
Frosty Glade

It's Alisa's free period and is on her way to the rooftop, seeking for the peace and the quietness of it. The rooftop is the only place she goes to when she's not with Caleb and June.

She was passing by the hall, her steps faltered when she heard beautiful music coming out of one of the rooms. She approached the door where the music is coming from and peaked from the door window.

The room is full of musical instruments, Trumpets, Drums, Violin, you name it, and in the middle of it all is a grand piano and someone is playing it. The person played with such passion and beauty, that any person hearing it would literally stop what they're doing and listen, just like Alisa.

Alisa adjusted her position to see who was playing, and when she saw a familiar face her face brightens. She quietly slipped inside the music room, and just watched and listen as the pianist pour out his soul. Alisa could only describe the piece as beautiful and passionate but she heard something that got her attention. Alisa could hear the sadness and pain the pianist was feeling. The piece makes you feel the emotions, giving you goosebumps and chills.

As the last note ended, Alisa got teary eyed. It was hands down one of the most beautiful pieces that Alisa heard her entire life. Alisa knew that she was invading the pianist privacy by clapping but she did it anyway because it was that amazing.

The pianist jumped in surprised when he heard the clap and quickly turned to her.

"Hey" Alisa said with a smile

"Hey" Andrew said, surprised but his lips lifted a little when he saw it was Alisa "What are you doing here?" He asked

"Sorry to bother you, It was just my free period and I was just headed to the rooftop but I heard you and you were playing so beautiful and I just have to listen, and I know you don't want people bothering you when you're having your music time but I just have to listen, you... know and I'm really, really sorry, I can go if you want me to leave-" Alisa talks none stop when she's nervous.

"Whoa, It's okay." Andrew said cutting Alisa. He chuckled, "You don't have to leave, You can stay if you want."

"Really?" Alisa said surprised

"Yeah" He said now fully smiling.

"Thanks" She said but she didn't move a muscle

Andrew moved to the side of the chair making room for Alisa, "You can sit with me if you want" He said while patting the free space.

"Sure" Alisa said then walked to the grand piano.

Alisa sat and both of them didn't say anything, they just sat there in comfortable silence.

After as few moments Alisa spoke, "The piece you were playing was beautiful, Who was it?"

"Uhhh... Me, I wrote it" Andrew answered shyly, blushing.

"What! Really?!" Alisa exclaimed, surprised.

"Yup" Andrew simply answered.

"That's amazing!"

"Thanks" Andrew shrugged.

Alisa's smile dropped when she saw Andrew's expression. "You okay?" she said concerned

Andrew faced the piano unable face Alisa "Yeah" he answered in a low voice.

"But you're acting like it's no big deal, and that was definitely a big deal" Alisa trying encouraging him

"It's just-"Andrew started but stopped, "Forget it... It's nothing" but clearly there was something because his eyes where hunted by memories.

Both of them were silent, not knowing what to say.

Alisa thought of what Andrew was about to say, and the fact that he is clearly carrying something heavy, Alisa didn't want to push for information. So instead she focused her attention on the several sheet music in front of her.

"How many pieces have you written?" Alisa asked while examining the pieces.

"I've only written three so far but the other one is a working progress" Andrew answered as he intently watch Alisa's fingers as they scan his sheet music, guarding his music. Not that Alisa will steal them or something but all his music are his treasure..... so you understand why he's acting like that, right?

"Only? Are you kidding me? if the two remaining pieces is as good as the one I heard, then that's something!" Alisa said, then looked at him straight in the eye. "You gotta give yourself some credit"

Alisa's gaze was so captivating that Andrew forced himself to turn away before he does something that will make him looks stupid and just stayed silent.

"What's the name of the piece you were playing a while ago" Alisa asked enthusiastically

"Frosty Glade"

"Can you play it again?" Alisa asked

"What? you want me to play it..... again?" Andrew said surprised.

"Yeah.... I want to hear it again, that is if you want to"

"Why would you want to hear it again?"

"It's just beautiful, C'mon please" Alisa begged, making her eyes big and all cute.

Andrew chuckled "Well, how am I suppose to say no to that?"

"Well you can't, so you have no choice but to play" Alisa smirked

Andrew sigh but still smiling "Fine" He said while positioning his fingers.

He took a deep breath, then started to play. It was much more beautiful hearing it the second time, and the fact that Alisa is beside Andrew blew her away. Andrew poured his everything while playing, and Alisa felt every ounce of it. But one thing didn't change, it was the fact that the piece was full of sadness and pain making Alisa's heart hurt for him.

While listening Alisa saw one of Andrew's pieces called "Ice Flower" and the next thing she knew she's positioning her hands on the keys and played, mashing up the two pieces.

Andrew was surprised when Alisa started playing with him but didn't stop playing. The two pieces mashed together so beautifully and effortlessly, that it started to tell a story.

Both of them continue playing, smiling at each other occasionally, enjoying and just having fun.

Andrew usually felt pain and sorrow while he's playing but now he felt something different and strange for him. He felt peace and joy which is very foreign to him but he welcomed it, embraced it and it was all because of the girl sitting next to him, playing with him. Smiling so bright that it chases every sadness, pain and the sorrow away.

Frosty Glade tells the story of sadness and pain and Ice Flower tells the story about hurt and loss but who knew that together they made a totally new story, a story so different, a story about peace and joy.

The last note ended and Alisa's smile was so big.

She turned to Andrew "That was-" she started but stopped when she saw tears slowly streaming down Andrew's cheeks.

"Andrew are you okay? I'm sorry if interrupted while you were playing, I didn't mean too-" Alisa started apologizing thinking it was her fault but this time she was cut of by Andrew who turned to her and smiled as big as it can ever be.

"Thank you" Andrew said sincerely, "You don't know how much this meant to me". He was just so overwhelmed.

"No biggie" Alisa simply said, trying to brush it off, but to Andrew it was much more.

Andrew wiped his tears and said "I didn't know you could play"

"Me neither" Alisa just said while looking at the sheet music again, which made Andrew think if she was joking or something. He didn't get to ask because the bell rang making Alisa jump from her sit.

"Well I have to get to class" she said standing up and gathered up her things. Andrew just sat there and watched her, sad that their time together was cut short.

Alisa turned to her and said "Thanks again for letting me stay and listen"

"No probs, we should do it again sometime" Andrew said.

"I'd love too." Alisa said making Andrew smile. "I'll see you around"


Then Alisa walked to the door but stopped and turned around "You know you're always welcome at our table right? That is if you're okay enough to be called a freak"

Andrew laughed "I'll keep that in mind"

"Good to know. Okay... I'm going now. Later!" Alisa said then turned and walk to the door again. Alisa opened the door but before going out she took one last look at Andrew who was looking at her, smiling, then left.

The door shut and Andrew just can't get Alisa out of his mind. The girl who just showed up and took away his pain and sadness even for just a little while and what's crazy about it is that she didn't even knew what she has done to him, "She's someone special" Andrew thought.

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