
Sacrificing The Bloodline

"I karna, using my all good deed as the compensation, i curse those who did participated in doing injustice with my father to face the...."

As these words were uttered by karna, the burden on him increased with every spoken word. And after these words, he could not seem to able to fightback this burden of invisible sort weighing down on him. After struggling against the burden, A fire of determination arose within him, and with blood coming out of eyes, nose, ears, and mouth, he continued to speak the words. During this time, the pain become more and more unbearable, but his Divine kavach and kundal began do their work healing him again and again. This created the endless loop of pain for karna.

" The lord of justice shani who claim that he suffered injustice, but did same injustice to others, is not any lord of justic`e but a hypocrite...."

Lord shiva ( One of three supreme gods ) appeared in front of karna as he just wanted to complete his words, "Child your anger is not based on strong basis, and there are many things are bound to happen, and no one betray their destiny, even we tridev are bound by it, you know how i fought with Shri narayan himself many times because it was destined to be happened, we still gave the Boon to the many demon devotee, which even put ourself in danger many times, but we still did to comply with fate and gave them the fruit of their efforts. So, you should drop your anger and not make the world unstable with the actions you were about to do, which can result in many mortals suffering through various disasters, and sorrowful incidents. Which only left you the choice to relieve your anger through other way."

Karna clearly understood that this time his anger if not had stopped at the correct time then it may have caused the big calamity and imbalance among all three Realms ( lok )

Thinking to himself of what he should do now, karna spoke "Prabhu I invoke the boon of asking questions from you, and i ask for your guidance."

"Now, that is more like the action i expect from you. Go ahead and ask me questions son." lord said.

"Prabhu i every time want to think from another prospective and ignore this my way of thinking, but why is it still all that found relate some people who did much worse receiving the less punishment than the people suffer the severe punishment for there little and unconscious mistakes. Like, Devraj indra who had broken the worships and shadna of many saints intentionally, interfering with the boons of many devotees, and there are many others. While there are still many people who worshipped the god with their full hearts, body, and souls but they still suffered their entire life in society." Karna said in a crazed voice, with each word anger kept increasing resulting in his eyes getting more red with blood.

"Oh! I thought you would ask me something else. If this is your question then listen carefully to it's answer. Mortal existence have to suffer the result of decisions against their inner pure voice in mortal world, and will receive the punishment of harm to done other by their actions in after life or hell in your words. But, Divine existences or devs are related to the force of nature which mean that punishment given to them would imbalance the nature causing a more bigger problem but they still have to bear brunt of chaos and destiny that even they could not escape. And let me remind you one more thing, Isn't it you who said that i want to change the fate of the people around me. Here you have the opportunity to do so what you truely desired." Lord said in a little teacher like tone with mysterious smile on his face.

Karna kept nodding at what lord said remembering his old determination of not even kneeling down in front of fate itself while focusing on doing everything in hands possible to fight back the fate.

Then thinking of ways to change the fate of close ones, karna still couldn't come up with any possible to accomplish that, and at last thought he should ask the lord himself to light his way and said, " Lord, my mind is not enough to process all the things and coming up with good solution. So, please enlighten me."

Lord spoke with smile while not giving much of hint to the answer, "Answer of your problem is available in your origin. Go deep in your origin to quench your thirst of your demands and knowledge." Before karna could any more questions, lord vanished and disappeared from there.

But the voice of lord appeared in his mind saying, "Son, i had solved the mess caused by you and no one will remember that happened. But, still keep in your mind, that your actions of present will definitely take affect in the future. So, be aware of that." With this even voice faded from his head.

Then colours returned to the world, the trembling stopped, again melody of order started to flow again.

Devi ganga looked a little confused, as she forget the whole thing that happened, then she continued to do what she was doing before which was to take the child to his fated destination.

Here in the mind of Karna, there was going a tornado of thoughts.

'What is the meaning of origin in the lord's wording. My origin. yes my origin. Who i want to help- i want to help the father suryadeva, my origin belong to him. My bloodline belong to him. Origin of my origin all come from the sun god. My bloodline can return to him to increase his power which was strengthened by system.'

Karna thought of confirming these thoughts with his system and proceed with possible solution.

'System can it be possible to help the surya dev with the things i possess.'

[ Yes host, you can do it by sacrificing your bloodline, but as it necessary to have the status of demigod and being in his fated path, so he still have to retain a fraction of tis bloodline. ]

[ Does host want to sacrifice the bloodline and let it return to its origin? ]

"Yes." Karna agreed to system notification with a mental command.

Author Note:- Guys, please give review, and comments. and i promise there will be plots that you all could not imagine. Thank you for your support and keep supporting the book.