

Back to the God's realm.

After James saw it all happen he was a little surprised seeing how happy and willing they were to do everything but too it to be as he made the world and maybe something in the makes it see him as the God.

"Well that was interesting and a bit of fun you should quickly do yours then we can maybe go explore the village and find something to eat too," James said to Rebecca happy and waiting for her to do the same as he did.

Rebecca nodded and started to do the same thing as James did putting the Grand Temple down and telling the elves about it to protect and spread her as the God of the planet. Just like James, the elves acted the same as the demi-humans.

"Well now we are done with both of us putting our Grand Temples in our world and setting it up I think we should maybe go explore the village a bit seeing we have just spent 2 days here and haven't done anything else," James says to Rebecca seeing he wouldn't mind getting out a bit anyway.

"Sure why not I haven't even seen it seeing I just woke up in here and didn't see as you walked me in here" She hadn't been out and wanted to see what the new village she will probably spend a while in.

It didn't take the 2 long till they decided to get up and start walking out of the hotel and finally properly able to see the village. It still looked very old and only made of wood as it should only have 1 planet God as the person in charge of the village as all other people had gone to places where they can get other bonuses.

"To be honest it looks kind of nice with the whole place out of wood makes it seem old and I do like the things like that," James said as they kept walking exploring the village a little. They found what seem to be a small restaurant as they walked.

Rebecca saw it first "hey James why don't we go there I know we don't have much but we do need to eat anyway"

James just agrees as they both start to move over to it and walked in where they found I person who looked like they worked there at the front "Hello can we have a table for 2 please" James said nicely to the person.

As the person saw them he straightened up a bit "sure this way please" as he leads James and Rebecca to a free table he also hands them both a menu as he leaves them to look it over and see what they would like.

As they both look at the menu it was a little confusing as there was a lot of different food that they didn't even have any idea what they could be, as nothing similar was on Earth, luckily there were a few similar things that seemed like things that could have been on Earth.

"Definitely hit home more than this is somewhere completely different and not Earth anymore, seeing all these weird foods on the menu tho" Rebecca said while still looking at the menu.

"Yeah I have to agree seems we want to have food we had on earth in the future it will be best to cook it ourselves and probably get the food from our planet too," He said looking at what he wanted to pick till he sees what seems to be fish and a type of potato with it and shows Rebecca.

Rebecca looks at what he was pointing at and sees it will probably be the closest thing they will get to what they know and luckily it was only 10 zeal each, so only 20 zeal would be not much seeing they didn't have too much at the moment.

Seeing they both seem to just go with that James calls the waiter over and orders 2 servings of it for them as well as some water that was free luckily for them. it didn't take long for the food to come out and the 2 started eating the meal, it was different from the ones on Earth but it didn't taste bad too so they ended up finishing it fast.

So they ended up enjoying the meal and after finishing they asked for the bill and paid for the food, as they were the waiter said something to them.

"You 2 seem like you just become planet Gods tho if you haven't I would suggest going register in the Gods association, its just so they know who has them as well as you can do missions and help if needed in emergencies, you also get rewards for each time you rank up and get stronger too"

"How did you figure out we are Planet Gods tho, are you able to tell it about Gods?" James was a little confused tho seeing he didn't know they could find out at all, Rebecca was the same as him.

"with how you responded I'm guessing your new Gods and don't know too much, well short story when you Just make a planet with life on or even more when you go up a rank your body is a little unstable meaning others can see how weak or strong you are. No need to worry too doesn't have any other effects and you may even be treated better here if you do a bit of helping out as well."

James and Rebecca were surprised again but guess it does kind of make sense that they need to let their body adjust. "Thank you for the suggestion and the info about this and where is this Gods association if you don't mind saying" Rebecca was the first one to speak up and ask as they needed more money to live here.

"No problem as it seems you staying here I'm guessing we all help each other out in the village here" he smiled as he said it really wanting to help and maybe even get these people to stay here. He then told them how to get to the building.

James and Rebecca both get up and start to leave "thank you for your help and we will be going now and here is a tip for helping" James then handed the person 5 zeal as a tip before leaving, while seeing a smile on the other persons face too. They just left and started making their way to the Gods association building.

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