
Extra Crispy

Crystal Mist is known for its cold weather. It has some hot days but not as hot as this one, It's like extra crispy if you know what I'm talking about.

June took more time in the shower than the usual to cool off the hot weather. Also his mind was thinking of the happenings yesterday. Last night he didn't sleep well, thinking that someone or something might attack again.

"Honey! Get out of the shower , you'll be late for class!" June's mom shouted

June got out of the shower. He walked to his dresser, when he passed the mirror he stopped and examined his tattoo/mark again. He's been doing that ever since it appeared, changing his life.

After a while he proceed to his dresser and put on some clothes.

Since its hot June wore a tank top and shorts, the only time he ever wore one. He grab his backpack and went down stairs.

"Wow honey, You look good. The girls will definitely notice" June's mom said, her eyes scanning June up and down when June entered the kitchen.

June smiled and said "Thanks Mom, You look great too." June grabs an apple from the fruit basket, taking a bite from it.

"So tell me, what's happening with school?" June's mom asked.

"Not much, same ol' same ol" June answered while opening the fridge, because he can't tell his mom that yesterday a shadowy figure attacked him and destroyed the school hallway.

"Are you getting into extra curricular?"

"Yup" June answered while pouring orange juice on a glass. He took a long swig, finishing it.

"Are you making new friends?"

"Yup, their twins." June said while grabbing his backpack. He walked to his mom and kissed her on forehead "Gotta go mom, see you later. Love you!"

"Love you too!" Mrs. Summers said but June was already gone.

She sigh and smiled, then continue reading reports on her tab.


June parked his car and got out. Students littered the parking lot, greeting friends, talking and whatnot.

While walking he saw Caleb and Alisa with the guy they were talking to yesterday.

"Morning Guys!" He greeted them.

They tuned around, when they saw it was June they smiled.

"Hey June, Good Morning!" Alisa greeted him back.

"Morning" Caleb greeting June, then they did some kind of bro hand shake.

Caleb's wearing a tank top as well but he still has his steampunk style mixed with it and Alisa's wearing a sleeveless sundress.

"Does it always gets this hot here?" Alisa asked, fanning herself.

"Not really, sometimes we have hot weathers but not as hot as today" June answered.

The guy they're with cleared his throat getting our attention, clearly they forgot about him but he doesn't look pissed. His smile was big and he has this aura that June can only explain as light.

"Well Alisa, Caleb aren't you going to introduce me to your friend?" He asked looking at the twins.

"Oh, yeah! June meet Harper, our-" Alisa stopped and looked at Harper as if questioning what is their relation. Caleb looks like he's nervous.

"I'm their brother, Nice to meet you June" Harper said, and extended his hand.

I took his hand and shook it, not minding the weird looks on Caleb and Alisa's face.

"Well it was nice knowing that my twin siblings are making friends, they might be a handful at times but they're good kids" Harper said

"Hey!" Alisa and Caleb said simultaneously

June just laughed "I don't know about handful but they're definitely great friends" I said.

Harper chuckled "That's good to know" then he looked at his watch "I have to go, I'll leave this two to you June, take care of them"

"Yes Sir" June knows that Harper is there brother and he looks a little older that us but the way he speaks, is like he's much older than he looks.

"Very Good" Then he turned to the Twins "You two have fun and enjoy, Okay?"

The Twins nodded.

Harper smile widen then he went on to hug the both of them, "Love you two!" Then he kissed their foreheads.

"Love you too!" The twins said.

"I'll see you soon June" Harper said, I nodded then he walked to his car.

"You guys are really close to him." June said, it was not a question but a statement.

Although they didn't say anything, their silence we spoke louder that words. When the car turned and was gone the twins turned to June

"Shall we?" Alisa said, and the three of them walked while chatting.


They entered the school and it was like what the actual heck?! June froze making the twins stop walking too, the look on June's face was priceless, He was just so speechless and flabbergasted. The hall was fixed and it looked like yesterday never happened.

"Wha-" was all June can could say.

"Dude, you all right?" Caleb asked

"Uh... yeah?" June said but it came out as more of a question.

"C'mon, we're gonna be late for class" Alisa said, the three of them have calculus together.

June sigh, calming his nerves. "Yeah...." June said in a low voice.

He doesn't have time to think about this now, he has class and on his watch, class is priority.

They continued to walk the hall and there is something definitely different. Students smiled at them when they pass and not the fake kind of smile but genuine smiles. And one time a group of students actually greeted them and its all genuine.

"Okay, can somebody please tell me what's happening because I'm so lost right now" Alisa said

"Don't ask me, I'm just as surprised and confused as you" Caleb said

They both turned to June, "Don't look at me" June said.

Something definitely did changed over night but one thing still remains, bullies.

The football team led by Luke passed, intentionally hitting them as they pass. The smug looks on their faces makes June so sick that he wants to punch it out off of their faces one by one but he didn't because he knows better that getting in trouble. But apparently Caleb has other plans, Caleb clenched his fist and turned around starting to march towards them.

"Caleb, don't" Alisa said grabbing her brother's arm.

Caleb is still visible shaking from his anger when he turned around and walked towards there calculus class. Alisa and June jogged to catch up with Caleb, Alisa held Caleb's hand in comfort. Caleb gives it a squeeze, then calmed down.

"Thanks A" Caleb said, gratefully.

Then they continued walking to their class.

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