
Game = Reality

Trey finally saves up enough money to buy the new video game “Sword Smash,” but he ends up inside the game’s world! To escape, he must find the power button, but he has no clue where it is! Trey meets other players and befriends them, but will they all make it out safely?

iura_shuuuuu · Fantasía
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2 Chs

New Game

This novel is completely fictitious, and none of the events here are based on real life.

Trey walked home with a huge smile on his face. He had finally bought the popular new game, "Sword Smash," and could barely wait to start playing it. As he neared his house, he picked up his pace so he could play as soon as possible. When he approached the front door, he quickly unlocked it and sped to his room.

Trey opened the game's case, took out the cartridge, and entered it into his PGE, which stands for "Portable Gaming Everywhere." The home screen popped up with the buttons "New Game" and "Continue Game." Trey selected New Game, expecting to finally start playing Sword Smash. Instead, he suddenly passed out on his bed and awoke to a dark void.

Trey looked all around, but couldn't see anything other than himself. All of a sudden, he heard someone clear their throat. He flinched and looked around once more, but there was still nothing to be seen. Suddenly, the void started to brighten up, and Trey could see land filled with other players fighting enemies.

A strange looking man approached Trey from behind, and stared suspiciously at him with squinted eyes. Trey whirled around and his eyes widened. He froze for a few seconds, but eventually asked in a panicked voice..

"Who are you, and where am I!?"