
God of Ice in Fairy Tail

RoyalBlueberry · Cómic
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

It is now year 784 which means that it's the start of the canon story and I've turned 18. Throughout these last few years, a number of things happened.

The first of which were the new members of the guild which were Natsu, Happy and the Strauss siblings. By the way I managed to save Lisanna by taking the job before they did. It was pretty easy to find since it was on the board for a while.

The second thing would definitely be the fact that I officially became an S-class wizard gaining the nickname 'Jack Frost' for my ice abilities with Erza quickly following after me. It caused a bit of a stir in the wizarding community since we were so young, but it died down.

The third is-

"Erza is here! Run for your lives!"-Guild Member

"They sure are scared of you huh. I guess you are pretty scary 'Titania'."-Albus

"I'm sure they're just as afraid of you 'Jack Frost'. -Erza

The third is that I became a travel buddy of Erza Scarlet herself and it's been going pretty well. We have a sort of rivalry between who is stronger though it's more I'm stronger and she's trying to catch up.

"Who's Erza? I haven't met her before?"-Lucy?

"That's right you wouldn't have met her yet, would you? Erza is the strongest woman in Fairy Tail and has the nickname 'Titania'!"-Mira

"The strongest in Fairy Tail?! How strong is she!?"-Lucy?

"No, no, not the strongest in Fairy Tail. That's a bit of a difficult one but it's widely considered to be either Albus Wren or Gildarts Clive."-Mira

"Albus Wren, as in 'Jack Frost' one of the strongest wizards who declined the title of Wizard Saint?! I heard he defeated an entire army by himself?!"-Lucy

That's right, in this world I was the one who stopped the invasion of the Alvarez Empire in this world with a secret art. I only did this since nobody should go through the horrors of war and even if it was stopped by Etherion in the story there may have been casualties.

"Are you ready to head in? I think we've eavesdropped enough."-Erza

"I guess you're right. Let's head in then."-Albus

Walking in I can see everyone nervous though not because of me, that's only Lucy.

"I've heard you've caused a few problems when I was gone, and Master may be fine with that but I'm certainly not. Wakaba there are cigarettes all over the floor! Nab pick a job! Vijeeter if you're going to dance do it outside! As for Macao… I don't even have any words." -Erza

"That's even worse!"-Macao

"Now, now Erza I'm sure they feel bad enough. I mean come on you can't get Nab to get a job, it's impossible! I'm more likely to beat a god than Nab is to get a job! As for the rest… well they look pretty sorry."-Albus

"You're being too easy on them Albus! I haven't even gotten to Natsu destroying the port or Gray walking around town naked!"-Erza

"I'm pretty sure the council would've done enough damage for Natsu right? As for Gray… I have no excuses. Sorry Gray."-Albus


"Man, she's really tearing into you guys."-Lucy


"You're talking like Happy?!"-Lucy

"Ah that's because Natsu once challenged Erza to a fight and then got beaten up and then she found Gray and beat him up too."-Mira

"She beat Natsu and Gray with no problems?! How strong is she?"-Lucy

"She's pretty strong. I'd say she's almost Wizard Saint level but she's not quite there yet."-Albus

"Woah she's really strong! Wait! Aren't you 'Jack Frost'?! How'd you get behind me so fast!"-Lucy

"Yeah, that's me and I'm just fast. And who are you, Newbie?"-Albus

"I'm Lucy! It's nice to meet you! I've always read about you! I've heard you're number one on Wizards I'd Like to Date Boy's Edition!"-Lucy

"I think they're exaggerating. I don't think I look that good. Right Mira?"-Albus

"I think you look quite dashing!"-Mira

"Thanks Mira. I guess I'm quite dashing then."-Albus

"Anyways we came here for a reason! Natsu, Gray we need your help on a job! Usually, I would consult the master but since he's not here we'll have to do it anyway!"-Erza

"You two need help? That's unbelievable!"-Gray


"That's right we aren't invincible you know?"-Albus

"Somehow I don't believe you. With all the crazy stuff you've done I would believe it if you said you are invincible."-Gray

"That's flattering but are you guys coming? I'll fight you if you do."-Albus

"A fight with you? I'm in!"-Natsu

"Of course, Natsu agrees…"-Lucy

"A fight with you? Of course, I'll go! I can't wait to see you fight again. It's always crazy when you do!"-Gray

"Gray too?! Is fighting him so valuable?"-Lucy

"He doesn't usually show off his magic so just seeing it outside of jobs is rare."-Mira

