
Game of thrones: the snow brothers

I’m in asoiaf and I’m going to fuck shit up.

Aga_tuguy · TV
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2 Chs

Chapter 1.

My old name was Jacob towers, 6'4, black hair with light blue eyes. 23 years old at home watching a game of thrones with my one night stand. She was one her stomach giving me head will I re-watch the game of thrones tv series. The series of wet noises and guk sounds were heard in the living room from said girl. Jacob feels his cock starts to swell, he grabs her head and forces her to go deeper. Jac whips he head back in bliss. Jac can feel her gulping down his cum down her throat. When he was done he pulls her off his cock. She chokes a bit but she quickly grabs her drink that's on the nightstand. With her gulping down her drunk Jacob does the same.

She smiles at him than crawls to him the lay her head on his chest and warps her arms around his body. Jacob smiles and pulls her close to him and both focuses on the tv.

~time skip~

After watching the episode 3 of the third season Jacob walks maddie outside his apartment both talk about plans of meeting again. before she leave jack gives her a hot make out seasons and watches her jiggly ass bounce as she walk away. Jack gives a small laugh at goes back to his apartment to get ready for bed.

After getting everything done he head to bed thinking about what if he was in a song of ice and fire. Saving sansa from Ramsay, save the north from the iron born, maybe pregnant a couple woman here and there. Become Robb brother or Jon's. so much possibilities but all fiction. Not real life.

Jacob slowly drifts off to sleep, than get jolted awake with a blinding light. The room is pure white, looks like it can go on for miles. I'm hosted up in the air looking around franticly till a voice call out to him.

"Hello my boy."

Jacob "who are you! Where am I!"

"A feisty one eh? Anyways I'm the god on reincarnation and heard your pleas."

Jacob "what!" Looking at the being if he was crazy. "This is a lie there no such thing."

"HAHAHA. T's true young one. You see we gods got into a fight and one of our attacks struck you by accident and we took pity on you. We seen your memories, god of sex love to watch your sexual experience and commented on the a virgin orgy you had in the beginning of high school. quite impressive." Flicks his hand and a screen pulls up.

Jacob was shock because no one knew that not even there boyfriends at the time. Jacob focuses on the screen that pop up. You can see Jacob watching his apartment was half destroyed. Seeing the firefighters/cops there escorting people to safety, the news crew filming and displaying the amount of casualties numbers 38 and counting. Jacob was num and look the the god with slight fear and awe.

Jacob "…so what was that you said earlier?" Said with uncertainty.

"BLAHAHAHAH. You make me laugh boy you should see your face. Anyways yes I'm the god of reincarnation and for our apologies we decided to send you to a new world. With some wishes not op wishes mind you.

Jacob "you know it sounds crazy when you put it that way." "Yes I know now pick." "Ok ok… can I.. wait how many wishes do I got?"

"You have six wishes."

Jacob "alright, do I get to chose where I get transported or you pick."

"I chose the place which I think you will like. It's a place you call 'a song of ice and fire'

Jacob gave an excited hmm and started to think about all the possibilities he could get. After some time Jacob spoke. "Can I be Jon snow twin brother."

"Jon, why not Robb stark or become someone els."

Jacob " I don't know, yeah Robb cool but he's to hung on being honorable but not me when they harm my family they will die for it.

"Good your old morals won't work there and that counts as your first wish."

Jacob 'Shit' "alright can I have chakra."

"Hmm done. But you will have to learn everything on your own."

Jacob "ok. Can get a mastery of weapons, like any weapons I use I become a master at it."

"Done but you will have to train for them."

Jacob "I can deal with that. How about a village that is loyal to me and if so how much people can I have?"

"Hmm *looks to his left than back at him* max

10 000 people and it can grow when you step one foot into the village."

Jacob "yes! Ok but can I add workers there like farmers, blacksmiths and shipbuilders etc… and all must be first men and woman."

"You can but it will cost you a wish."

Jacob "fuck!! Ok I'll do it. Ok last one… can I have a mercenary company." "Yes you can and same thing applies to the village and *looks up for a second and nods* you can customize the company also and name it. If you want to contact them you must step foot on essos."

"FUCK YEAH! *coughs* sorry.. *god waves him off* ok can I have 10 000 men than. *nods* alright out of the 10 000 there will be 4000cavalry, 1000 archers. 2000 with be heavy and light spears. 3000 heavy and light infantry.The will be infantry mix with battle axes, hammers, swords, shields. And the name will be 'the weirwood company' and the banner will be on with a dessert plan with a weirwood in the middle. And can it have firstmen runes on the sides n top."

