
Backlash - 009

Adrian and the twins all played the game as a trio of pros that roamed the map. They escorted big guilds from one place to another, fending off bullies and bandits who tried to harm them. Soon, the Seven Sins got tired of just sitting around, waiting for players to find them.

The Seven Sins all chose light-based secondary characters that let them play the game like others around them. Adrian and the twins met up with them and they all started playing together, all ten of them.

Their names were Great Speed (Sloth), Great Backpack (Greed), Great Banquette (Gluttony), Great Outfit (Lust), Great Thief (Envy), Great Hammer (Wrath), and Great Ego (Pride). They chuckled as they each came up with their names, not really worrying if people will judge them.

Great Ego was off showing Darke everything that there was, so they were missing a person. It didn't matter, however, as Mirror told him that he would catch him up level wise. Everyone in the game was roughly level twenty-five but the group of ten players was level thirty.

Mirror looked at everyone, "all present?"

"Yeah," said Great Hammer. Mirror smiled lightly as he witnessed them group around him. They were wondering what Mirror had to say. Hammer seemed slightly annoyed about the meeting.

"Okay, so here's something we're going to do. I'm going to add some NPC's that roughly act like you and they will be like an auto farm for you. The reason why is because we are going to create another game! It doesn't have to take as long, though. When you want to return here when you're done or bored, tell me so I can transfer the levels over."

They weren't quite expecting for him to say that, "is there something wrong with this game?"

"Oh, no no, that's not the case. I just wanted to allow people from different interests enjoy all of my creations, regardless of how their preferences want to turn out."

Great Hammer was furious and fuming, "so you want us to practically forget about what we just created together, a GINORMOUS GAME THAT SHOOK THE INTERNET, and forgets about it!?! We just spent months and countless ideas, gambling on the thought of making a name for ourselves, and you just want to 'create another one?' Do you want quantity? QUALITY WILL MAKE EVERYONE RESPECT YOU MORE!"

"T-that's not-"

"I was going to make this the best game with all of my ability, but you want me to strain myself by doing that for multiple projects at once? DO YOU THINK THAT WE ARE CAPABLE OF EVERYTHING?"

"Hammer-" (Envy)

"What I meant w-was-" (Mirror)

"STOP TRYING TO EXPLAIN, WAIT FOR NEWS LIKE THIS, THE PLOT NEEDS TO BE LONGER AND CONTINUOUSLY BECOME BET-" Just as he tried to continue, lightning had struck from the Heavens and crashed upon him, burning his character to a crisp.

"HOW DARE YOU SPEAK ILL OF FATE!!!" A frighteningly angelic voice blared from all around them, they all became silent, confusion written on their countenance.

"...What just happened...?"

. . .

They all were quiet as they frequently glanced up at the sky. Adrian asked The System if he had anything to do with it earlier, but it seemed that it was a technical interference that even it couldn't understand or process.

Adrian sighed as he felt guilty. He should've waited longer for him to tell them what he thought. He suddenly felt a gentle touch on his shoulder.

"It's okay Mirror, Hammer's always like that, you know?" Backpack chuckled.

"Yeah, he's just kinda scary sometimes... I kinda can't help but be frightened by him. Well... Anyways, I think we should at least do something." Adrian couldn't help but sigh.

"A Guild or Clan would sound nice."

"Well, yeah, it would. Do we have the time for that?"

"Seriously? You just asked if we could create another game like twenty minutes ago..."

"Er- yeah, I did, but I was actually meaning that it was going to be casual, you know?"

"I know, it's just that I thought it was humorous. Don't worry, guilds can also be casual. I hope, anyway."

"I hope so too, cause I think it sounds like a good idea."

. . .

They created a guild, without telling Hammer immediately. They waited several days after to tell him.

I'm sorry, but I am not that great at writing dialogue~. I tried, anyway. This is the main reason why I normally don't write it, though, I decided it was time. I, myself, get flustered whenever I talk to people, you know~? Also, I had to interfere when Hammer was talking because he was disrespecting my story, you know~? Regardless, I'm going to be posting twice a week now and I'm going to take it slooow~!

CasualSlothcreators' thoughts
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