
chapter 19 First class

As the second to last fight started, my opponent started to swing her fan, sending a couple of wind blades in my direction. They were slow, and it was obvious she did not have high control of the element she used. I used my speed to smack her on the butt getting a soft moan and a blush from her. She narrowed her eyes as she tried to hit me once more. Dodging once again I used the force to grope her chest. "I surrender! I will not put up with this this pervert!" With that she stormed away her face still red.

I felt a little guilty for making her forfeit but I really enjoyed the sensation of her body on my hands. "Headmistress, can we hurry up this last match so I can start class?" I looked around waiting for my last opponent. But after about 10 minutes no one else appeared.

"Since your opponent failed to show he will be removed from the school due to his cowardice. Amadea let me escort you to your first class with your maid." Oria came down and escorted me to the classroom where my first lesson would be. As we made our way to my class she introduced the different sections of the campus. I learned where the cafeteria was and most of the essential spots. There are 4 classes with 25 students each. There was class A, B, C, and F. Since I was a late start and fought the weakest 5 well 4 since one did not show I would go to class F.

As I entered the class the teacher did not even bother to raise his head before pointing to the empty seat. "No point in introductions. You rejects are not strong enough to use a name. From now on until you move to a better class you will be known as 95 understood?" Without caring or waiting for my response he continued his lesson about sinergy.

Different kinds of sinergy could also affect a demon's attitude along with shaping unconscious ticks. As one grew stronger one could break away from a sins influence. Most demons could only use one sin that they are fated with. Gifted demons could wield 2 sins. Genius would be able to use 3. Only the demon lord has ever been able to wield all of the sins at once.

More sins did not necessarily make one demon stronger than the other as the 7 deadly sins general to the demon lord have proved that bringing even one to the highest realm would make you almost impossible to touch. If you had more than one you would not be able to reach the peak of one but could get close to the peak in multiple sins.

If the peak was 10 then they would be able to only reach an 8 or 9 in all the sins. The oddball is the demon lord reaching an 11 and becoming sin their self. Now not all demon lords had the talent to reach that and even some only being able to wield one sin.

To figure out what sinergy you are compatible with requires one to try and absorb sinergy from different kinds of stones that store the specific power. If the power melts and melds with your being you are compatible with it. There are multiple ways to increase your sinergy after that. You can either gather those stones or be rewarded the stones for missions. But if you have the talent and will you can harvest the ambient sin in the air.

The academy offers rooms with sins infused with runes for students to attempt to absorb it. Now the last way to improve your sinergy is to commit the sin itself. But the trick is making the sin your own. You could easily group sins into primal urges and for the most part that was what the old generation did. If they were close to gluttony they would feast until they could not anymore. That was why most gluttons were fat, unlike the fit general Koil.

Now to strengthen sloth it was not all about being lazy and lounging around. It was actually more in-depth than what most demons utilized. In fact, the easier way was to live more comfortably not wasting energy on pointless things. So the sloths were much more ruthless in their attacks not wasting any energy. It was easier to pierce a few vital points and then dodge attacks narrowly until the opponents bled out.

Gluttony was easy to feed just by eating but there were also more unorthodox ways as well. Just feeding on food was not considered feeding hunger. There were lots of different hungers in each person that needed to be fed. Lord Koil was the first to show others a different way past food. You need to feed your hunger for bloodshed with violence. Feed the hunger for power by working out and growing your strength to a new height. As long as there was a will for something you could hunger for more things than food.

Greed was easily fed and grown with finances. But again why weaken your will with such simple and crude methods? Greed is easily mixed into multiple aspects of day-to-day life. Everyone is greedy to have their own love that no one can touch. Greed for finer things. But you could also be greedy for strength always wanting more never being content with what you have.

Envy was harder for people to grow because no one liked being envious. It always left most with a bitter taste in their mouth. No one knew of other ways to be envious and get power. Maybe Invid would have ways since her power has grown faster than most but she never revealed her cards envious of the thought others would use what was hers…(I think that is quite ironic)

Pride was easy in general. Take pride in every step be arrogant and act like you are the best and you will become stronger. But you could also take pride in the actions you take. Take pride in how you pursue someone you love. Take pride in how you dress. It was like a fluffy feel-good sin. Just be proud and you will become strong.

Wraith was harder for everyone to train at least in the academy. It is fueled by rage and bloodshed. The feeling of betrayal amplifies the sin as you seek vengeance on those that wronged you. Apparently, there was a realm that the demons invaded once and wronged a man. With his ravenous hatred, he stormed through battalions of our kind before we managed to seal that realm stopping him from entering our home. Thankfully since then, we have managed to kill everyone we wronged and cut the issues off at the roots.

Now the one I looked forward to strengthening or hoping I had control over was lust. Just imagining every single maiden I could conquer sent chills down my spine in a very euphoric way making me drool. Who would not want to get stronger by being with hot girls and making them blush and play with them to your heart's content? In a couple more years I will be able to fully try to awaken the sin. Even if I don't have it maybe if I have enough fun I will awaken the heavenly skill.

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