
Game of The Universe

On June 11, 2045, a game called (Game of The Universe) that claims to be the second world that connects the entire universe suddenly goes viral on the internet. And the game also claims that the power in the game can be used in the real world. When the people playing the game could actually use the power in the game, the world that initially didn't believe the game's claims was immediately shaken by the unbelievable fact. Yi Yun is a high school student who is a top gamer. Even in the Game of the Universe that almost everyone on earth played, he still managed to reach the top 30. Due to a certain item he had painstakingly obtained, Yi Yun managed to return to the past to the day before the Game of the Universe appeared.

Saubi1234 · Juegos
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28 Chs


With great difficulty, Yi Yun finally managed to convince his mother and older sister.

They may still not believe his words, but now they are at least willing to follow what he says.

So that they could play without worrying when the game was released, Yi Yun even asked his mother to buy the latest, most advanced Virtual Reality equipment.

There are different types of Virtual Reality equipment. However, the most advanced are the tools that can almost allow the user to hibernate.

Even though it didn't reach the level like in the novels where a person could sleep for up to a hundred years, it would at least be fine if they played for a few days.

Yi Yun had actually wanted to buy the equipment for a long time, but his mother didn't let him buy it.

Now he's asking his mother to buy three at a time so the three of them can play without worry.

Under Yi Yun's insistence who continued to say something that seemed insane, Yi Yun's mother ended up still following Yi Yun's words.

She immediately contacted her secretary to buy them the Virtual Reality equipment Yi Yun wanted, and had it delivered to their home that very day.

"Elly, how do you think the world would change if what your brother said really happened?" Yi Yun's mother jokingly asked Yi Yun's older sister.

Because of her mixed blood, Yi Yun's older sister was given the name Elly as her last name.

"Mom, do you believe his words? I think we should immediately send younger brother Yun to a mental hospital. I'm afraid he will say aliens are coming tomorrow. Hahahaha…" Yi Yun's sister burst out laughing.


"Come on, I gave birth to both of you, if your brother is completely insane, this mother must be the first one to feel it. Your brother doesn't look like an insane person."

"Maybe he was possessed by an old spirit that got lost from the underworld."

"...." Yi Yun.

Not wanting to keep hearing his older sister's banter, Yi Yun chose to take the headset his sister had just put on and play the music so loud that he couldn't hear his mother and older sister's conversation anymore.

Yi Yun only removed the headset after an hour or so later when the sound of a delivery truck arrived outside their villa.

"It's here."

Yi Yun stood up and immediately walked out of the villa. His mother and older sister also followed closely behind.

"Mom, we have to put it in the basement bunker to make it safer." Said Yi Yun on the way.



"Do you think there will be a nuclear war tomorrow?" Yi Yun's older sister, Yi Elly, finally could no longer endure Yi Yun's changes since the last one returned.

The underground bunker beneath their villa was something that could even withstand a nuclear attack, Yi Yun wanted that virtual reality equipment to be put there so that even if something unexpected happened, they could spend the rest of their time there.

That place also had sufficient inventory for even ten years.

Before truly reaching a high level, Yi Yun would pay more attention to his safety in the real world. After all, if the people in power wanted to catch him, it would be very easy for them.

If he wanted to walk worry-free on this earth, he would have to reach level 80 and above at the very least. At that time, even if the people in power used nukes to suppress him, Yi Yun could still escape unharmed.

If he reaches level 90, he can even face nuclear weapons fearlessly.

"Okay okay. We do need extra security if what Yun said really happens."

Even though Yi Yun's request was a bit exaggerated, his mother still agreed to it in the end.

After speaking, Yi Yun's mother then took out a high-end Smartphone in that year. Through her Smartphone, she opened the main gate of the villa that seemed impossible to push with the force of a human hand.

Previously, Yi Yun had only entered the villa through a small gate that was beside the main gate.

After the main gate was opened, the first to enter was not a delivery truck, but a black sports car that looked very eye-catching even on a rather dark night.

The car stopped not far from the villa door where Yi Yun and the others were standing.

When the sports car door opened, a pair of long legs wearing a professional skirt then stepped out, followed by the beautiful figure of a woman who looked a little cold.

Only by looking at her professional appearance, one could immediately tell that the woman who looked twenty-seven years old was an office woman.

The woman's name was Su Wuyao, and she was Yi Yun's mother's secretary.

