this fanfic to spice it up a bit. If I just follow the plot with a few character interactions, it wont be interesting.

Malxxoticcreators' thoughts