
Genis Manifestation

Kaile an orphan and a seemingly ordinary young boy, was adopted by a loving family at 8 years old because of an overprotective father. Now Kaile is 20 years old, living with his loving sister and mother, due to an unknown reason, he is extremely overprotective of his family. But out of nowhere, an unfathomable woman claims him as her husband. And to top it off, her dowry was…Evolution! The world is on the brink of destruction, but nobody knows about it! An ancient being cultivated from a mortal, broke the boundary of their home planet, reached the zenith of her universe and even surpassed it, yet now countless years later as she looks down on the countless cosmos beneath her feet, she feels unfulfilled, taking a glance up and spotting the boundary of the reality with just a glance, she knows she can brake past it but… ‘’What’s the point in all this strength, if I feel this lonely inside?’’ Follow Kaile the Mc and Eleonor his first wife, as he and even the plants around him evolve, see as Kaile and his wives experience evolution and how that evolution affects their mentality. Watch as Kaile and his loved ones simply become overpowered, and find out the reason as to why the world is on the brink of destruction…

Confligere · Fantasía
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48 Chs

Chapter 39 The Great mountains I

Chapter 39 The Great mountains I

Within the hovercraft, everyone is currently sitting around Kaile's sleeping pod until muffled banging noises could be heard coming from within the sleeping pod.

Salia's eyes sparkled as she moved to open up the opaque glass.

With the swipe of her hand at the side of the sleeping pod, a small square blue hologram popped up, with a few pushes in the air towards the hologram, the glass pod opened up, as it did it sounded like a futuristic door opening. 

As soon as it opened up, Kaile immediately sat up while gasping for air.

''Brother!'' Sophia shouted in a choked voice, before she jumped onto the panic stricken Kaile, pushing him back down into the sleeping pod and burying her head within Kaile's chest, as she did that, her shoulders trembled slightly, but no sound could be heard.

Before the pod opened up.

Kaile who just woke up felt lingering pain within his body parts that were missing beforehand, now that they had regrown he was feeling phantom pain's from the growth process.

After walking up and feeling the pain, Kaile's mind instantly went towards his family, as he tried to get up, he smacked his head against the opaque glass, that's when he realised he's within an enclosed space.

Thinking he got captured, and not knowing anything that happened to his family, Kaile began to hit against the opaque glass to no avail, the more he hit, the more his mentality began to collapse as he felt helpless, and the thought of what might have happened to his family kept haunting him, stopping him from breathing.

So when the opaque glass finally opened up, he shot up straight away, panting like a fat man who just dropped his plastic bag containing all his junk food, and as it's very windy, the bag subtly rolls away, forcing him to get faster and faster.

Kaile calmed down instantly, when he heard his name being called by his sister.

After being tackled by her, and smelling that all so familiar fragrance coming from her hair, he calmed down even more, believing him and his family to be out of danger. 

That's just how much trust he has in his family, but still, Kaile still feels restless unless he checks personally, so with that in mind, he gradually sat up, with Sophia still stuck to him like a koala.

Emma had tears in her eyes, but as a mother she tried her best to hold them in, order to look strong for her family.

''Sophia darling, let him have some space, after all he went through to protect us.'' Emma said in a motherly tone, as she walked towards the side of the sleeping pod with a small relieved smile.

Sophia didn't listen.

After stoking Sophia's hair for a while to calm her down, Emma said in a more commanding tone this time, but it still held the warmth of a mother while patting her back gently.

''Come on, get up.''

After this, Sophia got up off Kaile, her eyes were slightly bloodshot, and traces of tear stains could be seen on her cheeks, before she wiped them away quickly.

Kaile was quite relaxed at this point as he looked at his mother calming down Sophia, before he could look around Kaile heard Eleonor's voice, directed at him. 

Her voice now sounded a lot more down to earth and soothing, rather than before when she sounded ethereal and high above.

''Kaile, thank you for saving me.'' Eleonor's cheeks turned a bit red after expressing her thanks.

After thanking Kaile she muttered under her breath.

''Again.'' As her heart skipped a beat, her eyes then became filled with complex emotions as she remembered all that time ago, when Kaile's past self died to save her, just so she could have the opportunity in the future to get revenge for him.

Feeling all these complex emotions begun to annoy eleonor a little bit, as before, even when she said to Kaile that he will be her husband from now on, she still felt more loneliness, rather than attraction towards Kaile, but now with becoming a hybrid, her emotions have all been amplified greatly, so her mentality of an old monster, has all but collapsed now, as she struggles to get hold of he amplified emotions.

Kaile's head turned towards his right where she was standing, as he looked into her eyes and smiled, with a head nod he said calmly.

''Dont worry about it, as I consider you family as well, after everything you have done for us so far… So in the future, there's no need to thank me for it.''

Eleonor lowered her head, unable to keep looking into Kaile's eyes that carried no lies within them, her chest began to feel warm, not in a romantic way, but in a way that made her feel a sense of belonging.

Thar's when Kaile heard a nervous voice call his name, a voice that he hasen;t heard since he left the orphanage.


In an almost robotic way, Kaile turned his head more towards the left, in which he could see A young woman with long golden hair, and green irises.

Without even meaning to he blurted out. 


With a head nod, Salia confirmed Kaile's question. 

After seeing Salia, something clicked within Kaile, allowing him to remember just before everything went dark, he spotted a hovercraft blocking the rest of the beam. 

''Thank you for saving us, it seems every time my family is in danger because of me, you are there to save us.''

Salia blushed, but then she replied the words Kaile just said and her eyes went wide in surprise.

''How did you know?'' She asked curiously.

''It's the only thing to make sense, and with you saving me now, it could only be your doing, as to why i didn't suffer any trouble after beating up that guy.'' Kaile said, his voice sounded like he knew all along, even though he himself had no idea until now, unlike Emma who suspected the whole thing.

Before any more talking could be done, Emma's annoyed voice sounded, bringing everyone's attention to her, especially Kaile. By this time, Sophia was sitting on a chair beside the sleeping pod, which was floating at waist length just above the ground.

''What do you mean because of me Kaile?''

Kaile was stumped for a bit, before he answered, it was like he got caught sneaking into the kitchen at night to eat cookies.

''But if i handled it better, that captain guy would not have reacted so badly, so isn't it my fault?'' Kaile said, his voice sounded firm at the start, but towards the end, it sounded like a question.