
chapter 36 : Rallying the Troops

Jon got ready to return to the Wall quickly when he saw Baratheon' soldiers coming towards him with someone at their head, he had lightly tanned skin, silver hair and beautiful green eyes on a face with fine features.

It was obvious that the man had Valyrian genes but he saw a lot of people like that in Essos among the common and even slave population.

 "Lord Stark…" The man greeted him and Jon also greeted him in return, respect is answered with respect in the North.

 Jon: Are you the one leading Stannis's soldiers now ?

 ???? : They chose me to guide them although by his status, Stannis is still the leader. I am Aurane Waters, I swore allegiance to Stannis Baratheon and fought for him at the Battle of Blackwater where I almost died (That's another reality) .

 Jon: Do you need anything ?

 Aurane: My lord, I have chosen to follow a king in Stannis to House Velaryon as master of ships. Unfortunately, we lost at Blackwater and several of my men were captured or worse. If you are an excellent leader then you know how to take into account the importance of your men.

 Jon: You need me to free your men.

 Aurane: You'll have my allegiance if you help me.

 Jon: We have some extremely skilled navigators already in the Night's Watch, I don't really need the skills of a Velaryon even if it's a Waters. If you had been captured, would you have pledged allegiance to the crown?


 Jon: I see...you are an honest man and you think about your men, I respect that. Fight this battle with us and we'll free your men but the chances that they are still alive are extremely low.

 Aurane: I'll fight alongside you then, Lord Stark.

 Jon nodded and mounted his horse to speed towards Nightfort. In less than 2 hours with shadow's maximum speed, he arrived at Nightfort (I don't know if you realize the distance) and organized an emergency meeting with the lord commander and all the other captains.

Jon explained the situation and everyone bought into the plan. In no time, with the discipline and rapid order of the sworn brothers, 4000 brothers were chosen to participate in the surprise attack against the Bolton alliance numbering only about 10 000 men at Moat Cailin.

 They quickly started racing, the goal was to reach the meeting point with the resistance near Winterfell before dark and it was barely 11am (These guys are mutants, that's almost nothing for them) .

While he was on his horse, he noticed one of the sworn brothers who had special and non-regulatory equipment so he got off Shadow to get closer to the sworn brother. 

 Jon: (To sworn brother) What's your name and what fort do you serve in, brother?

 Sworn Brother: My name is Gendry, Captain Commander. I serve at Stonedoor, I'm a blacksmith.

 Jon: Why did you waste our dragonsteel to make a war Hammer ? Slicing and piercing are the effective functions of weapons made to counter the army of the dead and other enemies.

 Gendry: I beg your pardon, Captain Commander. I have tried the use of the spear and the sword but even if thanks to the blessing of the old gods my handling of these weapons is excellent, I only feel comfortable with a war hammer. I'll be ready to be punished after this battle but please let me fight for the North first.

 Jon: Punishment isn't necessary, people who are naturally comfortable with a certain type of weapon are generally dangerous with those weapons. I order you to crush as many of these traitors as possible with your hammer, Gendry.

 Gendry: (laughs) At your command, Captain Commander.

 "Captain Commander, it's a true honor to walk alongside you." Another young man said next to Gendry, he carried a dragon steel spear.

 Jon: What's your name ?

 The boy: I'm Podrick Payne, I served Lord Tyrion and when he left, he advised me to come to the Night's Watch. It's probably the best decision I've ever made in my life.

 Jon: Are you from the same family as the one who was my father's executioner ? Ilyn Payne ?


 Jon: Ahahahah don't make that face my friend, we are brothers. I know your name Podrick , you are famous.

 Podrick: Is that true?! Have you heard of me ? It is an honor...

 Jon: My guys talk a lot and we sometimes laugh about frivolous things over drinks. A rumor said that a new one was almost as loved as me by the prostitutes of Mole's Town.

 Podrick: I...Captain Commander...this is...


 Jon: They say you're good with a spear, I refuse to know if it's the one you're carrying or if it's the one between your legs. I have a friend in Dorne who I'm sure would really like to meet you ahahahah.

