
GDXS: Origins

This story tells the how it all began that is from the other book. From the moment the mc awoke in a new world, being strip away from modern life to a dangerous life calling out for adventure. Everyday he looks for answers on how to find away back home. Many answers can be found in every corner while making new bonds along the way.

DjxCarma · Fantasía
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42 Chs

Day 17.5: A knightly confrontation (i)

As the day still goes. Dennis was still mad with the happenings of this morning and waits on the back side of the house by using the training area to vent out his frustration. He had made pillars of ice and used it as target practice for his fire magic.

He threw fireball after fireball and after fireball and he kept missing until his anger was at his limit that he created a giant fireball and tossed towards the pillars. Once it made contact, it created a fiery explosion that was contained up the entire training field. Without even noticing, Dennis got caught in his own attack that pushed him out of the field. Making him crash into a wooden wall.

"Why do I keep seeing these things…?"

As Dennis asked himself, Dj shows up by walking from the left side of the house. He was concerned for Dennis well being and gave him a hand to stand up.

"Come on Dennis, you can't let you're self go down like this. I don't know the current situation, but at least I understand what needs to be done and I want to help you through it."

Dj said to Dennis, and he thought it over until he made up his mind.

"I guess your right…"

"Also, what were you doing back here?"

"Oh, I was just venting out my anger by using magic…"

Dennis then did a demonstration and focused his magic on an ice spell. He created a snow flake that was the size of his palm. It then shattered as Dennis lost focus.

"It seems that you're emotions have control over your magic, the more angry you are, the more power it has but it won't last long."

Dj said to Dennis as he takes a deep breath.

"You know… For someone that has only been here for at least a day or two, you seem pretty calm."

"Well, what can I say. Wondering for years in the void has made me comprehend we must control ourselves at the most dire moments or else we loose ourselves entirely."

As Dj mentioned Dennis gained his senses back and gave out a smile. His mood changed and was felling a lot better and thanked him for helping him in this moment. Later on, Dennis was heading towards the train station with Dj to catch up to Nix. They knew the train was going to leave soon, so they went running to make it on time.

In the train station, Nix was sitting on a bench, waiting by reading a book as time passed by.

"I hope the queen doesn't get any crazy ideas when she hears this…"

Nix said to herself as the train arrives, and once she got on board. She heard fast footsteps heading her way. She turned left to the opening of the passengers area and saw Dennis and Dj running at full speed. The door where about to close off.

They were almost about to get in and made a jump for it. Dj came in with a slide while Dennis went for a dive roll. Making it in time before the doors closed.

"I told you we were going to make it!"

Dj said as he was excited for the first time.

"Let's not do this… never again…"

Dennis said as he collapse on the red carpet of the train. Nix almost laughed at the situation, but she helped Dennis to get up and she offered them a seat that had a rectangular table. They both sat on the opposite end of it to have visible eye contact with Nix. Moments later, the train was on the move.

"How are you feeling Dennis?"

Nix asked as she attempted to make small talk.

"I'm alright… Sorry if I lost my temper and made that thing go away…"

Dennis then apologized for his actions and she knew Dj must have talked through to Dennis.

During that time, Dennis and Nix continued talking for hours about magic and they explained how it worked to Dj and that he as well may be able to use it someday. Along the way, Dj was staring out the window and felt that something was going on in the snowy mountains.

"Hey, check out the snow mountains."

Dj said as he pointed it out. Dennis then looked over and as well as Nix and noticed something on the summit of the mountain.

They saw a flashing green light that fades away and returns moments later. Soon they arrived at the train station at the capital.

When they arrived, they saw people building up stands decorating the places for the upcoming event. Suddenly, a lady comes by and hands over a corn bread muffin to them and leaves.

"What's going on?"

Dj asks and sees Dennis eating the muffin.

"Well, people are getting ready for the flower festival."

Nix said and handed over the muffin to Dennis and he was confused.

"I'm not a great fan of muffins… Lets say it was an unpleasant experience…"

She said, and they all headed over to the castle. When they headed over by following a staircase that goes to the upper level of the capital.

They saw that a group of knights just returned from a journey. Amongst them, only Dennis could tell apart someone and it was the knight that saved him during the first time he went to the dark forest.

He went over to them to greet him, but the rest of the knights saw his approach and tried to stop him by drawing out there sword. They tried to scare Dennis, but it only made him walk over than run towards them.

"State you business, civilian."

One knight said.

"I came here to go greet him."

Dennis said as he pointed at the knight with a red cross on its armor. The knights then pointed their swords at Dennis and tried to force him to leave, but his stubbornest made him stay. Nix and Dj then came over to see that Dennis was about to get himself in trouble.

"Leave this place right now!"

The other knight said.

"I'm not going nowhere without having a talk to him!"

"We have the rights to use force if its needed, leave now or face the consequences!"

The two knights readied their sword at Dennis, prepared to fight and made Dennis mood go back as if it was before during the morning. Dennis then got into position and was ready to take the knights on at any means necessary.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

DjxCarmacreators' thoughts