
Genis Manifestation

Kaile an orphan and a seemingly ordinary young boy, was adopted by a loving family at 8 years old because of an overprotective father. Now Kaile is 20 years old, living with his loving sister and mother, due to an unknown reason, he is extremely overprotective of his family. But out of nowhere, an unfathomable woman claims him as her husband. And to top it off, her dowry was…Evolution! The world is on the brink of destruction, but nobody knows about it! An ancient being cultivated from a mortal, broke the boundary of their home planet, reached the zenith of her universe and even surpassed it, yet now countless years later as she looks down on the countless cosmos beneath her feet, she feels unfulfilled, taking a glance up and spotting the boundary of the reality with just a glance, she knows she can brake past it but… ‘’What’s the point in all this strength, if I feel this lonely inside?’’ Follow Kaile the Mc and Eleonor his first wife, as he and even the plants around him evolve, see as Kaile and his wives experience evolution and how that evolution affects their mentality. Watch as Kaile and his loved ones simply become overpowered, and find out the reason as to why the world is on the brink of destruction…

Confligere · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
48 Chs

Chapter 3 What scripture?

Chapter 3 What scripture?

In front of Kaile is a woman so pristine she looks like a banished immortal. Her figure is curvy in all the write places leaving men drooling at her feet. The men that see her would at first feel lust for her body, but the aura she gives of will make any man in this reality feel unworthy, even the most lustful and vile being that normally no longer has any trace of humanity within them, will feel the same way, and will in fact start to think about changing all the nasty habits they have done in the past relating to beautiful women.

''Ohh, are you truly afraid of this pitiful little wife? Husband.'' Her melodious voice rang out again in a playful tone as a small sad smile adorned her face, making Kaile almost fall into a trance-like state. Now that he has gotten a good look at the person before him, Kaile's heart continued to beat rapidly, no sign of it calming down could be seen, his hands started to become more and more clammy with sweat. 

Kaile watched as this mysterious woman began to take a few steps forwards, her feet never touching the floor, in the blink of an eye she was already lying down on Kaile's beech bench chair with the same book he was reading in her hand. 

This caused Kaile to almost scream in terror, something the woman, despite not looking at him noticed, as a small frown adorned her eyebrows for a moment before it relaxed again. 

In nervousness, Kaile took another step back, but to his shock he couldn't feel anything underneath his feet.

''Huh?'' Kaile questioned himself in confusion, he could see the rooftop getting smaller and smaller, his heart began to pound, and the cold feeling of death began to permeate all thought his body, Kaile stretched his arm out in a futile attempted to grab hold of something, he looked like a man climbing a rope, only this time they is no rope and Kaile is falling backwards towards the ground. 

Kaile's eyes searched desperately for a way to survive, finally he noticed the mysterious woman that suddenly appeared out of nowhere, the same woman that caused him to fall off this roof and probably to his death. 

Kaile watched as the woman lowered the book onto her thighs, to get a better look at the pitiful Kaile as he fell to his death. 

The look in her eyes was one of indifference, making Kaile's heart deeply shocked, the only passing thought he had before she disappeared from sight, while his desperate eyes locked onto hers was.

''I thought I was your husband? Are you just going to let me die, just like this?'' and with that passing thought as Kaile gazed up at the only thing in his vision now being the starry night sky, everything turned black, and Kaile passed out due to shock. 

 The mysterious woman slowly got up from the soft beach bench, it truly looked like she was taking her absolute time, it seemed like she had no worries in her heart, not to mention the young man she just called husband after appearing out of nowhere a few moments ago, it looked as if it was any normal day to her, and she was getting up to just go and fetch a refreshing cold drink of water yet…

After she got up and placed the thick book back down on the beach bench chair, she slowly walked towards the edge of the rooftop and looked down. 

She could see Kaile still falling down from the rooftop, the house only has 2 floors with the attic being the 3 one that occupies only a small section, enough for 5 people to stand side by side with outstretched hands. 

A small smile played at the corner of her lips, as a glint of longing flashed past her eyes.

She muttered softly under her breath so nobody could hear. ''Your the same as always.'' as she stretched out her pristine and soft looking hand, in an instant after Kaile's body stopped falling and slowly began to rise instead.

From afar if one was to see this scene, it would appear as though this woman just pushed Kaile off the rooftop towards his death but, strangely enough, the woman in white despite just calling Kaile husband, is giving off an aura of loneliness at this very moment, as she gazed down towards to unconscious Kaile.

A feeling of loneliness that stems from being peerless.

A feeling of loneliness that steams from the bottom of her heart.

A feeling of loneliness that feels like it has become so ingrained into her bones, that it's almost inseparable from her now. 

The next morning a young man could be seen laying down on his bed, the rays of sunlight shining down in the room, gives the illusion of a descending angel, his bed is placed in the centre of the room, much like his pajamas colour, the bed is also the same purple. 

