

What would happen if God of Death, who should be dashing and scary, loves to play around and be in the human world in disguise? Pretending to be scared with his friends when he sees a ghost on campus?

Lintang_Pratistha · Fantasía
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24 Chs

Chapter 2. Water Ghost

A thrilling night class just finished. As soon as the class bell rang, the students packed up and prepared to head back to the dorms. They chatted as they walked.

Some people complain about why universities still have to hold study sessions at night. Really inhumane.

And what happened to Danang just now, although everyone was terrified to vary degrees, after all, it wasn't personal experience, so everyone still couldn't believe it.

Going down the stairs, a group of students had already reached the second floor, the corridor was pitch black, all the classrooms were empty and there was no class. So of course the university wouldn't waste electricity to turn on the lights. Looking up, it was already dark, as if there was a **** mouth open at the end of the corridor, eager to swallow something.

The ghost boy loved to play and laugh, not knowing who pushed Jack Bai hard and pushed him against the second-floor door, causing him to trip and fall into the darkness.

Even a normally courageous person, suddenly pushed into a place where there was no light, would be taken aback. Darkness means the inability to see things, who knows if there is some scary ghost hidden behind them, endless imagination is enough to frighten oneself. After all, standing in the shower every day when taking a shower and closing my eyes, I always feel that something is staring at me in the corner of the bathroom, and I can't help but open my eyes quickly.

But who is Jack Bai? He wasn't an ordinary commoner.

He didn't rush back up the stairs, but looked around, looking for a ghost. In an excellent and gloomy environment, no ghosts appear. He was really sorry for the late-night class arrangement in college.

But when his roommate Indra saw that Jack Bai was not among them, he immediately turned around to look for Jack Bai, rushed in, grabbed him and rushed out, supporting Jack Bai and shouting to the people outside, "Who pushed Jack Bai?"

For a time, everyone heard the sound and looked up, a little dazed, and no one paid attention.

Arya sneered and said, "He couldn't stay still and fell, are you blaming us?"

Of course, Indra didn't believe it, but seeing his expression, he could even guess who did that to Jack Bai.

Seeing Jack Bai's annoyed expression, Arya really didn't deny it. He sneered, turned, and left haughtily. Seeing that, Indra was immediately angry.

Indra asked Jack Bai if he was all right, but Jack Bai's reaction was the calmest, and even his expression was a little pity, for it turned out that he had not seen a ghost.

Upon arriving at the first floor, it was still raining heavily outside and accompanied by a chilly night breeze. If you stood any closer to the outside, even if there was a roof to cover it, you would soon get wet.

Indra drew closer to Jack Bai and said a little shyly, "Jack Bai, I have an umbrella, let's go together."

Jack Bai thought for a moment, then nodded. The next second, Indra and Jack Bai were under an umbrella together, stepping through the rain.

Ghosts also have strengths and weaknesses and can control their own form, preferring not to appear in front of people. On such a rainy night, the horror atmosphere is heavier than usual. Some ghosts will take the opportunity to come out and take a few more breaths to increase the ghost aura.

Jack Bai came from the underworld, so it was only natural that his strength was naturally very heavy, even if he deliberately endured it, he would subconsciously affect the people around him. For example, a roommate who is afraid of ghosts will have better eyesight, and this vision is naturally geared toward seeing ghosts.

The two of them were squeezed under a small umbrella, stepping on a puddle, the trees on both sides of the road swayed by the wind, making a gloomy rustling sound, and the hail scraped their faces.

Indra's eyes flashed, his shoulders shrank, and he silently looked around, walking like a thief.

The university building where classes are held is in the direction of the gate, and when you return to the dorms, you have to go upstairs, which is basically a hike. Students joke that taking classes is the equivalent of free fitness, and they get to hike the mountain back and forth every day.

On the way, you will also pass a large man-made lake and a stone bridge in the middle of the lake. It's just that I don't know what the school is thinking. There is no guardrail. It looks good, but when there are many people across the lake, the people standing on the side can't help but worry about falling.

Jack Bai and Indra were walking on the bridge. Indra was clearly a coward, but he had to keep looking into the water. The dark water surface was indistinct, like a stagnant pool of water, without any fluctuations.

"Hey … JackBai, is there anything in the water?" Indra's voice trembled, brushing Jack Bai's arm, pointing to the rippling surface of the water.

Jack Bai followed and narrowed his eyes. There was indeed a water ghost, but of course he wouldn't tell it honestly.

"Where? Why didn't I see it, did you see anything?"

The few words in succession were spoken skillfully and naturally, without any pretense at all.

Indra hesitated, and slowly averted his gaze. Of course, he wanted to believe Jack Bai's words. Something really happened, and his heart couldn't take it anymore.

Therefore, he did not see that in the unsettled place in the lake just now, water patterns were swaying and rushing towards them, obviously, something was rushing towards them from the bottom of the water.

Immediately, a water pattern spread to their feet, and then the water surface became silent, and something gradually floated up, first a round black head, and then…

It's a pity that the water ghost couldn't continue, and before his face was revealed, Jack Bai quickly stepped on him with one foot, and he broke back into the water again, missing the opportunity to appear horrified.

The water ghost was stunned and froze underwater. When he came back to his senses, he wanted to slip away like flowing water, and then drag this hateful human into the water with the aquatic plants and let him slaughter him.

Imagination is beautiful, and logically, it should be easy.

But--Too bad!

The water ghost is irritated and resentful. They have their own territory. The lake and bottomless waters around them have always been the best cover. When people don't pay attention, they can stretch out their pale and thin hands to grab their ankles and drown in an instant in the lake, turning them into underwater ghosts.

But his failure this time was actually being suppressed by mere mortals! His feet were lightly above his head, and it made sense that it didn't use much force, but the water ghost was suppressed by the force and couldn't escape. He struggled violently, his hands and feet moving randomly. When the water ghost saw Jack Bai he thought Jack Bai was just a poor, weak, and helpless boy who would drown.

Terrifying …

He was really scared. When he looked up and saw the calm aura of the humans on the bridge, there was no ordinary human who wouldn't tremble when they encountered a ghost. On the contrary, the relationship between them is reversed. The water ghost was so sad that he wanted to cry. He was stuffy in the water, and a lot of bubbles burst.

It made sense, then, seeing the big man in front of him wasn't something he could provoke. He resolutely lowered his head and said with a grave face, "Big boss, I was wrong, I shouldn't have pulled you in, I would have left immediately, disappeared immediately, completely out of your sight."

Jack Bai glanced at him lightly, knowing that this water ghost did no harm to humans. He was drowning in the water, and he didn't know where it came from. Jack Bai didn't need to worry about that, Jack Bai gave the water ghost a sharp warning look and continued moving forward as if nothing had happened.

The water ghost shrank his neck and finally had a comfortable night. He wanted to drag someone down to play because it was so much fun. The water ghost did not expect that he would meet such a powerful person and almost take his own life. What kind of ghost is he? Sad.

Then the water ghost rolled into the depths of the lake then curled up in a bubble ball he made himself——hahaha…