
Game of Kings

In the VR world of [Game of Kings], there are over 1 billion players world wide. The game is played on a world map that is earth 1:10 scale. There are no NPC, only human players in the game. This is a game where players can band together to build civilizations that will stand the test of time or declare wars that will throw the entire world into chaos. To build or to destroy, all is for the player to decide, in the world of [Game of Kings]. Huge thanks to @Creaking_Shadow for this awesome cover ( ^ω^ ) Disclaimer: The background music used inside does not belong to me. All political views and religious view is strictly fictional views of characters and by no means to offend or persecute any race or religion.

Enejiang · Fantasía
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71 Chs

[48] The Clash in the Coliseum

The crowd held its breath as the Destroyer and the samurai circled each other in the pit of the Coliseum. The giant gladiator, with his imposing frame and heavy armor, seemed like a behemoth next to the lithe, armored figure of the samurai.

Senator Marcellus leaned forward in his seat, a look of smug anticipation on his face. "Watch and learn, Wang. This is going to be a bloodbath."

I simply smiled, my eyes fixed on the arena. The samurai moved with a grace that belied the deadly intent behind each motion, her katana an extension of her will.

The first clash was explosive. The Destroyer lunged, his massive sword swinging in a wide arc, aiming to crush his opponent in one fell swoop. But the samurai was quick, ducking under the blade with agility that drew gasps from the crowd.

"They're just warming up," Marcellus said, though I detected a hint of uncertainty in his voice.

The samurai danced around the Destroyer, her movements fluid and precise. She was a whisper of silk against the brute force of her opponent, her katana slicing through the air with lethal precision.

The Destroyer roared in frustration, swinging wildly in an attempt to catch the elusive samurai. But she was always a step ahead, her strategy one of evasion and quick strikes.

"Come on, Destroyer! Crush that bug!" Marcellus shouted, his confidence waning as the fight dragged on.

But the tide was turning. The samurai, seizing an opening, darted in. Her blade struck true, a quick, clean slash across the Destroyer's thigh. He bellowed in pain, staggering back, the red pixels of a wound appearing on his avatar.

The crowd erupted into cheers and jeers, the spectacle reaching a fever pitch. The samurai didn't relent. She moved like a shadow, her attacks a series of quick, sharp strikes that wore down the Destroyer's defenses.

Marcellus was on his feet now, cursing and shouting, his face red with agitation. "No, no, no! This can't be happening!"

In a final, desperate move, the Destroyer charged, his sword raised for a killing blow. But the samurai sidestepped with ease, her katana sweeping up in a graceful, deadly arc.

The blade connected with the Destroyer's neck, and in a burst of red pixels, he collapsed, his avatar dissolving into the digital ether of the game.

Silence fell over the Coliseum for a brief moment, before it was broken by a thunderous mix of applause and disbelief. The samurai stood alone in the center of the arena, victorious against all odds.

Marcellus sank back into his seat, his face a mask of disbelief and anger. "Fk! That was... That was impossible!"

I couldn't help but smirk, leaning back in my seat. "Never underestimate the underdog, Senator. Sometimes, they surprise you."

Then, in a move that caught everyone off guard, the samurai reached up and removed her helmet. Long, silky black hair spilled out, framing a face of serene beauty and fierce determination.

The crowd murmured in surprise and admiration. I found myself intrigued, my interest piqued by this unexpected revelation. The samurai, a woman of skill and grace, had just upended expectations and rewritten the narrative of the day.

"Come on Sophie," I got up from my seat and waved for her to follow. "A new opportunity is waving at us." I smirked.


Post-battle, I managed to arrange a private meeting with the enigmatic samurai who had captivated the Coliseum. As I entered the secluded room, I found her sitting calmly, her posture poised and her long, silky black hair cascading over her shoulders, a stark contrast against her lighter armor. Her features were sharp, exuding a quiet intensity that spoke of her serious and focused nature.

"Congratulations on your victory," I began, extending a hand. "That was an impressive display out there. You've got the whole Coliseum talking."

She looked up, her eyes assessing me with a cool, measured gaze. "Thank you," she replied, her voice steady and confident. "I fight to win. The Coliseum is no place for half measures."

"I'm Wang," I introduced myself, still holding her gaze. "And you are?"

"Hakuya Amane," she answered, accepting my handshake. Her grip was firm, the handshake of a warrior.

"Hakuya, a name as unique as your fighting style," I remarked, releasing her hand. "You seem to have mastered the art of the katana. Not something you see every day in the Coliseum."

She nodded slightly. "The katana is more than a weapon; it's an extension of the self. It requires discipline, focus, and a clear mind."

I studied her for a moment, intrigued by her demeanor. "You're not like the usual fighters here. There's a determination about you, a purpose. What brings you to the Coliseum?"

Hakuya's expression remained impassive, but her eyes flickered with a depth of purpose. "I fight to honor my heritage and to prove my skills. The Coliseum is a stage where the strong can truly shine and the weak fall away."

Her words resonated with an unwavering resolve, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of respect for her. "You've certainly proven your strength today. But there's more to you than just a skilled fighter, isn't there?"

She paused, considering her response. "Everyone has layers, Mr. Wang. I am no different. My loyalty and dedication are to my principles and those I hold dear."

Her serious, no-nonsense attitude was refreshing, a stark contrast to the usual bravado and bluster of Coliseum warriors. Her appearance, though undeniably attractive with her elegant features and athletic build, was clearly not her defining trait. Hakuya Amane was a warrior with depth, a fact that made her all the more intriguing.

"I admire your principles," I said, genuine in my sentiment. "And your loyalty. Qualities like those are rare in 'Game of Kings.' Especially in places like the New Roman Empire."

Hakuya met my comment with a nod, a slight softening in her otherwise stoic demeanor. "Thank you. I find that staying true to one's principles is a battle in itself, especially in an empire rife with intrigue and power plays. But if you are looking to hire me, I am afraid I must decline, as I already have a superior."

"Looks like I was a bit too late." I chuckled to myself.

"Until our paths cross again, Wang." Hakuya said, before turning away and waving an arm.

"Until our paths cross again, Hakuya." My lips form into a small smile.

Q: How do you handle rejections?