"Wow! I can't wait to see it then!"-Lucy

"Then why don't you go with them? It could be a good learning experience and I doubt they'd mind."-Mira

"Can I?"-Lucy

"Hey Albus! Can you take Lucy with you?"-Mira

"Lucy? Sure, we'll take her! Might help with Natsu and Gray's bickering!"-Albus

"You heard him. You should probably go pack your stuff for tomorrow."-Mira

"Got it! Thanks Mira!"-Lucy

"No problem! Have fun!"-Mira



"Lucy you're here! Hey, come deal with their bickering!"-Albus

"I can do it myself, Ice Cube!"-Natsu

"Albus asked for both of us Flame Brain! If you want to stay you can deal with Erza yourself!"-Gray

"Hey, hey Lucy! Why don't you tell them Erza is over there? I'm sure it'll be funny!"-Happy

"Oh happy! It's nice to see you again. It's been a while hasn't it."-Albus

"Hey Erza over here!"-Lucy

"Erza?! Where!"-Gray


"Bufufu! You two looked so stupid!"-Happy

"You're right, Happy that was funny!"-Lucy

"Now that you two are done bickering and Erza is here, we can go."-Albus

"How did you know I was here? You couldn't even see me."-Erza

"You're not exactly sneaky with all that luggage Erza."-Albus

"Hey Erza! Once we get back, I want to fight you!"-Natsu

"Hey, are you an idiot?! Erza will beat the crap out of you!"-Gray

"Isn't that what I'm about to do later? I don't see the difference."-Albus

"Yeah, but we learn stuff from fighting you. Erza just beats us up."-Gray

"Yeah, what he said!"-Natsu

"Is that so? I guess I should fight you guys more if you learn something from it. Maybe 'Titana' can learn from my great teaching."-Albus

"As if. My teaching is wonderful! They just don't appreciate it."-Erza

"Sure~ Erza. I'll trust you."-Albus

"Don't be sarcastic with me Albus. Anyways let's get on the train before it leaves."-Erza

"Yes Ma'am! Let's get on there boys! The quicker we get on the quicker we get off!"-Albus


"I don't think that's how trains work."-Gray

"Who cares, we'll get there eventually."-Albus



"Natsu pick a seat already!"-Erza


"Don't scare him Erza. I'm sure he's trying to find a good one."-Albus

"What he said!"-Natsu

"Pick a seat, Fire Idiot!"-Gray

"What'd you call me Ice Head?!"-Natsu

"Now now let's just calm down a little."-Albus

As I spoke, I hit them both over the head knocking Natsu out since I put more force on it and giving Gray a big bump on his head.

"Ow! Careful! I don't want my skull crushed!"-Gray

"I am careful. Now let's sit over here."-Albus

"Now that we've sat down let's begin."-Erza

"Basically, we heard some Eisenwald people talking about a plan they had with the cursed object Lullaby *Barf*! Sorry. Anyways as I was saying we don't know what they want to do with it, but we don't want it to go to a dark guild."-Albus

"Isn't Lullaby the cursed object that kills anyone who listens to it?"-Lucy

"Yeah, depending on the place, that could be really bad. I still don't know why you need our help though. With Albus here you could fight an army of mages and be fine."-Gray

"That's because Lullaby is one of Zeref's demons."-Albus


"I can easily take care of it, but I'd rather stop it before it gets unleashed. Plus, more people means that we can cover more ground and get it faster."-Albus

"Of course, you can beat a demon of Zeref. What did I expect?"-Gray

"No idea. Anyways we're going to need your help in this. *Barf! *"-Albus

"As he said, it will be dangerous. Erigor is nobody to underestimate so be careful if you meet them."-Erza

"I've been meaning to ask but why did Albus knock out Natsu and why is he throwing up everywhere?"-Lucy

"Slayers like Natsu and Albus have increased senses which means they have trouble with vehicles. Natsu can't handle it very well yet so we tend to knock him out, so he doesn't suffer as much."-Gray

"Albus is a Dragon Slayer too?"-Lucy

"No, I'm a God Slayer. It's a step up from a Dragon Slayer but Natsu won't admit it."-Albus

"That sounds like Natsu alright."-Lucy

"Albus, you travel a lot, right? Have you met any God Slayers or even Dragon Slayers?"-Gray

"Kind of. I've met a few Slayers, a Dragon and even some Gods. But most don't have Slayers. For instance, I've found two magic items that contain a god's magic that haven't found a host yet. I have met some Dragon Slayers though. Bunch of kids too."-Albus

