
Just 30% Strength? Seriously?

At this moment, a crowd of students was bustling outside the Santania School's training area, all eagerly chattering about the latest spectacle. 

"Did you hear? Lucien Roberts, Isabella Roberts' elder brother and third young master of their family, just challenged Alex Watson, the Omni-Class instructor!" 

"Really? Are the two of them going head-to-head in there?" 

"No, actually, it's Wendy Queen from the Omni-Class who's taking him on." 

"Huh? He's got a student facing him? Lucien Roberts must be seething!" 

"You bet!"

With today marking the last day of the holiday and classes yet to begin, the crowd was drawn by curiosity and the thrill of the scene. The Roberts family's security had blocked off the training ground's gate, but that hardly quelled the students' fervor to spectate. Ultimately, the outcome of the match would reveal the victor.

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