

Autor: FabioBrusa
En Curso · 999 Visitas
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Lee la novela GOBLINGEDDON escrita por el autor FabioBrusa publicada en WebNovel. There are stories that feed on fantasy. There are some stories, some, that touch the peaks of the absurd, only to drown in a mug of beer, around the fire, in a freezing spring. In Akerlys, life is a s...


There are stories that feed on fantasy. There are some stories, some, that touch the peaks of the absurd, only to drown in a mug of beer, around the fire, in a freezing spring. In Akerlys, life is a strict father, who demands a lot and hits hard. Around the fire, men tell stories to boys, ridiculous, epic stories that happened long ago, when their ancestors were young as hares and the seas as low as puddles. In days of iron and sweat, hearts need other worlds and other adventures. This is one of those stories.

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