

One can move mountains If he is determined to conquer the world. Difficulties are a part of life but the way one overcomes them and faces challenges is what makes him a successful person. This story revolves around a girl whose happy life changed suddenly into a dark shadow. She found the light when there is no hope left and paves her road to betterment. All this required a lot of courage but she didn't lose hope and one day everything turned out according to her will.

writersanagulzar · Adolescente
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12 Chs

Chapter 3: Agony

"I still don't believe this. How they mistook your mom as a murderer." Leo placed the palm of his hand across his face, his eyes were on the ground.

"It's a false accusation. " Moneeza was crying silently. Her tears were falling continuously.

"Moneeza! If your mom is innocent, she will be proved innocent. Now, stop crying and call your dad about what's happening in the police station." Leo took the phone from the table and handed it over to moneeza.

Moneeza took her phone and started dialing the number.

"He is not picking up my call" Moneeza placed her phone over the table.

"And Aaron?" Leo asked suspiciously.

"His phone is out of reach," Moneeza replied, leaning back on the couch.

"Moneeza! don't worry, your mom will come home. Your dad will take her with him"

"What would I do if she didn't come?"

"She will come. Now please eat something. Your mom will kill me if she finds out; I didn't take care of her daughter."

"Shut up, Leo!" Moneeza said; angrily.

"Okay! Sorry. Please eat this" Leo gave her a plate of sandwiches.

"I am not hungry" she pushed the plate away and again picked up her phone to call her dad.

Leo's phone rang. "Ella's call?" Moneeza sat up straight. Leo looked at her and picked up the call instantly.

"Leo! please come. Aaina is not in her conscious. She is saying she will destroy Moneeza's family and kill everyone." The voice on the other side of the phone was clear enough for Moneeza to hear.

"Ella! please try to control her. I can't leave Moneeza's alone."

"You come here, Leo. I will see moneeza. Aaina is not in my control."

"Okay! Come here. I will leave you here, and then I will go to her" Leo ended the call and got up from the couch without looking at Moneeza.

"She thinks my mom is a murderer, even though we have eight years of relation and she knew my mother well. How can she believe that." She was looking into Leo's eyes, and her eyes were filled with tears again.

"Her mom is not in this world, Moneeza! At this time, she can think of anything possible that could happen. She needs space." Leo crossed his arms over his chest.

"Yes, Of course, she lost her mom, and I, I lost my mom too due to a misunderstanding" she again started crying. Leo consoled her and offered her water. She denied drinking it.

"Moneeza! Everything will be fine soon. Everyone knows your mom can not murder anyone."

"But Aaina thinks my mother did this"

"She lost her mother. She was not there at that time. Everyone gets sensitive in the case of their parents. She will be fine after some days. I hope police will be able to find a real culprit."

"I hope"

The phone rang again.

She picked up the call without seeing who was calling.

"What did my family do to your family? why your family destroys ours?" It was Aaina on the other side of the call.

Moneeza had no words. Her eyes filled with water again. Leo took the phone from her "it's been eight years since you both are friends, and your families are seeing each other." Leo replied angrily to Aaina.

"They had some personal grudges with my family," Aaina shouted.

"Grudges? Seriously.? Do you know what you are talking about.? you knew well what they had done for your family, and you still believe they had grudges?" At this time, Leo was shouting.

"Her mom was jealous of my mom. She was jealous to see my mother having a better lifestyle than her." Aaina was saying whatever came to her mind.

"Don't say another word, or else you will lose both of us," Leo warned Aaina.

"I don't want you either. You can leave." Aaina cut the phone call.

"as you wish," Leo whispered by clenching his teeth and throwing his phone to the couch.

"Please stop crying, Moneeza! If your mom is innocent, she will come home by tonight." Leo calmly said to Moneeza by controlling his anger.

"If innocent? It means you doubt my mother's character?" Moneeza stood from the couch and shouted at Leo.

"Moneeza! please calm down. I am not doubting her character. I know she is innocent. I know she didn't do anything. I am just asking you to have patience and pray for her to come home safely." Leo explained to her by grabbing her arms and made her sit again on the couch.

"Look, Moneeza! I know what you are fighting with right now. I understand what is going on is not okay. I am feeling sad for Aaina too. She lost her mother, and she will not be going to see her again. Your mother will come home, but she has to live without her mother. I understand your worries. But think about Aaina too. She is in pain. She can believe whatever she came to know about her mother's death. It's not about her only. Everyone at the death of their loved ones can believe anything about their death. Give her time, and pray for your mother. She will be out soon."

"I wish I didn't ask mom to see her mother."

"It's not your fault Moneeza. You are sweet and sympathetic. You can't see anyone in pain, whether they are your friends or not. Anyone with a good heart has to face letdown many times, but this doesn't mean you challenge your good deeds. Listen! This world is full of fake scenarios, and everyone has a mask over their face. No one knows what's going on inside someone they are talking. If you want to change the world with your positive approach, you must choose to be a great person.

Moneeza wiped her tears off.

"Good girl! Now please eat something. "

Leo went to the kitchen to take the juice from the refrigerator. Moneeza was sitting over the couch, looking at the roof, as if praying. Leo was standing in the distance, looking at her, and was saying in his heart. "I wish I could take all your sorrows", and jerked his head off.

(To be continued)

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