
I Will Get My Revenge

After the sleep, Ye Xiao wake up and immediately use skill Hack to create mapping skill

"Use skill Hack, created a mapping skill"

-Skill hack used

-[Please input the description of the skill]

-[Hacking initiated ..hacking starts...hacking complete]

After the hack there is new function in the status window as Ye Xiao saw,it was map button but after he click the button,it immediately show the map but with all the other surrounding is black and only him and the girl is show as green dot in the map seeing this Ye Xiao understood that because there is a mapping skill the system immediately create place to contain the data of the mapping skill.

Without much thought Ye Xiao use mapping skill and immediately he can see the surrounding , after scroll the surrounding Ye Xiao saw a picture like a castle in his map, Ye Xiao know that is a symbol of a city and from his estimation that he can get there before the night if Ye Xiao go now, as he wants to wake Xiao Ming Yue he see her still cultivating.

And just as he wants to wake her Ye Xiao thought 'wait is this my chance to get away from her,even though leaving a girl is somewhat weird for me and even that pretty girl but she is strong and very dangerous not to mention that she can tell I say lie or not and that is scary, but because she is the first person I met at least I leave her a message and a gift.'

With that thought, Ye Xiao immediately put out the beast skin that has dense hair after that he uses a knife to pull out the hair and directly use the modeling skill to create a scarf and after that, he uses the beast skin to write the message to her.

"Done,at least with this if we meet again and you ask why i'm leaving her,i just answer it 'i have leave you a message right'." done about farewell gift Ye Xiao ran as his life being threatened,with a aura of nature he get additional speed in the forest and now his distance with the girl is about 1000 Miles.

as Ye Xiao run he was surprised about the speed.

But after remember of that girl again Ye Xiao realized that he never ask for her name.

"fuck, heaven why I can't remember such important thing my luck is fuck." as for heaven if he hears what Ye Xiao say he will send a bolt of divine thunder to him and say "why you curse me, it's your own fault for becoming an idiot."

As Ye Xiao run, the distance between him and Xiao Ming Yue is getting far and already cover about 25.000 miles,and because the speed Ye Xiao think he at least get to the city before the night and have more time to find the inn as for the money Ye Xiao have at least hundred beasts in the inventory he can just sell it to some merchant and get the money.

In the dense forest sit a girl in the near tree while reading a message that made of beast skin and that girl is Xiao Ming Yue. after reading the message Xiao Ming Yue murmur "is my face not pretty enough or my charm have dull" Xiao Ming Yue doesn't believe that there is someone that dares to leave her alone in the forest and furthermore is a man.

Initially Xiao Ming Yue thought that Ye Xiao have fall in love with her and want to make her to go to the city so that Ye Xiao can boast about her but after reading this letter Xiao Ming Yue understood that Ye Xiao really got lost and want to just ask the direction of near city.after some times Xiao Ming Yue remember the little boy who face is dead pan with no expression as she pry to uncover his secret which he reply with a face 'i don't care at all' making her mad.

After some thought Xiao Ming Yue say "I don't believe it, that you don't fall in love with me, if we meet again I will make you fall for me and i will open all the secret within you,just you wait i will take my revenge." with that Xiao Ming Yue take the scarf and letter and disappear in the forest.

Ye Xiao as he runs through the forest he feels chill going over his body.

"what the fuck, why I'm feeling the chill in my body, really creeping me out"

But Ye Xiao doesn't stop because he have two reason,

one is to get as far as possible from that girl,

the second is to get the hell out of this fucking damn forest.

In the palace of beauty many of the servants even there some young miss have confused look because when they think they have to wait for the world to fall then the third young miss will come back.

But now she comes back without causing the world fall and even the greater is that after going home they saw the face of the third young miss of palace beauty is filled with angry, as they walk they thought 'who the hell that has the courage to make the young miss mad', whether they know or don't know, they will say thanks to that hero for saving a world.

Back to the Ye Xiao

"Hacium... fuck who the hell is talking behind me" Ye Xiao speak after he arrives in front of the city gate

As he passed through the gate, the guard looks at him but say nothing,but after he passed he heard that some commotion in the back and the commotion is referred is him as Ye Xiao looking back, the guard immediately slap that man and after that the guard arrives in front of Ye Xiao and immediately apologize

"Sorry sir there is a little commotion but don't worry sir i will take care of it"

as the guard say that he waiting as if he want Ye Xiao to say Something that spare his life,

Seeing this Ye Xiao Immediately speechless and just answer "don't worry just do your job properly,but can you tell me where the inn? and is there any auction in here? ."

