
Evaluation Test: Part Two!

"Bobby Hopkins!" Minjae called out

"Alright my turn!" A young man said who's sitting at the very front row. He stood and walked over to Minjae, bringing with him a black skateboard on his left hand and a metal bo staff on his right hand. The young man has dirty blonde hair and olive green eyes. He's wearing a shorts denim overalls with the left strap unhooked, gray and white striped loose tank top, a plaid shirt wrapped around his waist and black and a white skate shoes. His looks are definitely on par with Kai's, which was obvious since Fluer's swooning once again.

"Sup!" Bobby greeted Minjae, offering his fist for a fist bump.

Minjae wasn't a spoil sport, so he went and bump Bobby's fist and said "Sup! So, what will it be?"

"I'll do the same as Char, please" Bobby answered politely.

"Alright, get ready" Minjae told Bobby, then walked out of the mini arena.

Minjae tapped his finger on the glass tab. After the barriers lifted, five human projections appeared, surrounding Bobby.

"Ready?" Minjae asked which Bobby answered with a thumbs up.

Minjae tapped his finger on his glass tab once again, then the five human projections immediately charged after Bobby. Bobby cracked his neck before riding his skateboard, heading for the closets human projection to him.

The human projection attacked but Bobby effortlessly dodged it, then swung his bo staff lightly, hitting the human projection on the torso. The human projection flew at an incredible speed, slamming on the barriers before bursting into particles.

Everyone was shocked at the power that Bobby displayed. They were sure that Bobby didn't even put to much force into the swing, yet the projection was annihilate just like that.

"He charged his bo staff with an incredible amount of kinetic energy. That's why even though he didn't put to much force into swinging his staff, the projection was still destroyed because of the concentrated energy that was released from the staff when it got hit." Isabelle noticed immediately

"He also infused his skateboard with kinetic energy for it to keep moving, without him constantly pushing it himself." Alex also noticed.

It wasn't long before Bobby took down the rest of the human projections and finished his evaluation. Watching Bobby's evaluation, June wasn't the only who noticed that Bobby's confident and chill smile never left his face from start to finish.

"That guy's really strong" Jordan said to June with a low voice, that only they could hear.

June only nodded as his eyes never left the mini arena.

"Good job!" Minjae praised Bobby as he approaches him.

"Thanks!" Bobby said with a chill but not cocky, attitude

"This is really getting interesting" Isabelle said, getting more and more excited.

"Agreed" Pearl and Alex said, who's greatly infected by Isabelle's excitement.

"Let's keep the ball rolling! Up next is..."


The day went by and it was already 3 pm. All the new guild members had already been evaluated, with the exemption of Pan and Shawi only. After the evaluations everyone was given the free time to do what they wanted, while the evaluators further talk and study, what they have to work with. While some explored the Guild Mansion, the transfers from Master Egor's guild along with the Gifteds from Crystal Mist, didn't waste time and got right into training, with the exemption of Shiro who's currently helping with kitchen duty.

Maria, Miayaka, Minjae, Isabelle, Pearl and Alex were still at the glass room, about to start their meeting.

"So what did you all think of our new bloods?" Miayaka asked, officially starting the meeting.

"I'd say everyone is quite promising" Maria said, looking very satisfied with the talent that they have.

"What she said!" Isabelle, Pearl and Alex said in unison agreeing with Maria.

"Okay, let's start with our very first Gifted... which is Kai Alika" Minjae said dragging the information from his glass tab to the glass monitor, "According to his records, Kai is a pure blooded Native Hawaiian and he's 22 years old. He was worshiped by the natives as some sort of deity when his Gift suddenly manifested, saving his whole home town from a tsunami."

"He's extremely powerful, I would say more so than the rest. But I definitely have my reservations about him" Miayaka said, as they watch a replay of Kai's evaluation.

"What about you three, what are your thoughts?" Maria asked Isabelle, Pearl and Alex.

"He is powerful, but we are still not sure in other areas" Isabelle said for the three of them

"What other areas?" Maria asked.