"You've met a dragon!? Was it Igneel?!"-Gray

"I didn't know you cared about Igneel Gray."-Albus

"You know I do."-Gray

"That's true. Anyway, it wasn't Igneel. I met another Dragon, but he was an ass. And if you ever meet him run. The guy is a monster. I could barely keep my life against him."-Albus

"You almost died to this dragon!? I can't believe that! How strong is that dragon?!"-Gray

"Well, we were pretty even but he would have won. I would have taken an arm or two though. Anyways, enough about the dragon I want to talk about another Slayer I met. Gray listen closely since if you meet him, you might have a chance to gain a lot of strength."-Albus

"What do you mean? Is he an Ice Slayer?"-Gray

"Yeah. Specifically, an [Ice Demon Slayer]. The guy was strong. He was looking for a certain person for his successor and you fit his bill so if you meet him kill him and take his magic."-Albus

"What do you mean kill him! If he wanted to pass his magic onto me, why would I kill him?!"-Gray

"He wants to die. He's in a bad place that he can't leave, and death is what he wants. He does feel bad but he wants to meet his wife again or so he told me. But from what I could tell it was true. He does want to die so if you get the chance kill him. Even if you definitely won't want to, you'll have to kill him. You can talk to him a bit though. If you meet him, tell him I say hello. Well enough about that. We're here."-Albus

"Somebody grab Natsu on the way out."-Erza

"Got it."-Albus

As we walked through the door I got the distinct scent of a demon, not on the level of Deliora or the 9 Demon Gates but decently strong. It was Lullaby. Making a beeline towards it I can see that it was being carried by some guy with black hair that looks like a pineapple and a white suit-like outfit. I remember him being a copy of Shikamaru from Naruto.

"Hey buddy, do you mind coming with me? Thanks."-Albus

Grabbing hold of him with my arm which isn't carrying Natsu I drag him over to the rest of the group while ignoring his complaints and attempts to stop me with his magic.

"Hey where'd you go? And why'd you grab some random guy?"-Gray

"Obviously it's because he's carrying Lullaby."-Albus

"How do you know that!"-Shikamaru Clone

"Obviously because I can smell it. I've smelt a demon before so finding another isn't hard."-Albus

"Enough about that! Why did you and Eisenwald want Lullaby?!"-Erza

"Hey, hey lady! I've got my rights! You can't just do this!"-Shikamaru Clone

"We're members of Fairy Tail. We don't follow the law."-Albus

"Tch. Damn Fairy Flies."-Shikamaru Clone

"Hey, do you know who we are by chance? Me and this lady are pretty famous."-Albus

"It's obvious she's Titana but I've never heard of you before. What are you her boy toy or something?"-Shikamaru


"That doesn't sound too bad. Hey Erza! You hiring Boy Toy's? I'm offering!"-Albus

"That's not funny Albus!"-Erza

"Back to the point though, I'm called "Jack Frost". I don't like to flaunt my fame but if it gets you scared enough why not right?"-Albus

"You mean that guy that people exaggerate about? The guy who stopped an army by himself! Yeah right. Nobody could do that!"-Shikamaru Clone

"Do you want some proof then? That they aren't exaggerating?"-Albus

"If you can do something that blows my mind, I wouldn't mind telling you everything! Not like a Fairy Fly could do that."-Shikamaru Clone

"You better keep your promise then. Huddle up please everyone! Thank you. [Ice God Slayer Secret Art: Time Shall Stop!]."-Albus

As soon as my words were finished the world took on darker colors and light stopped moving, the birds stopped flying instead floating and the hustle and bustle of the town stopped immediately. I stopped time.

"What is this!?"-Lucy

"I stopped time obviously. It's pretty cool, isn't it? Tough to do though."-Albus


"Yeah. I just said that."-Albus

"Albus bro. This is unbelievable. How can you stop time with [Ice Magic] and not [Time Magic]? That sounds like something useful to know how to do."-Gray

"I didn't stop time exactly. I froze it in place. I guess that's the same thing though. Well [Time Magic] can stop time just like how you can make a clock stop working with the press of a button. On the other hand [Ice Magic] freezes it making the hands unable to move. It's harder but it still works. Yo may be able to do it in the future."-Albus

"Am I even catching up to you?"-Erza

"Yeah. A couple more hard fights and you won't be far off from me. It'll take a while though. Anyways, how are you doing? Ready to talk now?"-Albus

"S-Sure! I'll talk! Just don't hurt me!"-Shikamaru Clone

"I never said I was going to hurt you geez. Now get talking."-Albus