
Glitch Killer

An individual meets an omnipotent being with a certain job offer. don't mind the ominous black cover, I can't figure out how the hell to set a book cover. (Title is subject to change at any time.)

Andrewski · Cómic
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

"Welcome, soul."

I wake up slowly, looking up at the giant statues, surrounded by the brightest shade of white I've ever seen.

"Where am I?" I asked, my head aches.

"You're nowhere, you aren't even you."

I look confused, as I slowly begin to stand up, getting dizzier and dizzier. I fall on my ass

"Who am I then?, who are you?"

The statues mouths doesnt move as he responds.

"It matters not who you are, it's who you were."

I figure that I'm not going to get a logical response anytime soon, hell if I knew what logic was in this.....room?

"What am I doing here?" I say while closing my eyes due to the bright colour of the walls, are they even walls?

"You're here because of who you were, and you're here to collect your prize, for being what you were."

My head starts aching even further, what I was? What was I?

"My prize, what would that be?" I ask, figuring the question I wanted answered most would not lead me to any sort of conclusion.

"Anything you could ever think of, Power, Wealth and anything of the sort."

I mean, cool but what would I do with that sort of power? Here especially.

"Yeah, I don't see those being of use here. Could I use my prize to be reborn back to earth, or some place else?

The statue remains as it always has, lifeless but sentient.

"While I can't send you back into earth, I can offer you a job. It's quite simple."

Job? I mean that's cool, working for an Omnipotent being.

"Whats the job? Like an accountant or something?" I laugh, despite the very, very funny joke, the statue still remains lifeless.

"No, the job requires you to be a sort of, hitman I should say. I send you out on multiple worlds to kill certain troublesome people, in their respective worlds."

Sounds kinda fun I guess, much better than being in whatever this is.

"I agree to that, when do I start?"

My head ache starts becoming more prevelant than ever.

"Right now, I've also added a little assist for you. You'll have more than enough power to kill the target."

The lights shut off.

Sorry for any grammatical mistakes, anyway I hope the first chapter is to your liking, I've published a few fan-fics under another account but have since forgotten their name. be sure to ask any questions you may have.

Andrewskicreators' thoughts