"Physical capabilities" Alex answered

"Mental capabilities" Pearl followed immediately

"Emotional capabilities"



"And the list goes on" Isabelle finished

Maria nodded looking very impressed. She knew what they were talking about, but she wanted for them to further explain it anyway.

After studying Kai's infos and evaluation video, they immediately moved to the next Gifted.

"Alright, next is Charlotte Nightingale" Minjae dragged the information from his tab to the monitor "Charlotte was born and raised in Scotland to a noble family of..."

"Wait am I reading that correct? she's born to a family of Assassins?" Pearl asked in disbelief

"That was the same reaction I had when I fist read her record, but she actually turned out to be a nice young lady" Minjae explained, which doesn't really help ease the three's growing worry. "Anyway, she's currently 23 years old and according to her information; all her life she had only killed once, and that once turned out to be the biggest massacre in the history of Scotland, when a group of noble families attacked and killed her family one by one without mercy. That was also the time that her Gift manifested. Reports says that one lucky survivor, if you can call him that, lost his mind stating that a ghost killed all his comrades."

"Scary!" Isabelle visible shivered from hearing the story.

"What she said!" Pearl and Alex in agreement.

"She is definitely talented, but like Kai, we have to keep a close eye on her" Miayaka said with a serious tone in her voice.

"I agree" Maria said in agreement. She knew that they should be careful with how to deal with Charlotte just from her history.

After fully deliberating about what path they should take with Charlotte, they moved on to the next one, which was Bobby.

"I think he really has great potential, I mean the things he could do with his Gift.... are limitless" Isabelle started, the discussion about him.

"I agree with you on that!" Minjae said in agreement as he dragged Bobby's information from his tab to the monitor "Bobby Hopkins was born in Wales but grew up in England. He's 22 years old and an overachiever."

"Wait his parents are 'The' Dr. Romeo and Juliet Hopkins?!" Isabelle's said with wide eyes.

"Uhhhh... Yeah, why?" Minjae asked, puzzled. He didn't understand the hype about Bobby's parents.

"Alex, please do the honors" Isabelle said as she still couldn't move on from the revelation.

"Dr. Romeo and Juliet Hopkins were both world renowned, award winning physicist; who had made great contributions to the world of Physics and Science in general" Alex explained

"I guess that's the reason for Bobby's educational background." Minjae said, understanding Bobby's history further. "It says here in his history that he finished his four years of college in Oxford, majoring in Physics, at the age of 16 and completed his masters degree at the age of 18. He's also trained in various martial arts, since he was bullied a lot in middle school and high school for being too brainy. He found his passion for skateboarding, when he entered college"

"Wow, I thought Pearl and Alex were already geniuses." Isabelle marvelled, but then quickly added "No offence guys!" telling both Alex and Pearl

"None taken" Both Alex and Pearl said, because how could they be offended when the truth was only being spoken. Both of them were mature enough to not be affected and be petty about this kind of stuff.

"Dr. Romeo and Juliet already passed away 4 years ago, right?" Pearl said, suddenly remembering

"Correct" Minjae answered, "They both died in an explosion at the lab they were working at. The reports said that it was an experiment gone wrong, but what's odd was that Bobby was at his parent's lab the same day the explosion happened and he was the only survivor."

"I guess there's more to Bobby than just his confident and chill personality" Miayaka said.

Everyone in the room was quiet, silently making theories in their heads on what exactly happened that day. The silence didn't last long though, before Maria broke it.

"We can talk about more of that later on, but as of now we still have a lot more Gifteds to discuss." Maria told everyone.

Everyone nodded their heads and let out a deep breath before continuing on.

"Alright, up next is..."

Minjae tapped his finger on his tab, then the monitors started playing the replay video of the next Gifted.

The video showed a petite, almost childlike girl, standing at the center of the mini arena. The girl was dressed like a creepy doll, from head to toe.

Once the barriers activated and the projections attacked, the girl held out her left hand downwards in front of her and a burst of plum colored flames erupted under it. When the flames disapeared, her hand was suddenly holding a victorian style lantern.

