
Meet with Odin

After calming down all girls with sweet word the case is finally over. After everyone calming down i then tell then the story of Oichi. Why is she calling me that. Hearing that rhe girls are crying and Nobuna showing an interesting look.

After that we are out from the carriage and i tell Shen to put the carriage and the Chocobo inside carriage. The girls are wearing hooded robe with mask. I already tell them my plan and already do pactio with the rest of the girl. Yumina bashfull expression is really great.

Aftee we coming inside the transport place we are guided to teleport ring. Inside the array there a lot people that hadn't had a partner. After some time the array are active and we arrive at the place that look like a colosseum. There some with knight armor are guiding us to one place. Only the candidate that can go toward that place from what i heard from one of the knight.

After we arrive at the place. There a few old man standing im front of us. Seeing one of the old man my magic are spike up because of anger. It look like he are sensing my magic spike up because he are looking at my way. Without me knowing how, now i are standing in front of him.

????: Young man, why i sense you are hold high hostility toward me?

Akira: You know old man, i don't know how but at the time i saw you, i feel like want to punch you.

????: Why is that?

Akira: Maybe an instinc.

Hearing that the old man are speechless and making the other old man laugh hard.

????: Hahaha Odin. It really hilarious... You make someone that just meet you, giving you that much hostility.

Odin: Zeus, shut up.

So the old man are Odin. Freya father. That's why i feel like punching him.

Odin: Haaa. that's enough. Young man because you are one of the candidate i'll let it slide this time. Now back to your place.

With him waving it hand, i git transported at the front of the other candidate.

Odin: Listen this young man. After you ascend to the next world Nidavelier, we'll update all of the condition of you'll do for the next crossover mission. But for now your mission to ascend ia only one became the champion. You'll fight each other with ot without your partner that you got from the crossover mission. But because we are kid.... I mean choosing too much people, we'll dividing you to 64 block. The last man standing the one that had higher poin will be the one that move to the next phase. We'll place your system on the ranking platform and we'll send your placing with the system call. You had one hour to prepare.

After heard that everyone are spreading and i tell what happened here via telephaty. They already go inside the Asora. At the time i follow the knight. But because it too crowded i just stand waiting the crowd dispersed.

Odin: Young Man, can you follow me?

The old man Odin calling me with a displeased emotion. Because the one called me is the most prominempt Divine Enitity i can only nod and follow him. We then arrive at a room that looked like a lounge. He then said something that making me more angry.

Odin: Now young man i only had one thing to say to you. For this battle you can't use all of your power. We'll restrict your power.

Akira: Old man what grudge you had with me.

Odin: I don't had any grudge toward you. Only your stat is too dangerous. You can insta kill all of contestant.

Akira: What do you mean old man? You already scrapped up my stat. I can't see the stat and almost all of the skill is vanish, with the last two skill that i had i even can't activate one of them you know? How that are dangerous?

Odin: We only hid it not scrapped it. Don't worry we'll show it to you if your rank is at least 3. Any question?

I only can sigh hear all of that. Those reason is something that i couldn't agree but i can't do anything about it. I'll ask the one that bugging me this whole time.

Akira: Why you banned me?

Odin: Because there alot Divine Entity jealous with your luck. There a lot complain from other guide, that by your existance the game balance is broken.

Akira: So for the thing as fairness you are sacrificing me? Why only me that treated unfair? You even taking my guide.

Odin: I'm sorry i can't do a thing about that. If i still make you had your guide, my daughter will be in danger. But don't worry if you win this ascending battle i'll relieve your ban. But you stat will still be scrapped up.

Akira: Hey old man you are making me curious, can i see my stat after became ascender?

Odin: I only can say that you are only the contestant that bringing cheat engine called infinite charm and luck. Now times up. Go, remember to holding back.

{Host are assign to the 13 block. Do host ready to transfer?}


{transfering in 10. 9. 8. 7. 6 .5. 4. 3. 2. 1. 0. commence transfer}

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