
God of War System

Since the appearance of Mana in the universe all living creatures on earth started to change, but the appearance of savage beast with great powers brought a great calamity for humanity in order to evade extinction humanity was forced to abandon earth. It has been 2000 years since humanity colonize Mars, Humans under one empire, with the purpose of gaining enough power to take the plate back from those beast. Noah is a child that while awakening his powers during his baptism he discovers to have a system name God of War, informing him that with the system assistance he could crush all of his enemies. He has a dream to become a 5 star general and to lead an army back to earth to kill all of the beast kings.

ARN88 · Militar
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5 Chs

Mission scrolls

Noah position himself outside of the entrance he took a look at his map to check for other enemies outside the entrance, luckily nothing showed on his map, with that out of the way Noah directed all of his attention on the ant commander. He ignited the power of his lottus flame, as he was cover with a blue flame, the ant commander did not stop on his tracks he gain speed with each step even its legs left after images as it moved towards Noah.

The commander send a fist toward him the sound of the air braking could be heard,Noah took a step to his right to evade the punch, but he was surprised by the ant commander other hand had changed into a blade, Noah usted his sword to block the incoming blade attack.

¨bang, bang, bang¨

The constant crashing of sword rang as a giant ant was fighting against a 10 year old human, Noah look like a small pray before the ant commander, it came to a surprise to see the small figure of a child parry all of the blade attacks.

Even with the added stats it was hard for Noah to parry the antes attacks if not for his newly sword skill he might have succumb to the ant attacks.

Noah knew that he had to be quick in killing his enemy if he tardy any longer reinforcement would show up. the only advantage that Noah had was that the fight was 1 versus 1 and but with every blade attack that he had to parry his stamina would decrease at an alarming rate the flames around his body started to dim.

¨Master don't push yourself to hard let's take our leave first and come back once you are at a higher level, the ant commander has passed the first threshold in his metamorphosis its strength will increase with time.¨

Noah only felt anger in his hart at his weakness the plan to kill all the ants on his way out was running smoothly, but the ant in front of his threw a wrench on his plans, he felt like the strongest creature in this dimension his strength never stop growing but now he felt weak in front of this ant.

¨ No¨

Noah whisper, he had to overcome every challenge not for his prada but for mankind, if he lost to this ant now when it at its weakest point what would happen once he comes back. Would he find himself in this same predicament, what would he do then run away once again, that was unacceptable he still had some time he still had strength in his body he had to kill his enemy on this fight.

Humans have lost to much against its enemies, they were push back to the point that humans had to leave their own planet. Even now the beast in earth have mutated and have send armies to kill all of mankind, his father the person he love had to be deploy on many occasion to meet the beast armies in space. His father had to risk his life to guarantee his family safety, Noah had noticed the fear in his mother eyes the possibility of her husband never coming back home was possible.

¨How much time do I have before reinforcement come¨ Noah ask the system he could use the ant commander large figure to block the small ants but there was a possibility that a stronger ant might come with the reinforcement at that would be a deadly mistake that Noah could not afford.

¨ 5 minutes at most the ants are gaining speed and a sense 5 ants stronger than the commander you are fighting now¨

Noah focused on his sword movements at the moment he could not attack since his enemy attacks came to fast and it gave him no tame to attack back, he felt his grip on his short sword weakening the ant commander looked larger than before. The pain in his muscles became stronger with every attack he parry.

In this time just as he was going to give up and use his lightning steps to run away from the ant, the image of his father back came to his mind for some reason it gave him strength.


He scream out loud and for the first time his sword push the ants blade back.


Noah shouted even louder this time, his movement became faster, the grip on his short sword became sturdier.


this time after he parry the ant attack, for the first time Noah attack back, a cut on the ant chest appeared green blood came out of the wound.

¨ROAAAR¨ A deafening sound came from the ants mouth, and like a berserker the ant attack faster and stronger.

¨Bam, bam, bam¨

Noah felt the ant strength increasing but so what, he will keep on cutting his enemy, he will keep on making his enemy bleed, his mind had only one thing and that was to kill. With all of his strength on his attack the flame around his sword was shot out landing on the ants body.

¨ROAR¨ the flame around the ant body kept on adding up with every attack Noah directed at the ant. This gave Noah a longer attacking reach, his sword movements became faster and stronger when he heard the ant painful roar.