As the plum colored flames burned inside the lamp, the girl let out a chilling smile, then suddenly a gigantic upper half of a spectral skeleton raised from the ground. The skeleton was burning the same plum color as the flames that's inside the lamp. The girl never once moved an inch as the skeleton stayed close behind her, obliterating the human projections one by one. Once all of the human projections were all destroyed, the flame in her lamp died and the skeleton faded as well.

Once the video ended, the temperature in the room seemed to drop several degrees, making Isabelle shiver.

"Is it just me or am I the only one creeped out by her? I swear, she's gonna give me nightmares!" Isabelle said, feeling all sorts of unpleasant emotions..

"She is unique though, gotta give her that" Alex said, feeling the need to say something good about the girl.

"I agree! I actually rather like her" Maria said proudly and unapologetically.

"You just need some time to warm up to her" Pearl told Isabelle

"Yeah…. Hopefully sooner rather than later" Isabelle said, straightening up from her sit, trying to shake the creepy feeling off.

"Alright, the Gifted that we just watched is Clara Tenebris" Minjae said in introduction.

"There's not much stated on her history, only that she was born in Italy and became an orphan at the age of 6. She is currently 15 years old and that's about it"

"We definitely need more information on her" Isabelle said. "And maybe add more sunshines and rainbows in her life along the way." she added. It might seemed as a joke but it wasn't, she was dead serious.

"Agreed. It's dangerous for us if we go blind on this one" Miayaka said with a serious tone

"For now we just have to be very careful when dealing with her" Maria said, glad that everyone understood the gravity of the situation.

"Moving on, who's the next one in our list?" Maria asked

"The next one on our list is.... Jewel Hunt" Minjae said, playing the Gifted's evaluation video.

"Oh her! Definitely sparkly" Isabelle said when she saw the young woman dressed like a Gypsy, standing in the middle of the mini arena.

After the barriers activated, the projections didn't waste time and got right on to it but Jewel didn't seemed to mind. One of the projections sneaked up on her and was about to get hit when she suddenly dodged, just inches from the projection's weapon. She moved gracefully, like a belly dancer. The projections didn't stop attacking one after the other. This time Jewel didn't just dodge but also attacked back. One projection lunged at her, but she dodged it effortlessly then a saber made out of sapphire appeared in her hand and stabbed the projection, bursting into shiny digital particles. The second projection swung a sword at her which she parried with an emerald spear that she summoned in her hand. She skillfully used the spear and stabbed the the projection multiple times, while still maintaining the gracefulness in her movements. Then without stopping she summoned three ruby knives, that flew straight to the third projection, halting it from it's advance. She then summoned a topaz scimitar and hacked the projection's head off, making it again burst. The last projection didn't get the chance to move further as she summoned a gigantic amethyst sword that fell from above, crushing the projection into nothingness.

"Pretty!" Isabelle said after the video finished, which made Alex and Pearl nod in agreement. The way Jewel moved was just very mesmerizing, like they were watching a stage performance.

"I'm pretty sure, Fleur and her will become best friends" Alex said, which made Isabelle and Pearl laugh in agreement.

"Jewel is currently 20 and she was born and raised in Egypt" Minjae informed everybody.

"Well, she's very skillful in combat and the way she knows how to use a variety of weapons is very exquisite." Miyaka said, to which everyone agreed.

There wasn't much discussion with Jewel's situation, everyone understood clearly what path to take with her.

"Well, I trust we all know what path to take with her, correct?" Maria asked, which everyone nodded.

"Good, let's move on with the next one" Maria told Minjae.

"Okay, our next one is... Apollo Shiningstar"

The video started playing of young man wearing a hoodie and a denim jacket, standing at the center of the mini arena.

The projections started attacking from all angles, but the young man stayed calmed. The young man took a step back, then suddenly he was behind one of the projections, leaving behind him a trail of neon light. He then crouched, and neon blades extended from both of his hands. He swiftly charged at the human projections, slicing them one by one without wasting time, and with every movement that he made, left a neon trail behind.

"Wow!" Isabelle could just say, because really what is there much to say about Apollo's performance but "Wow". "I mean..... the first time I watched him, my mind couldn't keep up. But now, being able to watch him in detail is just..... Amazing!"

"That young man is indeed very extraordinary" Maria said, who also felt amazed by Apollo's performance.

