
Yan Jianchen

It wasn't just the Crimson Crow that was shocked, the old man was also surprised. That young man just asked a Sovereign Beast to step aside and it just did?

How could this be possible!

And what did he say? 'you aren't even worth killing'... heck, if a Sovereign Beast isn't worth killing then who is?!

The Crimson Crow looked at Gen carefully and asked: "Who are you? and what did you do to me?"

Gen didn't stop his steps and said:"My name is Gen. Get lost and don't bother me again. Also, the old man who has been watching for a while, don't you intend to reveal yourself?" he spoke while looking at the direction of the old man.

As soon as he said these words, an old man approached him from the sky and landed in front of him.

The old man cupped his hands towards Gen and said: "This old man's name is Yan Jianchen. May I know the name of your excellency?" the old man's tone was polite.


"So it's mister Gen. May I know where is Mr. Gen from? Judging from your formidable strength and young age, you should be very famous but I have never heared of you."

"I am not from this continent and I don't belong to any influence."

This planet contains 5 continents and the Phoenix Continent is one of them.

The old man was surprised. Such a powerful expert and he didn't belong to any influence?

"Really so.Judging by your attitude I know you won't accept joining my Phoenix Continent Sacred Land. But If you need any help you can find me there in the future."

Gen looked at the old man sighed in his heart. He knew that the old man wanted to establish a relationship with him. But he didn't decline.

"Then I will have to thank Mr. Yan in advance."

"Haha. There is no need to be polite. You can call me old man Yan directly."

"Alright then."

Then he remembered something and asked the old man: "Old man, do know where is the nearest city?"

"There is actually a city nearly a thousand kilometres away to the north of the Nirvana Mountain. Moreover, it's not an ordinary city."

"It's not an ordinary city?"

"Mm. It's the Capital City of the Bunem Kingdom."

"the Bunem Kingdom?"

"Yes. It's a kingdom ruled by the Bunem Royal Family. Their strongest expert should be at the peak of King Stage. But by your strength, you don't have anything to worry about."

Gen was irritated by how the old man spoke as if he knew him and his strength very well. Nevertheless, he didn't point it out and said: "Then I will be heading there for the time being. Thank you for your help."

"There is no need for thanks. If you have time, come visit this old man in the Sacred Land."