
Mr Andrew's Offer

The look on Andrew's cool face turned from calm to angry. "What that girl did to you was for no reason but her drunk boyfriend's fault!" Andrew banged the desk that was next to my bed. He rose from the bed, and looked at me. A fragile woman that was injured for no reason. "And who did this to you?" Andrew questioned. "Sophie Sullivan..." I mumbled. The moment Andrew heard the name come out of my mouth his eyes were full of anger and rage.

After 5 minutes of complete silence in this hospital room, Andrew had a plan. "I'm not sure if you would like this idea ir not," Andrew hummed. "Surprise me," I said. Andrew passed me a thick document, "I was ment to be looking for a placement wife to please my parents, but I haven't been able to find the right girl for the job," Andrew said swiftly, "Until I met you." I blushed to his kind words. "Read this over and tell me what you think about it. My number is on the back. Call me," Andrew said as he slowly walked away.

I could become a wife of one of the wealthiest people in this city! Not only that, this could boost my acting career! I flick through the paper work. Untill I saw the conditions, what I have to give in return. Upon the list was atleast 2 children!! And to raise them with him!!! That actually wouldn't be to bad to have children with Andrew Lewis. My brown hair with his green eyes. The children would look so beautiful. Wait... why am I thinking about this kind of stuff. Oh who cares, I'm going to take this offer from Mr Andrew Lewis and become Mrs Isabell Lewis! A nurse walked into my room," Miss Goldsmith. You are able to leave this hospital. It should only that a week for you leg to heal. It was only a small break." "Thank you nurse," I replied. Only one week until I'm walking and able to be Mrs Lewis!

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