"That extraordinary young man is actually a delinquent" Minjae informed, which made everyone curious about his background.

"Huh..... so there is a plot twist" Pearl said

"He is 21, and was attending a state college in New York. He was arrested multiple times for theft but always mysteriously disappeared the next day when the guards checked on the cells."

"Everyone makes mistakes, he just needs a little counseling and we're good with him, right?" Isabelle said in Apollo's defense, trying to get everyone to view him in a good light.

"Perfect! What is your plan?" Maria asked Isabelle directly

"Well..." Isabelle then started explaining her ideas and when everyone was good with what they came up with, they moved on to the next Gifted.

The meeting went on for about 4 hours and when they were done, everyone let out an exhausted breathe. It was a very tiring day and Isabelle, Pearl and Alex want nothing more than to get some rest.

"Good job everyone! Now get some rest, because it's not over yet. Tomorrow we will be continuing with the final stage of the evaluations." Maria said

Everyone nodded in understanding, then started organizing each of their stuffs before leaving the glass room.

When Caleb saw Isabelle coming out with the others from the glass room, he checked the time and was shocked with how long Isabelle and the others were evaluating. Isabelle was walking with Alex and Pearl, when something appeared at the edge of her vision that made her turn and suddenly stop. Lo and behold, it was Caleb approaching her, and it wasn't just him approaching her, he was approaching her looking sexy as heck. Caleb went to training as soon as the evaluations finished, only taking a few short breaks in between; and now he's walking towards Isabelle, shirtless, putting his exquisite physique in full display. Caleb was wearing a shirt before deciding to remove it, when it got too sweaty, and just tucked in his sweat pants. Isabelle's focus was literally glued to Caleb, being held captivated by him, that she actually didn't notice Pearl and Alex calling her until they shook her back to reality.

"Huh? What? Who?" Isabelle asked in swift succession, trying to hide her embarrassment from being caught.

"I said..... Are you coming?" Alex said as if he already repeated the question multiple times, which he probably did.

Both Alex and Pearl gave her a strange look, but when they turned to the direction her eyes were previously on, their faces immediately lit up with understanding.

"Ohhhhhh" They both said in unison as they both turned back to Isabelle to see her looking off somewhere else.

"We understand, we'll wait for you at your room okay?" Pearl said with a knowing smirk, just to tease Isabelle a little.

When Alex saw Caleb closing in, he immediately said with the same knowing smirk in his face "Don't take too long, okay?" loud enough for Caleb to here it, Then both him and Pearl started heading for the exit leaving Isabelle standing on her same exact spot, who still hasn't recovered from her brain being haywire by the sight of Caleb's exquisite body.

"Hi!" Caleb greeted, with a smile that could possibly melt Isabelle on the spot (*Writer Speaking* At least that was what Isabelle was thinking).

"H-hi!" Isabelle greeted back, just in time for her brain to keep it together. "You're working hard" She added as a distraction, so that she won't suddenly blurt out something she would probably regret.

"I'm not the only one" Caleb said, turning slightly so that Isabelle could see the others from Crystal Mist and the transfers were also training hard. Then he said, giving her a soft smile. "Hey, great job in there by the way"

"Thanks! It was tiring but it was fun, definitely fun" Isabelle said, smiling back at him

"Hey, Ummmm... uhhhhh.... if you're not too tired yet, can you help me with... training?" Caleb asked bashfully

Seeing Caleb being shy, just made Isabelle laugh at how cute and adorable Caleb was at that moment. And of course how can she refuse him, if he suddenly started acting like that.

"Sure!" Isabelle said. The fatigue that she was feeling awhile ago seemed to just fade away, suddenly feeling none of it.

"Really?" Caleb couldn't believe that Isabelle just agreed to his request, because he knew he was asking a lot from Isabelle if she decided to help him instead of resting.

Isabelle just nodded with the biggest, sweetest smile on her face.

"Thanks!" Caleb said in excitement, that his face lit up like a child getting a present on Christmas. He was really glad that Isabelle still made time for him even though she was already tired, and he was determined to not waste her time and work hard.

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