Seeing that Ye Xiao spare him he immediately thank him and give him the way to the inn and auction.

After knowing the information about the inn and auction,Ye Xiao thank the guard and leave as he was still confused about what happened in the city gate, after some thought he remember that he has title skill aura of the kings "it's no wonder that the guard let me pass and even apologize to me for a little commotion, well what a useful skill."

Now Ye Xiao see the effect of skill aura of kings Ye Xiao have one worry again and that does not attract attention, after some thought he take the mask that he make (author note: Ch 3 if you want to know when Ye Xiao make the mask)and use it,now even thought it looks suspicious after Ye Xiao see people around him there some people that at least suspicious as they use cloak to cover the fac, now even thought at least make him one of the suspicious, no one give a damn about him because they just mind own business.

As Ye Xiao arrive at the auction he go straight to the counter and say

"i want to sell some beast material do your place want to buy it?"

as the girl in the counter is a expert she will never ask about Ye Xiao identity and say

"Sir if you want to sell the material then we gladly buy it but if you want to sell a higher price then i suggest to take the auction and in another week we are gonna hold auction and after the material is sold we take 10% of the price ."

Hearing this Ye Xiao think 'hmm.. it seems this place is a good place as I want to sell but the girl told me to place my material to the auction, but why the fuck I need to wait for one week, I have the hacking skill, I can hack my money to have unlimited money'.

Thinking this Ye Xiao say "I don't need it, I just want to sell some material?."

"All right sir please come to this way"the counter girl immediately show him the way

After some walk, Ye Xiao arrives in the room, inside the room, there is a beautiful woman that having a tea but as soon as Ye Xiao saw the face of the woman he was stunned.


"Lady Ye Xuan There's a person, that want to sell beast material?".

"Come in."


Status of Ye Xiao

the stats that Ye Xiao now have


Title: King of The Kings

[You have surpassed the limit of mortal and now you are qualified to become the kings]

HP: 4508

QI: 2700/2700


Name: Ye Xiao

Race: Human

Cultivation: None

Class: Hunter



Attributes: Unlimited Points

Strength – 100

Dexterity – 100

Agility - 100

Vitality - 100

Constitution – 100

Intelligence – 100

Wisdom – 100

Charisma – 100

Skill: Unlimited Points

Hunter Skill Tree:

Active skill:

Trap [active] MAX

[placing trap speed increase 35%]

Shoot [active] MAX

[inflict 200% damage]

Camouflage [active] MAX

[use the surrounding and blend yourself]

Remove Trap [active] MAX

[removing trap speed increase 50%

Taming [active] MAX

[you can make the beast as your partner]

Arrow Coating [active] MAX

[smear your arrow to become a deadly weapon, increase the speed of coating 60%]

Tracker [active] MAX

[track your target]

Passive skill:

Accuracy [passive] MAX

[i only need one shot to hit the target, the chance of you miss the shot will reduce]

Mark The Prey [passive] MAX

[all prey shall live in fear, after attacking the target there is a chance of marking it the next attack will deal double damage]

Eagle eye [passive] MAX

[your eyes is sharp as an eagle, vision +30]

Bow Mastery [passive] MAX

[using bow will add 25% of damage]

Dagger Mastery [passive] MAX

[using dagger will add 25% of damage]

Aura of Nature [passive] MAX

[you are the friends of nature, Speed is increased by 20%]

Natural Hunter [passive] MAX

[the target of the hunter will tremble, when attacking the target there is a chance of instant kill]

free skill

basic flame qi [Active] MAX

[create a flame condensed from qi]

Steel will [Passive] MAX

[you can ignore the pain of light wound]

Throwing [Active] MAX

[double the damage of your throwing attack]

Hack [Active] MAX

[hack everything]

cooldown :1 day

Cooking [passive] MAX

[you can cook food, increase your food quality 100%]

Poker face [Active] MAX

[make a face with no expression]

Title Skill

Aura of Kings [passive] -

[You have the aura of the kings people that below you will worship you and people that equal to you will respect you]

Thanks for the comment and review here's the ch 6 enjoy it :)


i plan for 2 chapter a day hope all of you enjoy it. :)

FansGamingcreators' thoughts
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