
Game of The Universe

On June 11, 2045, a game called (Game of The Universe) that claims to be the second world that connects the entire universe suddenly goes viral on the internet. And the game also claims that the power in the game can be used in the real world. When the people playing the game could actually use the power in the game, the world that initially didn't believe the game's claims was immediately shaken by the unbelievable fact. Yi Yun is a high school student who is a top gamer. Even in the Game of the Universe that almost everyone on earth played, he still managed to reach the top 30. Due to a certain item he had painstakingly obtained, Yi Yun managed to return to the past to the day before the Game of the Universe appeared.

Saubi1234 · Juegos
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28 Chs


"Then what happens if the player dies?" Yi Yun's mother asked once again.

"If the player dies, the player will come back to life. However, the player level will drop one level."


Yi Yun and his family continued on their way.

The more downtown they went, the less damage they found. There are even some buildings that look completely intact.

Besides, even though there were very few light tribe people left, in that central area of ​​the city, they still carried out daily activities like trading and so on.

Right now, they seemed to be talking about the heroes who had suddenly appeared.

Some people seemed to have seen the heroes coming. Obviously apart from the Bear Emperor, there were other people who came to this city.

When Yi Yun and his family passed by the area, the people of the light tribe immediately cheered to greet them.

Of course, they still didn't dare to overreact by stopping them or talking to them.


Sometime later, Yi Yun and his family arrived at an area that was somewhat open.

Located in a certain place in the area was a magnificent palace completely white in color. The palace has a design with a traditional concept which is a typical light tribe building.

In this city, there might only be a few buildings with such a design.

Most of the traditional buildings like that can only be found in rural areas or districts around the city.

"Let's go there." Said Yi Yun while pointing to the palace courtyard where there was a circle of light that seemed to descend from the sky.

Around the circle of light, there were some light tribesmen who looked cultured and educated.

Some people wore palace maid clothes, some wore office clothes typical of the Land of Light, while the one leading them was an old man who looked still manly.

Yi Yun was not surprised to see them because they were the ones who would help the city lord take care of his city.

As long as one entered the halo of light beside them, one could claim the position of city lord.

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen, heroes who will bring the land of light back to its glory." The old man leading the people bowed as he greeted Yi Yun and the others who had just arrived.

When he bent down, the people behind him also bowed.

Compared to the commoners before, their actions seemed much more polite and respectful.

"Please, ladies and gentlemen, one of you can enter this circle of light and become the lord of the city. You also have the right to name this city." The old man then asked with a polite gesture.

"Mom, do you want to be the lord of the city?" Yi Yun suddenly spoke to his mother in a joking tone.

Leading a company for a long time, Yi Yun's mother always exuded the aura of a leader wherever she went. Yi Yun offered the position of city lord to his mother because her mother's ability to lead people was unquestionable.

Even though Yi Yun seemed to be joking as he spoke, Yi Yun didn't mind if his mother really wanted to become the lord of the city.

"Are you making fun of your mother?" Yi Yun's mother looked irritated when she heard Yi Yun's offer.

After all, no matter how strange the world was, it was still just a game in the end. Yi Yun's mother who had not fully adapted still did not take this world seriously.

"Mom, this boy is clearly starting to want to show his position." Elly replied.


Worried about making them even angrier, Yi Yun finally took a step forward to enter the circle of light.

"Do you want to be lord of the city?"

A voice resounded from the halo just as Yi Yun entered it.

That voice was not only heard by Yi Yun, but also heard by those around Yi Yun.

"Yes…" Yi Yun replied with a nod.

"If you really want to become lord of the city, then swear with all your soul that you will protect this city and its inhabitants even if it costs you your life."

"I swear that I will definitely protect the city and its inhabitants. Unless I die, this city will never be destroyed." Yi Yun replied in a firm tone.

In fact, nothing would happen if someone actually broke their oath. Even in the past, if the city really couldn't hold on anymore, most city lords would prefer to run away to save themselves. After all, if someone died, their strength would be lowered as punishment.

Of course, someone who leaves the city will still get a bad title.

Even though Yi Yun swore in a firm tone, Yi Yun himself would choose to flee if things really went south. In Yi Yun's past life, the city lords who died defending their city only earned a medal of honor from the inhabitants of the light tribe.

Of course, if Yi Yun couldn't defend his own city despite having the experience of one life, Yi Yun better stop playing this game.


After Yi Yun's oath, there was no longer a voice that answered him.

However, the circle of light surrounding Yi Yun suddenly started to condense at an extremely fast pace.

Before anyone could realize what was happening, it had turned into a white ring with the symbol of a city.

The ring then moved itself towards Yi Yun's finger.

Yi Yun did not reject the ring because he knew that it was a symbol of the city lord.

Whoever holds the ring, that person can never be attacked by another player as long as that person is in his city.

Apart from that, the ring could also be used to give orders to the servants of the city lord.

"Now name your city." The previous voice suddenly resounded from the ring that was already on Yi Yun's finger.

"City of Dove."

Yi Yun answered without thinking.

"Congratulations, you are now the lord of Dove City."

"You will get a quest to rebuild the city and its troops."

The voice answered.

After that voice, another voice suddenly resounded. However, the voice this time not only echoed around Yi Yun, but echoed so that it could be heard throughout the city.

"From now on this city is called 'City of Dove' which is ruled by a hero named 'Knight of Dove'. The Knight of Dove has the right to rule the city and make the rules for the city."

When they heard that voice, all the gamers who had just arrived in the city couldn't help clicking their tongues before the curse words left their mouths.

"Damn, someone already took the city!"

As gamers, things like this have often happened.

When the game allows someone to rule the city, the position of the city ruler is always fought over by the players.


"We greet the city lord."

The people standing to the side finally greeted Yi Yun as the city lord.

"My name is Erwan. I will help you run your city, whatever you command, I will definitely carry it out." The old man in the lead introduced himself.

"Mn." Yi Yun nodded.

"Alright Erwan, now help me make the rules.

First, all forms of crime are prohibited in this city.

Second, people were prohibited from fighting in the city. But they can fight in the battle area provided.

Third, people who wish to live in this city are required to register themselves, and they are also required to pay five percent of their income to the city authorities each month.

Also, create a registration area to become a city troop. "

Yi Yun ordered to establish a set of rules.

Of course, the important thing is to build up the city troop first.

Without the city troops who would assist him, Yi Yun would not be able to rule this city in peace.

The other reason was because it was also the first quest assigned by the city lord ring. Yi Yun would be considered completing the Quest as long as he managed to gather a hundred troops.

"Oh yah, please give them the status of the highest nobility." Yi Yun once again ordered Erwan.

With the status of the highest nobility, his family can basically do whatever they want in this city.