

June parked his car on the garage, and switched off the car. He saw his mom's car which means his mom's already home. He let out a shaky breath and got out, He jogged to the front passenger seat, to get Andrew. June carefully placed Andrew on his back, and when Andrew is fully placed on his back, He closed the door of the car and carefully carried Andrew inside the house.

"June is that you?" June's mom shouted, when he entered the house.

"Yeah" June answered back, but much quitter, trying not to wake Andrew.

June's mom appeared from the kitchen, then she stopped dead on her tracks when she saw June's shirt drenched in blood and carrying Andrew.

"My God! What happened?" June's mom ran to him, inspecting him.

"I'm fine mom" June said reassuring his mom, "It's not my blood, it's Andrew's" nodding his head to Andrew

"Wait, did you say Andrew?" June was taken aback by the change on his mom's voice

"Uhhh... yes, You know him?" June asked

"No, no at all" June's mom answered a little to fast

"Okaaay, well he's my friend, he was hurt badly and I was hoping he could stay until he recovers" June said, "I'll contact his dad tomorrow, promise" He added

"Of course, you can put him in guest room" June's mom said, without a second thought

"Thanks Mom" June said gratefully

"I will get a full explanation from this tomorrow, yea?" June's mom said, looking June in the eyes.

"Yeah" June said smiling, "Thanks again mom" June said gratefully.

"No problem, You know I treat my son's friends like my own right?" June's mom said lifting a brow smiling.

June chuckled, "Your the best mom, and I love you!"

"I know, now go get Andrew to the guest room so he can rest and after that please take a shower and put the bloody clothes down okay, I'll try and salvage it." June's mom said

That is also one trait that June looks up to his mom, even thought they have money, his mom doesn't really like spending and always saves, which June's mom drilled into June's brains in a very early age.

June complied and headed up stairs.

June tucked in Andrew between the comforters, making him as comfortable as possible. Andrew looked extra scared between the comforters which made June wonder what exactly happened between the time they left Andrew at the hospital and the time June found him in the woods.

June took one final look at Andrew before he closed the door. He headed to his room, removed his bloody clothes and headed for the bathroom. June run the shower, and got in when he found the perfect temperature. He just let the hot water flow down his body and for a while and didn't move,and didn't do anything. He closed his eyes, thinking about the day, and how crazy it has been. Learning that you are different and and not normal, and also learning that he is not the only one. A voice talking inside his head, guiding and teaching him. It's just a lot to take in and soon June needs to adapt as quickly as possible. On top of all of that, he has no idea on how to explain everything to his mom about all of this.

June sigh, and grab the soap. After soaping and putting on shampoo, he then began started rinsing. When he's done, he dried himself and wrapped the towel around his waist.

June got out of the bathroom, steam coming out. He changed into a pair of sweats and a plain cotton shirt. June grab a smaller towel to dry his hair. He grab his bloody clothes and went down stairs, He headed for the kitchen where his Mom is.

June's mom saw June, her face turned concerned, "Hey, you okay?" June's mom said softly.

"Huh? Oh Yeah.... yeah" June answered, "Just tired" he added.

"Would you like some milk or something?" June's mom asked

"No, It's all good, Thanks" June said

"Okay" June's mom said, but the concern didn't leave her. "Just leave the clothes on the counter and I'll take care of them"

"Thanks, Mom" June said grateful

"It's okay" June's mom said

"No mom, like really thank you, for everything" June said looking directly to his mom with so much gratefulness.

June's mom smiled, "I love you June"

"Love you too Mom" June said back, "Good night"

"Good night" June's mom said softly

"Love you" June said again, this time smiling. Then he left the kitchen and head to his room.


June woke up, blinking slowly to adjust his eyes. He turned to his alarm clock to see what time it is.

"What the?!" Getting up a little too fast, which made his head spin a little.

It was already 10am and he slept through the day, plus it was Wednesday and he has class. June always wakes up early, even on the week ends, that's why he never bothered setting up his alarm. This time thought it was different, he over slept and super late for class, His mom would kill him. Speaking of which, where is June's mom? June placed back his alarm clock, and got out of bed. That's when he saw a sticky note attached to his lamp. He gently pulled it and read.


I didn't wake you up because I saw you really sleeping peacefully and I didn't had the heart to wake you up, It's the first time I actuality saw you slept like that in a very long time.

Don't worry about school, I already told them you won't be in and that you were sick. I saw you last night and you looked very tired (and I just want to remind you not to over work yourself okay?)

So today, have the day to yourself and rest okay, not to mention you have to look after Andrew as well.

P.s.- I just went to the Supermarket to get some groceries, I'll be home soon. When you wake up go check on Andrew okay?

Love Mom

For a moment June was speechless. He just looked at the sticky note, rereading it again, making sure he read it correct. After rereading, his mouth quirked into a small smile.

"Thanks mom" June whispered, Smiling.

He got up, walked to the bathroom and do his morning routine. After doing everything, he got out of his room and head to guest room, to check on Andrew. June carefully opened the door and peaked inside, He saw Andrew still peacefully sleeping. June closed the door carefully and went back to his room. On the night stand June grab his phone, and saw a text from Alisa.

Alisa: Hey, I hope you're okay. You just ran out last night and today, We didn't see you in calculus. I really hope you're okay. Text back...

June replied back.

June: I'm okay Al, don't worry. :D

Alisa replied immediately.

Alisa: Oh Thank God! What happened by the way?

June: That's the thing, can I ask for a favor?

Alisa: Sure, as long as I can do it.

June: Great, Uhmm.... Could you guys drop by the house later? Oh, and please bring your dad, I'll explain everything later. It's kinda important.

Alisa: We'll be there, Just text us the address.

June: Thanks, really appreciate it.

June then texted the address while going down stairs. He headed to the kitchen, placing his phone on the counter. He pour cereal in a bowl, grab the milk from the fridge and pour some on the cereal and a glass.

June is half way his cereal when his mom arrived.

"Hey, Honey! Good morning" June's mom said appearing in the kitchen, "Feeling well?" she added.

"Hmmhmm" June chirped, nodding. Happily munchin' on his cereal.

"Well, aren't you happy" June's mom said, amused.

"It's not everyday, I get a free pass for not going to school" June answered, smiling ruefully

His mom laugh, "Well don't get used to it"

"I wouldn't dare" June said, smiling

"Good" His mom said, while putting out the groceries.

"Uhhh, Mom?" June said, getting the attention of his Mom


"My friends are coming over later, they're visiting Andrew as well." June said.

"Perfect, I'm making lasagna" June's mom said, a little excited

"Great! Thanks Mom" June said, eating the last of his cereal.

Then a loud crash rang upstairs, getting June and June's mom's attention.

"Andrew" June whispered, then ran up stairs.

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