
GDXS: Origins

This story tells the how it all began that is from the other book. From the moment the mc awoke in a new world, being strip away from modern life to a dangerous life calling out for adventure. Everyday he looks for answers on how to find away back home. Many answers can be found in every corner while making new bonds along the way.

DjxCarma · Fantasía
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42 Chs

Day 23: Tree house planing

A new morning began, going down with the usual... Dennis was outside training his ice magic duration while using a sword out of ice. Swinging the sword to get adjusted to the movement until Sara showed with a tray full of baked cookies.

"Dennis, I bake you some cookies."

"Oh? Thanks Sara."

Dennis then stopped his training to relax for a while. Sitting down on a bench, they then saw Dj in the distance working on a ladder and was trying to measure the length to be long enough to reach the highest point around the trees in the forest.

"Thats going to take at least a week..."

Dennis said. Judging from looks alone.

"And what makes you say that?"

While Sara asked. Dennis took a bite from the cookie and gave it a thought. He looked over at the tree they had inside the stone walls to think of an answer.

"Well, the trees can reach mid-way the sky that is almost the same as the central tree in the dark forest, and honestly, working on a tree house on the central tree couldn't be bad. We can use that as a rest point whenever the queen sends me or a group into the woods."

As Dennis mentioned, the wolf pup came by and jumped onto his lap and the cookie he had in hand.

"When did this little guy show up?"

Sara then petted the pup; it wasn't afraid of her. The wolf pup felt safe while been next to her. Dennis then explained to her what he had done yesterday that involved on how he got the pup. It went on for hours until Dj came by handed over a schematic to Dennis.

"Dennis, check this out. I thought we could do something like this around here."

"I think I have a few, but you need to come with me to confirm it yourself."

Dennis said to Dj. Afterwards they all went into the dark woods and brought along themselves the golem. It was the first time in a while since it got out of the vicinity of the house.

Along the way. Sara was on the golem's shoulders holding the pup while Dennis led the way with Dj. They were heading to the central tree of the dark forest and when they arrived. They found the top part of the tree on the ground. Wondering who could have done something like. The only person who knew was Dennis. He remembered what happened a couple of nights ago that involved the red orb of light.

"So, Dj. What do you think of this place?"

"Hmm... It is really far from the house, but honestly, we should pick somewhere closer. If we made it here, we could get attacked by monsters."

Dj said as he noticed a giant footprint on the ground and goes over to inspect it. It was round, but it had carvings as if was from a tree.

"Especially if we find something like this..."

While Dj pointed it out. Dennis thought of another place, and he remembers that there was another path that has not been checked at all. They went back to the house and when they arrived; it was noon.

At the house. Sara and the golem stayed behind to play with the pup while Dj and Dennis went on ahead to the new location. They went to the back side of the house and go through the gate they had built in. On the other side of the gate, there was a stone straight path with tall trees.

"I haven checked this direction, but I know that there was a beach nearby."

"Oh? Then that's perfect!! A tree house next to the beach is a great idea!"

Dj said to Dennis while being all excited. He then went on ahead.

"Hey! Wait for me!"

Dennis shouted. He went after his friend. For a while he noticed the path had a distinctive smell of sea salt in the distance, but it all stopped when he caught up to Dj that was waiting on a split pathway. He saw him thinking about what path he should go but couldn't decide.

"Dj, what's wrong?"

"Nothing... It's just that something is nearby this place... Heading that way..."

Dj pointed to the right. He felt that something was around that direction, but Dennis didn't sense no presence nearby.

"I don't feel nothing, it's probably the wind..."


They then took the left pathway. After a while, they found themselves on a small walking out of the forest and noticed a tree nearby the beach that they could use. The beach wasn't too big, but it was alright. It had enough space for a big camp and the only to access the place was through the pathway that they took or the vast ocean that awaited to be explored.

"This place should work; I can probably build the thing in about a week or two."

Already with a plan, Dj knew what he wanted to build and how his going to build it. He looked around his notes and sees a list of stuff that he needs too gets and ready to make preparation around the next couple of days.

"Thats even great, dude. But I think it's getting late. We should head back before it gets dark."

Dennis said while the sun was setting in. They were on their way back home. It was really a long way to get back home. Around they returned. It was already nighttime. Sara was waiting for them and got worried. She scolded Dennis for returning late, but she let it slide since she knows how it is to explore new stuff around this place.

"Alright then, I'll be heading back to my house. And Dennis, don't forget to take your medications."

Worried about Dennis current condition. She could tell that Dennis was skipping his medications.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure he takes them."

Dj said as he gently hits Dennis on his chest with his shoulder that made Dennis flinch in pain.

"Very well, good night, you two."

Sara said to Dennis and Dj and left the house. The two of them soon got ready to go to sleep, as it was getting late.