 Podrick: I embarrassed the Watch...I...I swear I won't go there again.

 Jon: What are you talking about? You must enjoy the little pleasures of life, The new reforms are more flexible, and even volunteers like you can keep aspiring to marriage. Drink with your companions, go to the brothel, treat the girls well but the most important thing is to do your duty. (to Gendry) This is also valid for you, blacksmiths have the bad habit of taking very little time to relax.

 Both: Yes, Captain Commander.

 "It was a pleasure talking and laughing with you my brothers. The north is proud to have people like you to defend it, see you later" He said as he returned to his horse to join Benjen at the front.

 Gendry: He really is as easygoing as the rumors say.

 Podrick: After this battle, the North will be a kingdom in its own right and he will officially be king. A king like him, can you imagine?

 Gendry: Certainly the best king in the history of Westeros.

 "Uncle" Jon greeted Benjen as he came to his right.

 Benjen: We'll end this story today, the North will be purified and liberated.

 Jon: After this, the North will be reborn stronger than ever, richer and much more powerful. I'm going to go get Mance and his people, it's time to see who is ready to fight for their new home. We meet at the meeting point, uncle.

 Benjen: Well, good luck.

 Jon left his brothers to gallop towards the large temporary camp of the free folk and once there, he gathered Mance and all the other leaders before telling them about the current situation.

 "It's much too sudden…"

 " NOW ? Just like that !? "

 They started complaining and Jon cleared things up.

 Jon: I warned you that you will have to earn your place in the North, this is your opportunity but once again I remind you that you do not have to fight. It's a choice.

 Mance: I'm going to fight...

 Val: I already made my choice for the North when we were welcomed.

 Tormund: Let's go kill these bastards.

 Mag arrived with his people to report that they were all going to participate and more than 10,000 wildlings decided to come, Jon reassured the others that they were not going to be expelled, he had promised them at Hardhome that he wasn't going to force them to do anything.

They wasted no time and quickly set off for the meeting point with Mance and the other leaders in front alongside Jon.

 Mance: Do we know how many our enemies are?

 Jon: There are fewer of them than us but they will have to hold a siege, they don't know we are coming for them.

 Jarl: A siege ? I imagined a good open air battle...

 Tormund: Me, as long as I have a little action it suits me. At least it's not the crows we're going to fight against.

 Jon: My brothers will fight alongside us. Did you really think we were going to use you as disposable tools?

 Mag: (Ancient language) Mag will crush more enemies than the great raven.

 Jon: Dream again. (looks at Karsi) You have children, you should have stayed with them.

 Karsi: It is precisely for their future here that I'll fight.

 Jon: If I wasn't already married, I would take you as my partner.

 "You already have a partner…?!! » Val asked totally shocked and disturbed by this.

 Jon: Yes, it was just a few days ago.

 Val: (disappointed) Is she from a high family in a beautiful castle.

 Jon: She's a noblewoman but my wife is not one of those fragrant gazelles, she's an authentic Northern warrior who could play with your strongest fighters like children. I had to beat her to get her to marry me.

 Val: I can't imagine a girl from behind the wall being a warrior.

 Ygritte: You're a chef, aren't you? Aren't you allowed to have multiple partners?

 Jon: It is not the custom of my people and I promised her that she will be the only one.

 Ygritte: Does she have a pretty face ?

 Jon: Lyra is very beautiful, beautiful long black hair and magnificent blue eyes like the ice of the frozen sea.

 Ygritte: I think you just haven't tasted a real Northern woman, the REAL North. One night with me and I promise you that-(interrupted)

 Harma: That's enough, stay focused. (to Jon) Is the meeting point far away?

 Jon: Very far. Will you be able to keep up?

 Tormund: We are used to walking frightening distances in the bitter cold on the other side of the wall. This little stroll is nothing at all.

 "Okay, let's continue..." Jon said smiling dismounting from his horse to run with them and they continued down the path.

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