One of the ant's leg was cut off sending the ant off balance for a split second without wasting time Noah send another attack aiming at the ants blade arm he send his sword at the intersection where the ant arm became a blade according to the system it was the weak point, the ant tried to block the attack but it was to late as a deep wound appeared almost cutting off the blade off the ant arm.

The limping blade hanging from the ant arm render it vulnerable to Noah's attack, ¨roar¨ this time the roar that came from the ant commander sounded weaker the ant tried to step back but Noah never gave his the opportunity, he jump and send another attack this time it was aimed at the ant´s head.


The ant head exploded a notification confirm the ant commander dead, Noah felt strength flowing through his body the gauntlets and the fire lotus absorb the ants vitality to replenish his stamina.

¨New skill obtain¨

¨New skill obtain¨

Noah did not pay attention the the notification, he felt his streght had replenish but he was running out of time with his fastest speed possible he burst out heading toward the forest keeping an eye on his minimap for any enemies. Right now he had to find a safe place to set camp and plan his remaining time on these dimension.

¨Huf, huf¨

Breathing heavily after his had run, it took Noah some time before he found a place to set camp. By relying on the system warning Noah had found an empty cave the area was remotely safe, the cave was abandoned it showed no signs of a beast living in it. Noah used the equipment he had prepared to seal of the cave this would prevent any creature from detecting him, he open a bag of highly nutrition meal and started to eat it. while he check the notification he got from killing the ant commander.

¨New Skill obtain¨

-Battle cry: In every battle make your might known to your enemies and allies ( Temporarily increases your and your allies stats by 10% and it weakens the enemy by the same percentage)

¨New Skill obtain¨

Outburst: Your indonimal will can erupt the streght hiding in your cells ( Temporary increases stats by 20 % for 5 minutes after effects run out you stats weaken by 50 % )

Noah was happy about his new skills if he used both skills he could increase his tats by 30 % but the penalty was a heave one if he fail in killing his enemy he would enter a weaken state, if not for his gauntlets replenishing his energy back when he killed the commander he might not have escape from the other ants. Sweat trickle on his back he knew that he got lucky on his battle, after finishing his meal the system voice rang inside his mind.

¨Master you have obtain a chance to pick a mission scroll¨ tree scrolls one appeared in front of Noah, the three scrolls had different colors white, yellow and green. The system explain that the white scroll was of a very easy difficult it would bring fewest benefits, the yellow scroll was a bit more challenging with a 20 % chance to earn an equipment the last one was considered medium difficulty and had the best reward with a higher chance to earn equipment or a high tear skill.

Noah graved the green scroll his objective was to become stronger by taking higher risk he would achieve his objective faster. The green scroll lit up in flames and a screen showed up in front of Noah

The pad of the Conqueror: It is your destiny to conquer all dimension you explore, use your streght and your witts to build an army that will serve you, lead them to victory and become the supreme being of the dimension.

Noah looked thru the information provided by the system, the mission he got was to conquer this dimension as for the army he had to built the system gave him a list of possible allies, not all being inhabiting this dimension where hostile. In order for Noah to successfully accomplish his task it was necessary to bring all creatures under his command as for the other creatures that showed hostility toward him he had to eliminate them.

¨System how am I supposed to communicate with the other creatures?¨Noah had to ask since the names on the list provided by the mission scroll of possible allies had names like rock beetle, fire beetle, water beetle, air beatle was he supposed to become the king of beetles.

¨Master the mission scroll has already provided you with the necessary skill to communicate with the insects¨ just as the system inform Noah a new skill had been added to his skill list it was a telepathic communication but it was one that he could only use while he was in the current dimension.

Noah was also provided with the location of all the creatures the supposed allies only consists of 1/3 of all living creatures in other words he had to kill the remaining creatures a mission that was consider to be medium level order him to kill more than half of the creatures on this dimension and for some reason he was only allow to recrute beetles for the battle. Noah could only hope that the beatles in this dimension were stronger than the other insects, ¨System do you have any information of this beetles?¨

¨Master beetles are sensitive to the elements they have great potential a beetle individual strength rivals that of an ant commander but they are few in number and they rarely interact with their own kind¨

As for the reward the system did not specify it varied depending on how many beetles Noah successfully recruits, the time he took to conquer the dimensión and how many soldiers he kept alive. There was no time limit he could come back every night to advance on his quest.

With the help of his system Noah had planned a route towards his conquest on his way he would recruit the beetls and destroy the other insects starting from the weakest leaving the ants and the praying mantises for last.