The young man's room can't be said to be too messy, just a few clothes thrown here and there carelessly. The dark grey carpet gives one the feeling of homeliness, within his room there is only one bed in the centre, a light brown wooden desk to the right of his bed, a fresh glass of water is placed on top of the desk ready for the young man to drink it at any time during the night. 

The young man always likes to prepare a glass of water to drink throughout the night if he feels like it, saving him the time and energy to go down stairs to fetch a glass. 

The room is square in shape and big enough for 12 people to fit inside comfortable side by side while holding their outstretched hands, on the same wall but further down towards the right side of the room, opposite the big window that covers the majority of the left side of the room, but while been connected to the same wall the entrance towards the door is another door, inside this door is Kaile's walk-in wardrobe.

On the bed a young man can be seen, he is tucked in peacefully into the purple sheets, it's clear that who ever placed him here took great care when doing so, almost like a mother tucking in a child can be felt when viewing this scene, the purple sheet is tucked up just below the young man's chin, making people reminisce on the past when their mothers tucked them in so tightly.

Unfortunately the sweat running down the young man's forehead, as well as the furrowed brows and the occasional twitch of a leg or arm completely breaks this tranquil view, making people wonder just what this young man could be dreaming about to have such an extreme reaction.

''AHHH'' A scream echoed in the same room coming from the young man.

Sweat dropped down from his light caramel forehead, tracing the side of his eyes and dropping of from the top of his nose on to the bed below, his heavy breathing could be heard even from outside of the room, fortunately all rooms are soundproofed, a thing Emma set up in order to not spoil the surprise on the traditional weekend gatherings. 

The young man stared blankly at the wall in front of him, a single thought passed across his mind, making him repeat it over and over again.

''I'm still not dead.''

It wasn't until five minutes later that the young man named Kaile finally calmed down, a small smile appeared on his lips. 

So many regrets.

The feeling of sadness.

The unwillingness to lose his current family.

All these emotions ran deeply in Kaile's heart as he remembered the scene of him falling off the rooftop. But like a nightmare it slowly began to fade away like it never existed, only the lingering emotions of unwillingness, sadness and regret staying behind as a reminder. 

Confused, Kaile can clearly remember the feeling of dying just now, but he can't put together the scene of it happening, it's like his mind is shielding him from the mental trauma that came with the near death experience.

Kaile is just a normal 20 year old boy after all, although Kaile practices martial arts, he has never been in a life threatening situation, not to mention his aptitude for martial arts can only be considered garbage, the world is very peaceful and with the little martial arts he has being able to learn, he is able to protect his family better. 

Kaile and his family live in the Neutral country, the Neutral country is in the centre of the top five countries on the human continent. 

These countries form a five sided pentagram with the neutral country being in the dead centre.

In the north is the country of Tang, the northeast is the country of Fengue, the south east is the country of Aurora, the south west is the country of Tenryn, and finally the last in the north west country is called X

Each country is highly militarized, armed with millions of troops, countless aerial vehicles and last but not least nuclear type weapons.

Due to the size of the continent that has the size of all the earth's landmass put together, and the fact that humans cannot travel too far away from the coast of the land unless they want to be swallowed up by a terrifying sea beast.

Humanity is focused on land based vehicles.

The calendar date of the human continent is called. The star date of the human calendar, in which the year is 2030.

In year 2000, hover based vehicles were created and released to the public, now 30 years later, most modes of transport are flying cars or buses controlled by AI. 

Due to Kaile living in the neutral country, he really experiences danger, at least not life threatening, unlike the other countries where guns and other weapons are allowed. 

The neutral country is a country made by the joint efforts of the top five world countries in order to reduce conflict between them. Due to this no weapons are allowed on the neutral ground, and no violence is permitted in public, making people have to vent their angry in other ways, or even secretly by taking the person they don't like to a hidden place and beating them up, funnily enough when cases like that happen, death isn't a thing that's entirely uncommon. As a child growing up in the orphanage and dealing with bullying, Kaile made an effort to get stronger physically, in order to not let his family members suffer the same kind of thing he went through. 

Despite practicing martial arts for over 12 years, Kaile has only reached the purple level, all his teachers have told him that his aptitude is the worst, and that if he ever meet a strong man that practices martial arts, his chances of winning are close to zero, but despite this, it was enough for him to get through school and protect his sister from men that want to ask her out on dates, or other students in the school that, look at his mother with lecherous eyes. 

Knock! Knock!

Hearing two knocks at the door, Kaile quickly got out of bed, causing his cover to slide onto the floor in a hurry.

Opening the door Kaile is shocked for a moment, his eyes unable to leave the curves of the women in front of him. 

It's not like Kaile is having any impure thoughts about the women in front of him, it's just purely appreciation that's all. 

''Still not dressed yet? You're going to be late at this rate.'' Sophia said with a smile. She then turned around and walked down the hallway towards the stairs.

Sophia was wearing the school uniform, a plain black blazer jacket with golden outlines, the badge of the school was stitched on to the top right pocket, the school symbol is a pentagram, as the school was opened up by the top five big countries, for the rich and famous. 

