
Chapter 57: Fighting a true immoral

''We don't have to fight you just have to die one more time...'' Answers the woman to me showing off a charming but wicked smile.

Stapping her chest with the two blades, the Lady produces an explosion of black blood. Durandal exit her body on her back she slowly draws the two blades out coat her weapons with the black gouge that is her blood.

Trying to close the distance to her while she is doing it I am suddenly pushed back by a gust of wind. Looking at her I can see her forefinger clearly draw a 'Vent' rune in the air.

Seeing her so naturally use the power of a witcher I question myself what kind of imposter would do so far as to even lear her targets profession.

-'Vent' it allows us to force enemies back by manipulating wind elements. Its alternate form is an area of effect blast of wind that pushes everyone around you away. Excellent when you need some breathing room in combat.- I remember Grandwitcher Gwenas words from all those years ago. At that time these words sounded so impressive and knowledgeable and I only found them years later in a book in the 'great library' of Mortar.

Still contemplating how this woman not only looks like real-world me but also knows of my witcher abilities. Hearing the metal click of her blades reconnect I pull myself out of memories and into the present.

In doing so I am able to see the fair lady shoot me with the 'Fulgur' finger sign. Seeing the lightning shoot from the palm of her hand I just in time raise my ax to.

''Ok. Nice you know two of the five signs that we witcher use. That still doesn't make you one!'' I shout at my opponent who just wordlessly smiles while runic symbols on the ground around her appearance and she now empty left-hand casts the primary form of 'Castellum'.

Seeing her cast four out of my five signs two even simultaneously, my face darkens.

Two avoid her formation I once again throw my ax at her. Nowing her to be able to easily avoid I take a step to my left asking her.

''Who are you anyway? You use the spells of a witcher and look like me. How can it be that I never heard of you?''

Seeing my ax is about to hit the wall I recall it while hearing the fair lady says mocking me. ''Oh, you know my former name. We even met two times already...''

Before she can finish her answer my ax buries itself into her back. Seeing it slammed into her I can only smile crooked while thinking wickedly. -We might have already met, but you truly know nothing about my fighting style! Should better have used 'Castelums' bubble form.-

Recalling my ax a second time it pulls itself out of the screaming ladies back before returning to me.

''Hahaha... How this feeling reminds me of the pleasures of life.'' The Lady tells me while laughing before performing a jump attack.

Dodging away from her I am able to block her attack. In doing so I find it to be a good opening to counterattack.

Regrettably, this woman is even more talented in dog attacks than me. By simply stepping aside my slash hits nothing and I am hit by a horizontal slash of the blade and also a step of her dagger into my abdomen.

My by now trash like armor is still able to withstand most of the slashing but unable to offer any protection against staps. The dagger easily penetrates the leather in between two metal plates and I can feel the dark coating spread into my blood veins, permanently taking away a huge chunk of my stamina.

Twisting her dagger before ripping it out of my abdomen, I begin to bleed like a slaughtered pig. Having her still in close range I try to perform an uppercut by using my free healed up left hand, but once again she dodges away easily parrying my attack.

Seeing her do so I charge in on her and perform a spin-attack taking her totally by surprise hitting the woman's chest two times, not only damaging her attire but also exposing her black cleavage.

Seeing her look down on herself I can see a perverted expression unique to only one specific person or should I say -An-elf-?

''We didn't meet only two times! Did we?'' I ask the perverted version of myself.

''Oh?! Now you remember me?...'' Asks me my enemy mockingly before asking. ''... Now tell me my name?''

Making a disgusted face I say. ''Lord of Life, King of Hell or should I say just Lucifer?''

''Bingo...Hahaha...'' The Lucifer version of Sif Palatin tells me clapping her hands and performing a cute mocking bow. ''... But it is Sif Palatin now.''

''You are not me. You are not Sif Palatin...'' I say with more disgust than mockery. The more we talk the more we circle around each other like some kind of beasts.

With a smile Lucifer says. ''Hahaha... but you are also not Sif Palatin am I right?''

''What do you mean?'' I ask irritated by the guy who is still pretending to be me.

''Oh come on I have read your memories! Your subconsciousness contains too much knowledge and memories. By far way too many for a person below 100 years of age. Sif Palatin is not even half of that. So jo are you?''

''You tell me first how you were able to survive your execution on Hangman's Tree?''

Casting a 'Fulgur' sign with her left and playing with the sparks Lucifer I boasts. ''I am just your run of the million concept holder that tapped into the true power of his concept. Lucky me mine is life.''

Ending her explanation Lucifer shoots lighting at me, that I narrowly avoid by dodging to the side, counterattacking from the distance by throwing out my ax.

Casting once again 'Castellum' this time with the weapon holding right, Lucifer stops my ax in seeming mid-air.

Seeing the throw to be ineffective I recall my ax, saying. ''So you have absolute control over life. So what?! Body's age and decay!''

Stopping his assault of lighting he tells me. ''Oh, come on the possibility of what I do is even implied in the book of creation!...''

Seeing me not understanding his words he mocks. ''... All this infinite knowledge is truly lost on you... What a wast!...''

Drawing 'Vent' with his left I am suddenly blasted a few steps backward. Failing to withstand the gust of wind I land in the middle of the previously drawn circle of runes.

-Shit. It's the 'Capitio' sign which creates a magical trap placed on the ground. This will wound or slow down me. The sign's basics allow the user to place a single formation on the ground its alternate form allows you to detonate the formation. After training defense, you could be able to place up to three signs at ones. These then can work in unison and immobilize your opponent. Got for me he only seems capable to use the basic signs.- I think to myself while falling to my knees being temporary suppressed by the rune formation.

''... So where-where. Oh, right wast...'' Lucifer tells me mumering himself while tugging a strand of losing hair behind my ear. ''... The knowledge will not be wasted after I have taken over your body and remodeled your brain.''

''But why do all of this now? You were killed years ago?...'' I ask before remembering the black rock and answering the question myself. ''... I was Laras wasn't it?''

''Bingo. The previous conscience was already gone and thanks to my greatness I was able to move into it and become a true immortal...'' He says clapping his hands in mock admiration. ''... Now if you were so helpful and just die, I would be eternally grateful.''

Looking up to him play with the modified Durandal I ask him. ''What is it with your fascination of my death? Didn't you already win the moment you entered my body?''

Stopping his playful demeanor Lucifer points the sword tip at my throat, ready to thrust it into me he says. ''If your soul was normal I would have shattered it long ago. Unable to do so I can only whip out your consciousness and slowly digest it in the decades to come... Now please die!''

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