
GATE: And Thus The Nazi's Fought There (COMPLETED)

I DONT OWN GATE What if the nazi's won world war 2 and completed their goal of world domination? And what if 75 years later a gate appears in berlin Followed By attacking aliens ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ this is a fanfic where the Empire attacks a much much more advanced earth and a ruthless world NO RELATIONSHIPS NOTE: THIS IS NOT A NAZI PROPAGANDA I REPEAT THIS IS NOT A NAZI PROPAGANDA I am merely using the nazi's to show a different type of outcome if GATE happened in a nazi dominated world where they are ruthless NOTE: I will be using Non-German names but some of them will be german names such as the fuhrer's, i will also use some Game Of Thrones names because im lazy and cant think of anything NOTE: I am writing for myself and for myself only i am writing this for fun i will do whatever i want with the story if you dont like it then you dont like it but if you like then i hope you enjoy it with me This is my first time writing so pls dont expect much and there will be errors in grammar as english is not my first language Also dont expect me to update regularly as im a lazy person

LuffyTaro15 · Cómic
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14 Chs

War Plans

It has been a week since Erich's speech and in those week the Nazi's have started to implement their beliefs on the citizens of Italica.



Citizens of Italica! Citizens of Italica! All of you must line up in the town square in an Hour, if you do not come in an Hour we will take as an act of rebellion and will be punishable by death-Jon

After an hour all citizens of Italica have lined up, Different Races in a different line.

This is a message from the Fuhrer, The one who rules our world and from today onwards Rules all of you. October X, Year 20XX, From today onwards all Goblins, Orcs, And Elves are properties of the Fatherland and hereby becomes slaves. Goblins, And Orcs shall only work, and work you must do without complains, Elves shall be Experimented on and once all experiments have been finished all of you must work also. To all Goblins, Orcs, And Elves-Jon

By Decree Of Felix Hitler, 8th Fuhrer of Nazi Germany; All of the following statutes are hereby amended; Rights to Civil Law Suspended, Civil Rights Suspended, Rights to Habeas Corpus Suspended. Anyone that is in service to the Fatherland will be able to order you anything they want and you shall obey without any complaints. Break this and you shall be punished accordingly-Jon

The Goblins, Orcs, And Elves went in uproar and started shouting at them.

These bastards want us as slaves! Let's kill them!-Random

After that sentence they started running at the soldiers around them, before they can reach they're target they were shot at by the soldiers. Most of them were killed and the rest surrendered and were sent to the Gate to start their new lives.

When the countess heard of this she went to Erich And Jon to demand the release of the Goblins, Orcs, And Elves, in which Erich replied; 'You're not in charge here now Countess, If you don't like it then go join them.'

[Flashback End]


Piña POV

Piña was alone, alone in a cell being sent to who knows where. Her Rose Order have been wiped out Bozes and the others were captured and then all of them were lined up in front of her and one by one they were shot Norma, Grey, Hamilton, And the rest.

She fell asleep remembering them.

She woke up in a white room, with a white bed, with a white pillow, with white clothes, and with a white cabinet at the side. Then she heard the room opening and she was dragged outside. She was then sent in a large room with paintings in the side, two men standing silently besides the door, and a man standing behind a desk.

Come, Princess Sit. I've been waiting for you-?

Once she sat she looked at the man.

Who are you? Are you my new Master? Am i you're slave?-Piña

Well as much as i'd like you to be my slave you are valuable to us, well not if you're father doesn't care about you and does not send any of equal price for you. and if he does not then you will be a reward; a reward for anyone who is the most accomplished in the war. And as for you're first question i am Felix Hitler, 8th Fuhrer of Nazi Germany, And Ruler of Earth, along with the other planets-Felix

So you're their King, And if i kill you they will be leaderless-Piña



Reichstag Building

So, What do you have for me?-Felix

Mein Fuhrer, You have ordered us to have a occupied place on enemy territory so that we do not fight here in our world. That task has been completed Mein Fuhrer, I will now ask what kind of plan do we have?-Werner Von Blomberg

Give me the map-Felix

Here Mein Fuhrer-Random

So they're main territory are like the russians, So we must prepare for food, ammunition, gas, and clothing, We must learn from our past mistake in invading russia. So we will have paratroopers or SS drop down in the eastern part of the enemy territory and capture major farming fields especially the part near the coast so we can send supplies by sea. We won't capture their Capital just yet, the paratroopers should appear like a big army and they will send an army-Felix

Once they encounter the paratroopers, they will do guerilla tactics while navy from the south bombards the enemy. We will the Blitzkrieg through their back and surround them then 15% of the Blitzkrieg will continue to the east so that we will not have problems that are attacking us at the back. Then we will invade all the other Nations until the only enemy left is The Empire-Felix

Mein Fuhrer i have a question,; Why don't we capture the enemy capital right away?-Head of Intelligence

Because if we capture the capital they will either surrender or will use guerilla tactics, although they don't have guns guerilla tactics is still a pain in the ass-Felix

I understand Mein Fuhrer-Head of Intelligence

Schmidt, How is Project Stardust going?-Felix

It will be battle ready at the scheduled time Mein Fuhrer-Schmidt

Good Put it on a Battleship, the one which will go to the East, We will do this operation once Project Stardust is completed, which will be next month, dismiss-Felix


Project Stardust, A Project started 10 years after the moon landing. It's goal to harness the sun's power and add radiation and use it as a weapon have been completed after almost 50 years. A single shell from the Gustav Stardust can cause a 5 kilometer radius to be turned into scorching green fire. (wildfire from got) The aftermath will leave the 5 kilometer radius unhabitable for atleast 2 months, The effect of the radiation would be causing your skin to heat up and bubble and then your organs will explode, Then lead to your whole body exploding.