
Far-teus, the loved

Nature kneels before my walk. The pure Mukin hangs over my head, and perhaps the world itself is the one who wishes to make me his king.The Far-ies trembled only at the sound of a trumpet, but today we are the ones who blow them.

The tree of the world has burned once, but it will no longer burn. In my reign no more tree will burn. Whether it be the Drak-hans, Immortals, Fallens or even Hume-nins, none of them will make me kneel before their presence.

Mukin called me Far-Teus, son of Far-Geus and father of Far-Dreus, I am his king and for my people I will win.


My head is a mess, my vision is completely dark and surely I see no more than just some blurred figures. By the shape of the figures they must be people.



I could not understand a single word of what they were saying, but I felt a sting in my chest, then it was a strong pain. I tried to scream for them to stop, but the only sound that came out of my mouth was.


I ... I can not speak. Moving my arms and legs was extremely difficult, they seemed to be super heavy, moving my head was even harder, but what the heck is going on here ?.

The pain I was feeling at a single point began to move as if it were guided by a needle, my god how it hurts, I have never done a tattoo in my life, but I doubt that making a hurt so much.

As the pain continued I could feel a strange sensation spreading all over my body, even the few hairs on my head quivered as they came into contact with such energy.

"Was a success sir"

Suddenly I heard the old tired voice close to my ear. I opened my eyes that had closed because of the pain, it was like putting on a VR glasses and is in a fantasy game.

In front of me was a completely blue 3d window, there were black letters written on it.

Name: Gray Silver Thunder.

Title: ...

Level: 0

Integrated monsters: Four prey tiger.

Skills: 32 pieces of destiny, destiny cards.

Strength: 05 Agility: 05

Intelligence: 05 Luck: 05

"Hey sir he looks like you"

The old man ripped me out of the arms of anyone who was holding me before he took me in front of a muscular man with silver-gray hair on his shoulders.

"I feel little or almost no Mukin of his brand, other than that, why does it have this shape?, The shape of my family is a sword-like scratch and usually has the colors gray or silver"

The man looked into my eyes for only a few seconds before focusing all attention on my chest, where both the pain and the strange sensation flowed, thinking well while I felt the pain could realize that it did not move in a random manner but with a certain sense.

"Of me here, let me see"

The old man again caught me in the arms and while he checked my mark I looked at the horizon of the room, on a bed of dark wood lay a woman with long red hair, so I looked at her, she also looked at me, but in their There was a certain anger in her eyes, her brows furrowed and her bottom lip bleeding told me she was holding herself.

I did as a good kid and stretched out my hands as I smiled at her, and I saw her expression change, it was a little regret now, but even then she turned her face away.

"Well, we have an anomaly here sir. The mark itself i have never seen, as to the color pure gold, all those with the same color did great things in the past"

He finished checking the mark, sometimes even touched it, tickled the first time, but then scratched like crazy, I protested with some wild baby shouts and it made them stop.

I went back into my father's arms, and again he looked for some time at my mark, but in the end he handed me to some maid and I was taken to what should be cleaning.

After bathed they stuffed a breast into my mouth and I ended up drinking milk. At first it tasted strange, but over time I got used to it and enjoying it.

At first it was strange to have to nurse on the chest of a random woman I had never seen in my life, and who was not even my real mother, but the hunger won from me and became a normal act of my life, for all the others it was completely normal, but they would not think it if they knew I was 20 in my other life.

Out to nurse and move from arm to arm I did nothing else. The weather was always cold and the house was always so silent, the only sound I could hear was the sound of the wind and my father's training outside.

The day was short, and the nights long, to fuck even more with my head. I slept in the same room as my parents and so I could hear the sounds of the bed and groans, but it was not my mother, it was the busty maid who nursed me during the day.

And so I spent my first three years, just sucking, and running like a retard in the house, I learned later that I had a sister two years older than me, but just like my mother she ignored me.

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