1 Prologue: Red

Red... A color that symbolizes blood, purity, and sovereignty. However, the military didn't have that in mind when they made the lights of the plane's cabin red. Anger... wrath... red symbolizes that as well. Wrath blinds the mind to its surroundings and when the military found out about this, they decided to put it into use; after all, no one likes their soldiers hesitating before killing the enemy. However, the red doesn't bother his mind at all. His mind wasn't filled with rage, but with longing.

"Come back home to me. Okay?" a girl's voice echoed in his head.

That was when the rage grew... however, it was not at the enemy, but at himself. "Rekka..." a whisper escaped his lips, "I'll find you... and we'll go home together... This time, for sure..."

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