"Done and remember. What ever you do in that world won't harm you when you come back."

"What you mean."

"If you want to become a murder of evil and innocent it won't bite you in the ass when you come back. If you want to become a slaver or raper it won't come back to you."

"Fuck this is real." Jacob was thinking this was a dream but now, now everything going to change and he knows it. ' I'm going to change the song' was the only thing running throw his mind. In an instant everything change from a white abyss to and colourful blurry wooden ceiling. The sun shines through the window. Making it brighter.

A crying baby in the room and was put next to me. Than it hits men I'm Jon's twin brother hope I have stark features and not Valyrian ones. I get giddy inside thinking I'm in asoiaf and all the characters that he'll meet. but a sense of dread filled my bones, it's kill or be killed here. Woman age 6 and above get rape on a daily especially during war time. Wildling kidnaps a woman from her home and have there way with them after. Iron born just ràpe and pillaged with out a care in the world. Men kill men over petty things. Let's mot forget the boltons of the dread Fort and Lannister's.

Every emotion came rushing into his body, dread, joy, fear, excitement, longing. His small little body couldn't take the emotion and slowly lost consciousness.

~time skip~

Voices can be heard someone telly 'get a maester' than a soft raspy voice. I can feel my body be lifted up and being place on the pale black hair woman, with blood on her hands and lower body. Which I know is Lyanna Targaryen since I watch the tv series, which the whole rebellion was built on a lie. It's sad because I won't be able to grow up with a mother to raise me. I can barely see my brother Jon being pass to Ned.

Raspy voice "he's name is Aegon Targaryen and this one *gestures to me* is Cregan stark… please… if he know he.. will kill them. Promise me. Promise me.

Jacob heard he is a stark and not a Targaryen shock him

-Ned pov-

I was look at both baby's both have the stark look long face, black hair, grey colour eyes except for cregan he has a bit of purple in both his eyes, irises. Both boys were quite.

After some time ned walk out the tower with a wet nurse that was left behind her name is wylla. Tanned colour skin, with a grey blooded robe. Howland reed was nursing his wound he got across her chest from the sword of the morning. Howland watch Ned come out the tower of joy with two babes and a wet nurse holding the other babe.

Howland was about to speak but Ned bet him to it.

Ned "their name are jon and cregan snow my bastards." Howland wanted to speak up but Ned gives him a cold glare. Howland goes up the keep and wraps up lyanna stark body while Ned confronts the little one. Ned is distraught from losing his father, brother and sister because the rebellion was a lie his family dies for a lie.

Both Ned and Howland and wylla all got on the horses and started to head south to house dayne to return the sword or the morning.

~time skip~ -cregan pov-

It's been a couple moons since I came in Westeros. I'm stuck with howland and wylla heading up north to winterfell and Ned went to kings landing to tell king Robert the news. All day every day all I do is shit, eat, and sleep. I stop myself from crying only when I'm hungry or had a shit. Plus sucking on a big tit woman had its up sides. Jon cry's a lot throw out this whole journey. We past the neck a moons turn ago and shout be at winterfell soon can't wait to see the castle. My eye sight has grown no longer seeing anything blurry. Looking at the trees and small settlements are fascinating.


Seeing winterfell is nothing like the show with was amazing. Two high walls the first one grey stone wall about 80 ft high and the one behind it 100 fr high. The broken tower is huge. The main keep can be seen from here. Some men with a stark banner came towards us to escort me and Jon home.

A man with a long face, grey colour eyes looks at both of us and had a sad smile on his face. Maybe thinking of lyanna. He must be benjin stark soon to be first ranger in the night watch. He holds Jon first and than me, a small tear run down his face. He turns around and walks back in the keep. Ordering people around, preparing for neds return and his sister.


Ok I know this is not the original books I said I was going to do but oh well. This story is for shit and giggles. And if you want to see the winterfell i chose than go to the YouTube channel 'shadiversity' and it's called 'the true WINTERFELL according to the books, EPIC 3d model, tour and comparison' skip to +20:00 to see the winterfell I chose.

⚠️warning ⚠️

this story contains underage sex, rape, torture, slavery, and dark stuff. If you can't handle it than please stop reading.