Her skirt is black, straight, but frilly at the edges, it lowers down to the top of her knee caps, black tights are snuggled against her long legs, simple open top black shoes are adorned on her feet.

A white t-shirt is hidden behind her black blazer with a red tie attached to her collar. 

Kaile quickly hurries up to the bathroom, washes his face in the sink and brushes his teeth, he then rushes back to his bedroom in which he puts on the male version of Sophia's clothing.

Heading down the creaky wooden stairs, Kaile can smell the fresh breakfast cooked by Emma, he also heard talking, but could only pick out a few words before he got to the bottom of the stairs. 'Scripture?' he thought to himself, planning to ask them what they were talking about when he gets to the kitching, upon arriving at the bottom of the stairs, he slides across the soft carpet in a bid to get to the kitching faster.

''Calm down Kaile, how many times do I have to tell you not to run like that! Last time you even bumped into Sophia because you couldn't stop.'' Emma's scolding was heard from the kitching, she didn't even need to turn around in order to know what her reclass son was doing, she can hear the sliding of his feet very clearly. 

''Mom, I think Kaile just wants to send me back to the hospital again. I don't think he was satisfied with the fact that last time I was fine, and only sprained my wrist.'' Sophia said in a pitiful tone, while looking at Kaile that just stepped foot into the kitchen with a playful smile on her face.

Kaile's eyes became cold but his eyes were filled with gentleness, as he locked eyes with the smiling Sophia, who's sitting at the island in the middle of the kitchen.

Knife and fork in both hands pointed towards the sky, her arms rested on the spotted marble island top and a brown dinner mat laid out in front of her, Sophia looked like a toddler ready to eat its meal.

When she noticed Kaile's cold stare she instead of becoming scared, she instead got excited. 

If anyone asked her what her number one thing to do in the world was, she would definitely say to tease her brother. 

Not to mention she can clearly see the overflowing warmth of his, that's trying to hide behind those cold eyes but failing, it's all too easy for Emma and Sophia to see his true feelings.

She opened her mouth, the look in her eyes became cocky and she was about to say something again when. 


''Ouch'' Sophia exclaimed, ruffling her hair that was just hit by her mom using a wooden spoon.

Sat down at the square island, Emma, Sophia and Kaile ate the breakfast served, Emma and Sophia like to sit next to each other, across from Kaile so they can interact with him more, when he first came to the house this was one of the many ways Emma and Sophia used in order to get closer to Kaile.

''Kaile?'' Emma said softly.

Kaile finished what was in his mouth before replying to his mom.


''Did you also get that Genis scripture?''

''What Genis scripture?'' Kaile asked in confusion, with one eyebrow raised.

Sophia smiled at the puzzled look of kaile, whereas Emma seemed to sigh in relief. 

Noticing this odd behavior as well as the question, Kaile became even more intrigued so he asked again.

''What Genis scripture are you talking about mom?'' Emma was hesitant to answer, not because she wanted to hide it from her son, but because she's afraid of the thing in general. 

Noticing that her mother wasn't going to answer Kaile, Sophia spoke up.

''It's a thing that popped up in our minds today when we woke up.'' Sophia said, that playful smile returned to her lips as she looked at Kaile in expectation. 

Emma on the other hand seemed worried about something, the hopeful look in her eyes didn't escape from Kaile's sight.

''I don't have anything like that.'' Kaile replied.

Emma sighed in relief, while Sophia narrowed her eyes, the playful smirk nowhere to be seen.

''Did you even check? You know for someone that enjoys reading novels and stuff, you're always the first person to blatantly ignore, or be baffled by anything even remotely magical. ''Sophia said, a hint of anger could be heard from her voice.

''You know if you keep on staying in denial then you'll never move forward again in your lifetime.'' Sophia said as her eyes narrowed even sharper. 

Feeling something was amiss, like Sophia was hinting at something, Kaile genuinely became annoyed and replied back without thinking.

''And what is that supposed to mean?''

Sophia didn't reply, and strangely enough Emma has been silent this entire time. 

''Close your eyes and focus on trying to find the scripture. ''Sophia said in an emotionless voice, her face was placid and lacked any kind of emotion, it's clear she's not taking no for an answer.

Seeing this Kaile decided to do exactly what she said. 

Closing his eyes, Kaile was met with darkness, he stayed like that for a few seconds while thinking about what Sophia just said, not finding anything he was about to give up as the anger inside him began to bubble up again, but just when he was about to open his eyes, Kaile saw it.

It was a gigantic sized floating rolled up piece of small wooden sticks, attached together side by side with fin threads. The object emitted a subtle yellow glow, making Kaile feel alive, the fatigue from sleep faded away, and he felt as awake as ever before.

Upon focusing on this object, it began to unfold before Kaile's very mind, upon being fully opened straight away Kaile's eyes were attracted to the top of the object that read. 

Genis Scripture. Upon seeing it Kaile was stunned and felt overwhelmed, he couldn't focus on it any longer, and was forced to look down, and what he saw left him feeling shocked!