
Chapter 14

Carter's POV

After a few days I had realized that Carla had saved my life by giving me all her powers and all her strength that she had left. Ryder tried to get me to use her powers to make some housing for the two-hundred plus people who joined us after they found out their leader was a jerk. Carla was clinging to life in what used to be Liam's room. Liam, Nathan, Ryder, Axel, and I camp out in the livingroom downstairs. We rotate who sleeps on the floor and who sleeps on the couch to keep it fair but I usually sleep in an armchair we moved into Carla's recovery room. I'm barely away from her bedside.

Joey, a doctor from the city that migrated with the group, stayed in the room with her as well. Carla was a normal human at this point and Joey was the safest bet for her to survive. Jasmine and Hannah visit more than anyone other than me. Hannah comes in to pray for God to heal her. She told me about how when we were missing Carla was teaching them all about Jesus and Christianity and how Carla saved them before she saved me.

Jasmine comes in to update Carla on everything going on because she believes that she can hear every word. I miss her voice, her blue eyes, her laugh, her jokes, and her smile. I'm constantly praying for her to wake up.

In the past week, literally everyone in camp has come to visit her. Some are old, some are young, some are children, but they came to thank her. Some thanked her for saving them, some thanked her for being kind enough to let them join her people, but most of them called her a hero.

Her room was filled with flowers. Shortly after word got out that her favorite flowers were daffodils and lillies her room very quickly filled up with them. Three little girls about Penelope's age bring in wild daisies that they find in the field. They talk to Carla about how they want to meet her and hear all her adventurous stories. The youngest one, a little redheaded girl that goes by the name of Layna, is always telling Carla about how she wants to grow up to be as awesome as she was.

That's the only time I've had to walk out of the room while she had a visitor just to stop myself from crying. I didn't stop myself, I sat in the hallway and cried my eyes out that day.

Penelope and Will came to visit her a lot, they played card games with her because Will said she was probably bored. Kate and Cornelius came to visit once. They talked to her a bit about how everyone was doing and then left.

Nathan and Kathy couldnt keep themselves together when they came to visit and just broke down on her bed.

Madelyn comes in to talk to her about how she missed her and Liam checks up on her condition once a day.

Sage, Sarah, Ryder, and Axel come to visit once or twice a day to give her hugs and tell her that they love her like an older sister.

Carla was hooked up to a bunch of machines to keep her alive at this point. She wasn't breathing on her own at this point so the machines were keeping her alive.

We asked Oscar to come in and try to heal her. I sat anxiously outside her doorway because Oscar asked to be alone with her while he tried to heal her. I was anxiously bouncing my leg up and down in the chair outside the door. When I heard the doorknob start to turn I instantly shot to my feet. Doctor Joey walked out, his hands were covered in blood and he was wiping them with a cloth. Oscar came out after him and shut the door behind him. Joey walked down the stairs and out of sight. Liam walked up the staircase at the same time Joey was leaving and stopped on the top step.

"She is still weak but she's off the ventilator," Oscar explained.

"Is she awake?" I nervously asked.

Oscar shut his eyes for a few seconds and then turned to look at Liam.

"Layna has the flu and I need to go heal her so she doesn't die, I'll be back to check on Carla," Oscar diverted the conversation to dodge the question. He walked down the stairs and out of sight.

I walked to the door and turned the knob, opening the door.

"Hi Carter, you feeling better?" An all too familiar voice that I missed asked in a raspy and sickly tone.

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