Apart from not being blood related, Su Wuyao was basically almost like Yi Yun's mother's adopted daughter.

She is an orphan who grew up in an orphanage.

When she was in junior high school, Yi Yun's mother discovered her talent, which later helped her get the best education possible.

Su Wuyao could be said to be a fanatical fan of Yi Yun's mother. Whether it was in the manner of dress or the temperament, almost all of them followed Yi Yun's mother's way.

In the past life, Su Wuyao was the only person who knew the identity of their family game.

Of course, that was also because Su Wuyao did know quite a lot about their family. After all, being her mother's secretary, almost all matters in their family were taken care of by her.

Even without being told, she could probably guess that it was them.

If they purposely kept it secret from her, it might cause awkwardness in their relationship.

In this life, Yi Yun naturally still chose to tell Su Wuyao. It's just that, he was quite confused about how to tell her now when even her mother and sister still couldn't believe what he was saying.


After getting out of her car, Su Wuyao immediately walked towards the door of the villa where Yi Yun and his family were. She immediately greeted Yi Yun's mother politely before nodding at Yi Yun and his older sister.

Due to her rather cold nature, Yi Yun and his sister were actually not very close to Su Wuyao even though they knew each other quite well.

"Mn, if you are tired, you can stay here tonight." Yi Yun's mother said as she saw Su Wuyao still wearing her office uniform.

Towards Su Wuyao, Yi Yun's mother's attitude was almost as friendly as her attitude towards her own children.

"Thank you President." Su Wuyao who did look tired nodded her head. She did not reject Yi Yun's mother's offer. In reality, she was already used to living in the Yi Yun family villa. She often stayed over mainly because of unfinished work.

"Don't call me President. We're not in the office right now."

"Sorry mom." Su Wuyao answered in a slightly awkward tone when she addressed Qin Tian's mother as mom.

"Oh, we may need to buy another piece of equipment." Yi Yun said when he heard the conversation between Su Wuyao and his mother.

When Su Wuyao heard Yi Yun's words, she finally looked at the family with a questioning expression. She was quite confused as to why they had purchased so many extremely advanced Virtual Reality equipment.

"Yeahhh, maybe Yun's head got hit by something. Ever since he got back to school, he's been saying weird and nonsense things." Yi Yun's mother spoke with an awkward face. "But he's right, we might need to buy another one."


After Yi Yun's mother's words, several men then got out of the truck that had entered the courtyard of Yi Yun's family villa. After exiting, one of the men came towards Yi Yun's mother while the rest went to unload the truck.

"Was it put in straight away, madam?" The man who came towards Yi Yun's mother asked.

The man looked surprised by the beautiful women who inhabit the villa. However, he didn't dare to be disrespectful because he knew the people living in this neighborhood were a bunch of people who absolutely shouldn't be offended in the city of Shanghai.

"Yes." Yi Yun's mother only answered with one word. Her expression also turned cold as she spoke to the man.

That coldness was Yi Yun's mother's genuine attitude.

According to what Yi Yun heard, his mother had been very cold ever since she was very young.

Of course, she was not a tsundere woman who could turn shy when teased by men.

Even at her current age, Yi Yun's mother still had no shortage of pursuers who wanted to make her a lover. But no matter how good the men who tried to chase after her, she was completely unmoved by them.



Some time later...

Due to Su Wuyao's arrival, Yi Yun's mother finally decided to buy additional Virtual Reality equipment. But she didn't buy one, she actually once again bought three Virtual Reality equipment.

After all the Virtual Reality equipment was installed and ready to use, the family finally gathered in the underground bunker.

Apart from the excited-looking Yi Yun, the other three couldn't help but look strange as they stared at the Virtual Reality equipment which was enough each to buy a single sports car.

The Virtual Reality Equipment was in the form of a capsule as big as a hospital bed.

"Sis, it's better if you delete our purchase records to make it safer." Yi Yun said to Yi Elly.

"Yeah. I hope everything you say really happens." Said Yi Elly. "Otherwise, I won't let you play games again."

When Yi Elly started working to erase their purchase records, she also explained to Su Wuyao the reason why they bought that Virtual Reality equipment.

Even though Su Wuyao's expression looked colder, when she heard Yi Elly's explanation, her expression was even more exaggerated than Yi Yun's mother and sister. At this moment, she started looking at Yi Yun with suspicious eyes.