
GDXS: Origins

This story tells the how it all began that is from the other book. From the moment the mc awoke in a new world, being strip away from modern life to a dangerous life calling out for adventure. Everyday he looks for answers on how to find away back home. Many answers can be found in every corner while making new bonds along the way.

DjxCarma · Fantasía
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42 Chs

Day 19: A restless day

At the house. It was the middle of the afternoon. Dj and Sara were wide awake while Dennis was still a sleep. He was in the kitchen writing a list of things that he needed to get to finish the furniture around the living room. Meanwhile, Sara was baking a butterscotch pie.

"So, Dj what are you planning with that list?"

"Well, I was thinking of finding some stuff to make a tree house, but the things I need are in the forest, according to the golem and for some reason. The dark forest has been weird lately…"

Dj then remembers having a talk with the golem outside. It was always watching from the forest and reporting everything that happens. In its most recent report, the creatures in the forest have been acting strange that caused a creature to arrive and its been lurking around for days.

"And I suspect that whatever thing is around here maybe causing Dennis to have these strange dreams."

Strange dreams…? Wait, maybe a dream eater is lurking around the place."

Sara said. It caught Dj's attention.

"A dream eater?"

"Yes, a dream eater is a monster that feeds on people's dreams and preferably children's. They show up around night time and hide during the day. No one knows the exact shape of it, but they always get their hands on their victims."

As Sara mentioned, it made Dj wonder if the shadow that showed up a few days ago was a dream eater. And it could have attached itself to Dennis before he made it disappear. At the moment of realization. Dennis walked into the kitchen and overheard the conversation.

"A dream eater, you say? So if I'm hearing this properly… I'm been haunted by a dream eater for at least three days… And I haven't gotten no proper sleep. This is war I say… War!!"

Dennis shouted at the top of his lungs and headed out, but before he could even head out. He went to his room to look for something under his bed and when he did. He pulled out the knight's sword for combat.

In the kitchen. Sara was concerned for Dennis and wanted Dj to make sure he was safe. Dj agreed to it and went out after Dennis into the woods.

When the time arrived. Dennis opened the gate and was out searching for the dream eater in the middle of broad daylight. Trying to call it out for a fight.

"Dream eater!! Show you're self!! I just want to talk to you with my fists and sword!!"

Dennis said as he walked around the woods screaming. He had no luck in finding what he was looking for until he felt an odd presence coming deeper into the woods and, as his surroundings zoned out. Dennis felt that something was coming right towards him. He saw something in the distance, moving exactly to the ground.

Not knowing exactly what it was. Dennis prepared himself to use a magic spell.


Calling out the magics name. Dennis cast an ice spell that created a frozen ground all around him. And to his surprise, it was the shadow. Coming straight for revenge.

"Well, well, well… Very foolish of you showing up by yourself in a place like this… So what you came for? A fight? Answers? Come on, spill it out!"

The shadow said. It surrounded Dennis in a dome of darkness. Inside, Dennis could only see his surroundings in black and white.

"Leave me alone! I want you out and far away from here! You have given me nightmares to a point that I can't rest at all!!"

Dennis said as he pointed the sword at the shadow.

"You fool… If you want to get rid of me, then come find me!"

The shadow said as it laughed and released Dennis, and it made him mad. He heard a sharp snap as glass broke in his mind.

"Thats it… It is on… You have declared war…"

Dennis said and retreated to the house and by that time. Dj was looking for him and as he was to approach. He saw Dennis was looking down at the ground as he had sluggish movement.

"Hey Dennis, are you… Okay?"

Dj asked, but Dennis didn't respond. Dennis just kept going, and it made Dj to become worried. Once they made it to the house. He saw Dennis use magic to create an ice pillar.

"Once this pillar melts… That dream eater will be hunted down…"

Dennis said out loud and went back inside to rest.

"Man… This will not end all well. Just hope that this doesn't turn into a big mess…"

Dj then went inside the house and explained to Sara that Dennis wanted to take on the dream eater and that the pillar he made of ice was a timer. They then brought a slice of a butterscotch pie to Dennis for him to taste.

"Whats this?"

"Its butterscotch pie. I was thinking of trying to bake something for all of us today."

Sara said to Dennis, and he gave it a go. Dennis tried out the butterscotch pie that Sara made and it was delicious to him. His eyes widen in excitement and looked over at Sara.

"This is delicious!! How did you make this?!"

"It is a secret amongst a faraway friend."

Sara said. Soon after, she called it a day and went back to her own house. Leaving Dj and Dennis to themselves.

As it was about to become night time. Dj used this opportunity to question Dennis about what happened in the forest.

"Alright Dennis, I can tell from your look earlier today that something happened."

"So you can tell… Well then… I found the shadow that appeared before and it said if I want to get rid of it… I need to find it."

"Then why don't we look for it ourselves? We can track it down and come up with a plan."

As Dj stated. A finding the dream eater and making a plan could be great, but Dennis didn't agree to it.

"No… I'm going to wait it out this time. Sara is right, I need some rest…"

Dennis said as he went to sleep and felt his entire body was in total pain. Dj then went to sleep with him and made sure that no one gets close to him over the night.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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